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I sadly cannot show more of the previews because Zach or Britney are showing their bare chests in them and Patreon Trust and Safety says that's a no-no for public posts...

Sorry for the lateness! Not only did my tailbone take a week to heal before I could sit in a chair again, but my internet was very sporadic the last 2 nights.

re:Dreamer (0.8.5) brings about the finalization of Britney's art for the near future, as well as new and edited story content for her.


  • Britney's sprites are 100% completed!!! With 3 poses, 6 outfits, 2  hairstyles, 18 expressions, and plenty of accessories, she's looking  cute as hell in her full set. Myumi is likely going to be contacted to  give her a bikini *eventually,* but I'm really satisfied with her range  at the moment. Still, if anyone wants to see her wearing something  specific, Sustainers can use a request for an outfit of some kind...
  • New  cleaned line art for Zach's transformation into Zoey is in. This is the  5th major step of 9, and features Zach's hands shrinking, his shoulders  slimming, and his Adam's apple disappearing. It's a bit roughly  implemented at the moment due to Britney's new art and writing taking  focus priority, but all the major variants are here.


  • There is  new content after the sex scene in Britney's route where Zach and  Britney tentatively plan what to do for the rest of the evening. As a  warning, this scene is VERY short if Zach's Emotionality C.H.E.A.T.S.  value or his bPoints value are low.
  • The script finally got  parsed for spelling and grammar errors! While it's only for the Alone  branch contents (everything before the choice of friend, White Girl  Wasted, and Drunk Dream), it improves the script rather nicely and makes  it look like it was typed by a middle schooler just a tiny bit less.  Still, MS Word did most of the heavy lifting for these checks, so if  anything is still wrong, report it in the #bugs-and-typos-reports  channel in the game's Discord server (invite here).
  • This  means that there are countless tiny edits to the script, but some edits  were also made to a plot point mentioned in the Alone route to not  contradict something in Keisuke's route or the content planned for  0.8.6. Remember, it's not a retcon if the game isn't out of alpha yet!
  • Britney's  "Just ask her to come to your room" route got minor edits and  expansions to make Britney more callous towards Zach if he more openly  manipulated her into helping him.
  • Britney's "Try to tell her the  details over text" route got minor edits and expansions before the  measuring scene to make Britney more confident in asserting the normally  obvious fact that a man can't suddenly turn into a woman.
  • Working Britney's new pose into the script resulted in some minor edits here and there to fit her body language.


  • There was apparently an issue where the World Info entry screens would break? I never had it happen to me, but Espeon fixed it.
  • Fixed a few broken F. Skip jumps.
  • The  Ren'Py version has been downgraded to 7.4.4 because the new release had  some issues with the phone system on rollback (Ren'Py Tom, the lead dev  of the engine, is aware of the rollback issues and is fixing them).  Also, for some users on older hardware, an issue where the game was not  launching properly due to Ren'Py's new graphical renderer settings  should cease to exist (but please folks, update to OpenGL 3 or greater).
  • Britney's  b pose glasses fit her face slightly better (I had left an overhanging  shadow on them that made them look odd if you looked closely).

Hopefully, things will be back on track with 0.8.6 on the 6th.


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