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Sorry for the delay! I kept getting pulled in several different directions with where I was focusing my attention for this update, and to make matters worse, I got a cold (likely due to the heating in my house being out) right after I asked the patrons in the game's Discord if they were okay with the release being delayed by a day so I could add more than a sliver of new story content (being sick extended that into 3 days).

re:Dreamer (0.9.2) adds a even more new content to the Britney Day 2 mall date, but its focus ended up being new art.


  • There's a decent chunk of new Britney story content, but the focus of this release unexpectedly shifted to adding new art, polishing existing art, and fixing some issues with the game's code. I hope everyone appreciates the "new" bathroom stall background, as it took forever to edit from the stall you see on the second morning of Keisuke's route.


  • Zoey has two new sprite outfits: a comfy white ribbed turtleneck sweater, and a naked towel she is desperately trying to keep wrapped around her body. Instead of being done by TiltSHIFT were drawn by Myumi, who did Britney's sprites and her part in the recent measuring CG set. As you might know, Myumi actually deliberately based his art style on TiltSHIFT's, so each of their art is quite compatible with the other's. From here on, the plan is to have Myumi work on the unfinished Zoey sprite's outfits that TiltSHIFT lined but didn't color, and eventually on new outfits altogether. Don't worry, I'm sure we can give Britney some new clothes too, like a swimsuit or a cozy winter outfit. These two new outfits now show up in-game, and the Keisuke content in which they can be found has been slightly reworked to make them fit better; particularly, the post-sex scene for the Day 1 Keisuke bathroom sex has a few new lines and better expressions. Honestly, the expressions in Keisuke's route need a lot of TLC, but that's for a later day.
  • TiltSHIFT has completed another part of the Zach to Zoey transformation CG. It's rather brief in its appearance, but the fun stuff starts now, with TiltSHIFT drawing those much-anticipated scenes of Zach becoming not just cute and womanly but voluptuous and sexy. You can find more details about those in Friday Update #11, read the entire actual design doc we sent to TiltSHIFT, and even see the sketches of every major scene (albiet not their variants, like Zach's growing chest size) in Friday Update #12. Personally, I'm really looking forward to scenes 8 and 11 (the overhead shots with Zach on his back and side), although I know a lot of people are probably more eager to see scene 9, which is the PoV shot of Zach looking down at his body as it changes.


  • A few small typo fixes here and there. As always, a massive thanks to anyone who points them out!
  • I think I finally squashed every weird transition with Zach's phone, be it texting, Ai, or his home screen. While I was at it, I cleaned up the phone messaging system to run a bit more smoothly.
  • Fixed an issue with Zoey's bound male uniform would break in the b pose when there was no tie or blazer (the folder they were in was name "shirt _no_tie" when it should have been names "shirt_no_tie"). Stupidly enough, I had already fixed this issue with the zoomed version of Zoey's sprites but forgot to fix it with the normal version ("zoey" and "zoeyzoom" have identical file and folder structures within the Ren'Py archives because they are made from the same 2480x3936 resolution images that are downscaled 25% and 42.1% respectively before cropping; therefore, whatever issues one version of these sprites have is almost certainly going to be present in the other).
  • Internally, "sweatdrops" and "tears" have been renamed "sdrops" and "tdrops". I wanted to rename the somewhat "-sweatdrops" and "-tears" to remove the LayeredImage attributes with a "ndrops" attribute of a Null displayable to simplify my numpad macros. This change comes at the expense of being able to show Zoey crying and sweating at the same time because these (along with "ndrops") are in the same LayeredImage group which means that only one attribute can be selected at a time, but it's not like that would be happening anyways because Zoey's sweat drops are entirely covered up by her tears.
  • The LayeredImage code for Zoey's jeans, school uniform parts, T-shirts, and mall outfit shorts now checks to see what top is being worn to create out-of-outfit shadows. I tried to test the hell out of this but there's always a chance something was missed.
  • Fitting names have been assigned to the base expressions in the sprite viewer. I'll still be thinking of them as their numeric values, but a list of names is easier for a general user to parse than a list of numbers.
  • Annoyingly, the sprite viewer can still "break" in rare custom outfit situations, but you can just toggle Custom Mode off or on, choose a new outfit, and then the thing un-breaks itself. I've not been able to fully pin down why, but I think it has something to do with the title screen being a different menu environment than the rest of the game. I'll keep working on it!
  • The weird eyes dissolve transition animation in the chemistry lab on Keisuke Day 4 now accounts for the outfit Zach was wearing and his current hairstyle. A few other animations like this one currently still do not fully do that as those changing parts are plot-important (like Zach growing his hair out or Zach lifting up his bra to take a selfie for Keisuke in the mall changing room), but most of them now do.

Lastly, we have new fan art to showcase! heth (no social media, but he/they are in the re:Dreamer Discord server) coincidentally drew Zoey in a virgin killer sweater. She, uh... I didn't plan on making Zoey a MILF, but damn, the results speak more loudly than my intentions. You can find it in attached to this post, as well game's Fan Art folder in the release.

0.9.3 drops 2 Fridays from now. It'll be a bit weird as Thanksgiving is coming up, but I don't think my family is doing anything more complex than carry out food this year.



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