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Given that it's been so long since the last release, 0.8.0 is open to Sustainer and Backer patrons. This will move 0.7.1 to Public, then 0.8.1 will be Sustainer in 2 weeks while holding the versions until everything goes back to normal in 0.8.2 in 4 weeks.

(nsfw) https://i.imgur.com/ZBAbs4i.png

After more than a month of delays, re:Dreamer (0.8.0) is finally here.


  • The intro up to the friend choice has been completely redone, featuring a new transformation sequence with the sketches of the upcoming HCGs.
  • This lowers the script from 190,000 words to 160,000 words, but the cut portions were the rambling Ai vs Zach intro that people didn't like.
  • To that end, I've rebuilt the bundled route flowchart to be clearer and show the new content.
  • I still need to run the giant spell checker of the script I keep promising, but releasing this after more than month of delays takes priority.


  • Zach has a real phone now! It doesn't quite have the full functionality to it yet, but it's there and it looks pretty!
  • The Android installation is now just an APK. No more confusion!
  • Added an Android variant for the texting screen that makes the phone font bigger for better legibility on smaller screens (the irony of the nesting phone within a phone isn't lost on me).
  • I also finally remembered to update the Android config build version number from 500. From now on, it'll be updated to reflect the changed in versions.
  • The text message system is now slightly clearer and more legible; also, the sounds for texts being sent is automatically parsed.


  • Removed blank .png images and replaced them with Null displayables like a smart person.
  • Fixed a sprite error after the Keisuke mirror sex scene where I forgot to declare the outfit as "t_shirt_lifted_nude_wet_male_jeans"; the "t_shirt_lifted_wet_male_jeans" it was declared as and its missing "nude" gave the game an aneurysm with no torso.
  • Remade the shower HCGs to have Zoey's black hair and Keisuke's darker skin. The final pose of the 4th HCG is a bit off still but I can only do so much without asking an artist to draw something, and TS is busy with more pressing HCG.
  • Fixes to the Zoey sprites pants bases.
  • Darkened the Zoey sprites B pose nipples to match the rest.
  • The History screen should now be working much better, with showing italics for thoughts, Ai's unique text style, and more.
  • The Appendix has been renamed "World Information" and hotclicking to it has been disabled until Espeon and I can fix that.
  • Minor fix to the Keisuke Day 1 conbini scene where Zach's drinking SFX came from the "Sounds" audio channel rather than the "Voices" audio channel, which may have resulted in unwanted end-user audio mixing.
  • Added Zach's answer to Kohaku's prodding about why this woman with an extremely feminine body was so bad at acting feminine to the content jump menu to avoid a potential issue with the Day 3 Party scene of the variable not being declared.
  • Changed C.H.E.A.T.S. values to be truly persistent (they previously could break on certain rollbacks).
  • Reconfigured Ai's font (Playtime With Hot Toddies) to use italic glyphs when applicable instead of Ren'Py's interpretation of italics.
  • Cleared out unused fonts and gathered all the licenses for the remaining fonts.


  • I changed the average frequency tone for Zoey's vocal SFX files to F#3 (190 Hz) which is what I calculated the fundamental frequency of the Vtuber Mori Calliope's voice and what my headcanon of Zoey's voice is. Mori speaks between D3 (144 Hz) and A#3 (233 Hz). When you consider that women have a fundamental frequency range of E3 (165 Hz) to C4 (255 Hz) or even higher depending on where you source, she has a shockingly deep voice. I'm using Mori's voice as a basic for Zoey's voice for 3 reasons:
  • 1. The male fundamental frequency range is F2 (85 Hz) to F3 (180 Hz), and for the purposes of the story, this character needs to be able to vocally pass as either a male or a female. Slightly deepening a 190 Hz voice sounds like the effeminate male Zach was. When emotional, people speak in a higher pitch than their fundamental frequency, so raising a 190 Hz voice allows for cute girl gasps and giggles and such.
  • 2. It's atypical for TG'd women to not sound like squeaky girls, so by giving Zoey a deeper voice that's more masculine that the norm for this genre, I'm actually making her more distinct
  • 3. Deeper female voices make my knees go weak.
  • This is overall a rather subtle change but I think it adds a lot to the game.


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