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(nude alt) https://i.imgur.com/nzVj0i1.png

They're real, and they're coming next update.

These weren't ready yet, and I missed last the Friday Update due to issues with hand pain, so this post is coming out now.

As most of you already know, the Zoey sprites you see in-game are placeholders. I've talked extensively about TiltSHIFT's coming replacements in previous Friday Updates, but always with the caveat of an indefinite release date.

Well I'm happy to announce that date is February 26, 2021, the day the 0.6.2 update releases.

The above are some previews of their various poses, outfits, and expressions of the new sprites, arranged in the order they would appear in the current Keisuke route.

They are:

  • Immediately after transformation (note the bulging thighs that ripped open the uniform slacks, the boxers peeking through, the burst dress shirt buttons around the chest where Zoey's huge H-cups burst forth, the wild flowing hair, and the shocked expression).
  • A loose white T-shirt and oversized jeans held up by a belt that Zoey  puts on either after she intimately explores her nude body, calls over Britney, or leaves for Keisuke's dorm on the first day.
  • Naked (with heavy blush and sweat drops rolling down her face).
  • The first bra Zoey wears (note her brushed hair tied into a high ponytail and a face full of awed wonder at new feminine body).
  • The casual outfit Zoey is forced to wear after she is abducted by the overzealous attendant to the women's department near the end of the Day 2 mall scene.
  • Zoey posing as Zach (note the shortened boyish hair, compressed chest, and pants that fit her new thighs).

Pending slight edits (the skin tone on the underwear and casual girl outfit is a tiny bit more yellow than the nude outfit, some expressions need better eyebrows, the T-shirt's sleeves can be a bit disjointed), these are the final versions of the sprites (although another angle with the 3/4 poses and expressions you see placeholder Zoey make in-game has been paid for and is planned eventually).

These commissioned replacements are due to be ready for use in-game within a week and will replace the placeholder next update; additionally, I'll be doing a chainsaw rewrite to the dense and overly verbose intro so that Zach and Ai aren't just alone in a room and talking to each in a meandering conversation for hours.

To say that I am ecstatic about these sprites is an understatement. I just hope you all are half as excited as I am about them.




Something's been on my mind for a while now. I don't know if this has been changed cause I tend to wait for several updates to go by before playing again so I can enjoy a good chunk of new content but in the last build I played there was a scene where AI was questioning Zoey on her fetishes. Her answers were disappointingly tame from AI's perspective but that was only because Zoey talked about her realistic fetishes and left out her impossible fantasy ones. AI then says that not only are her fantasies possible with Re Dreamer they are a standard part of gameplay yet everything Zoey and Keisuke have done has fallen in the bounds of reality. My question is when the fantasy stuff is going to come into play and just what are Re Dreamer's limits when it comes to fantasy? Could Zoey temporarily be transformed into a succubus or fox girl for that kind of play? What about age progression/regression? Body swapping between Zoey and Keisuke could be interesting too. I understand this would require new sprites and that costs money but I was kinda looking forward to the fantasy stuff and AI did say that was part of the game right?


Fantastical fetishes are definitely a part of re:Dreamer, but the exact details of that still needs to be ironed out. I have one fantastical sex scene already planned where Zoey temporarily turns into her Halloween costume during a Halloween costume party present in all routes (planned costumes options are sexy modern take on a vampire outfit that makes her an assertive dominatrix with a penchant for gorging herself on the cheap boxed wine at the party and nibbling on her lover's neck during sex, a playboy model bunny girl outfit that makes her extremely promiscuous and interested in "breeding", and a magical girl cosplay outfit that makes her act exceedingly feminine and girly). I'd also love to temporarily turn Zoey into a stereotypical bimbo (I love that shit way too much), but I'd need to plan the idea out more before I can give you any concrete details. As for your specific scene questions... -Succubus Zoey would be neat to see, but it'd have a large overlap between the planned vampire scene. -Fox girl would have to have a bit more to it, such as a shrine maiden fox girl (the world of re:Dreamer is populated with tons of shrines the Japanese government built to try to get people interested in Shinto). -MILF Zoey would be amazing for both sex and story reasons, but if younger Zoey is ever coming into play, I'm not doing anything even slightly sexual with it. -Body swap is a very easy way to get past sprite limitations, but do you really want to see yet another original English visual novel that does body swapping? I know I don't. If you're ever interested in suggesting a fantastical sex scene (or any scene in general) yourself, $20 Sustainer Patrons have an option to request something and I'll work with them to put it into the game. So far, only one Sustainer has used that perk, and they used it to plan a good number of the outfits Zoey has together with me.


I totally understand you not wanting to do sexual stuff with a loli Zoey because...eewww. I was actually imagining a more wholesome kind of incident that would happen during the time Zoey and Keisuke went back to their hometown. I was thinking something would happen and they'd get a chance to relive their childhood friendship again only this time it would be Keisuke and Zoey instead of Zack. Not sure if there's any good material to milk out of that situation, it was just a thought and now that I think about it more it's probably not doable since wholesome doesn't mesh well with Re Dreamer's mechanics. Forget I mentioned it. As for the overlap between the succubus and vampire, maybe a poll for the patrons to see which would be preferable? I just thought it would be a shame if a game about fulfilling erotic fantasies didn't include the living embodiment of erotic fantasy.


Also, when it comes to good body swapping stories in english visual novels the only decent ones I can think of are in Student Transfer and Press Switch but since 90% of the routes in those seem to be forever unfinished I don't really count those. If you on the other hand know so many that you're tired of them could you maybe give me a few recommendations?


Sorry for the late reply, I've been working hard on the update and didn't even check Patreon this past week. I feel like Vampire is a better fit for Zach/Zoey. Zach was a pasty white kid with black hair and red eyes (stereotypical vampire traits), and he's definitely been made fun of for that. A vampire costume is a good way for him to take that identity and make it his own in a positive way. If he becomes a hot dominatrix with heel boots, then all the better.


Those are the big ones but I deal with constant comparisons between re:Dreamer and Student Transfer so I distinctly try to NOT be the latter. tfgames.site has a few other body swap visual novels, but they're largely imitations of Press-Switch in one way or another.