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No, I totally didn't repeat a second Friday Update #18 post and then realize the mistake weeks later and correct everything so that since then with unique post numbers. I don't know what you are talking about.

Hey everyone. I, CaptainCaption don't have anything particularly exciting to cover for this Friday Update, so I'll be talking about my health and my wealth. Both are bad but on the upswing.

As I type this, I am currently recovering from a respiratory illness of some kind. Ever since a certain self-stylized pink pill pusher said she was in my area looking for a house and invited me to meet up with her for food on the 13th, I've had a persistent dry cough, puffy eyes, swollen lymph nodes on my neck, and very little energy. I didn't bother checking my temperature until the 15th, but I didn't have a fever and assumed I was simply experiencing allergies from the dusty space heater in my room (my heat is out as some contract workers broke the furnace). On the 17th, I accidentally brushed my hand against my forehead and noticed I was very warm with a fever that I soon measured to be at 101.9 °F. I've since been taking it easy, chilling in my bed and watching YouTube videos. Chyrosran22, Squashy Boy, MoistCr1TiKaL, LockPickingLawyer, and various Hololive English vtuber compilations have been my mainstay (this might surprise most of you given how much of a goddamned weeb I am, but I have zero interest in watching vtubers live and only very rarely go out of my way to watch clips of them).

Although I never got tested, I am pretty sure whatever I have isn't COVID-19 (I am, like every sensible person should be, fully vaccinated, and my symptoms don't align much with it), but take my cautionary advice that you aren't immune to disease just because you feel like the world has become hyper-aware of how viruses spread and you went to an extremely hygienic shop in an Asian community where everyone was wearing masks inside.

Anyways, onto the second point: money.

This game is in fact my full-time job. Patreon and PayPal aren't getting along too much these days, so Espeon switched the Patreon payouts over to her bank account registered with her LLC (I am a contracted worker for Espeon's LLC). The entire thing was a fiasco of financial delays from Espeon filing a W-9, Patreon locking payouts for a few days because of the change of payout method, and PayPal taking a week to clear her eCheck to me. Only today, on the 19th, has that process finished, but because of most of my bills being due at the start of the month, Espeon and I had to do direct payments while we were waiting for this eCheck to process. Again, not fun, and kind of stressful when I need to do shopping for Christmas gifts still.

That's all for this week unfortunately. TiltSHIFT and Myumi are still working away at new art of the game, but I don't have anything more to show off right now other than messy sketches of the Zach to Zoey transformation HCGs that I want to leave patron-exclusive.

Until next time!


Feliks Tepes

Hope everything gets better, take care of yourself. I (and I'm sure others though I won't pretend to speak for all the patrons) am absolutely willing to wait for the quality you deliver.


Covid patients start with a 99.1 degree temp and the lungs fill up reducing the Oxygen level to below 90%. I found a nice fitness watch on Amazon for $20 which is a better watch than the $40 one I got when the virus came to be but the app isn't as nice. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08DJC6W7S]


There's actually been a number of Covid breakthrough cases. Should've gotten tested anyway.


I probably should have but I'm quarantining anyways and am wearing a mask whenever I'm briefly around other people