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(nsfw zach): https://i.imgur.com/79Hbp7a.png

(nsfw britney): https://i.imgur.com/C42gRd8.png

Hello everyone! I hope the Americans among us had a good Thanksgiving.

Today's Friday Update covers Zoey and Britney's final sprites from TiltSHIFT and Myumi, respectively. Both artists are currently taking commissions, so if you like what you see here and want something of your own from either of them, their commission info is their pinned tweet in their linked Twitter pages.

One of the things Espeon and I were worried about from the outset with commissioning custom sprites from multiple artists was making sure that they wouldn't clash when placed next to each other. TiltSHIFT was tapped fairly early on as our artist for Zoey's sprites and HCG, but he's a single person with other commissions and real-life obligations, so it's unrealistic to have him do art for every female character. Myumi was brought in to do Britney's sprites due to sharing a very similar art style; coincidentally, both are from Indonesia and seem to have a love for motorcycles.

To highlight the similarities, TiltSHIFT tweeted the linework of a character from Genshin Impact he's been sketching; less than 36 hours later, Myumi tweeted out linework from a sketch he's been working on of the same character.

I've been hard at work coordinating with TiltSHIFT and Myumi over Twitter DMs making sure that these characters don't necessarily have the exact same art style, but rather a complimentary one that each artist can work the best in.

(nude version): https://i.imgur.com/D492EYc.png

As you can see from this mock scaling, they aren't an exact match, but they aren't supposed to be. While Zoey is a bit darker with less vibrant eyes (despite them being noticeably red), Britney catches more of the light and has shinier skin. I could pat myself on the back for the symbolic artistic differences (Zach was someone who preferred to remain backstage and out of the spotlight, while Britney, a literal theater student, is someone who shines in the limelight and is comfortable being the center of attention), but this is more due to TiltSHIFT and Myumi coordinating with each other.

One thing to point out is the highlighted height differences between Zoey and Britney. Zoey is supposed to be 160cm/5'3", but her placeholder sprite doesn't properly reflect this (for reference, Zach is tacitly 163cm/5'4", so while the transformation took off some height, it's not immediately apparent from the height alone that something is different about him).

As you can see above, Zoey's placeholder doesn't show it when placed against the 182cm/6'0" Keisuke because she was originally planned to be 175cm/5'9", but then when TiltSHIFT sent over the first drafts of Zoey's sprites, he made her a bit shorter than we expected, and then Espeon and I realized that it'd be way hotter if Zach had started off as a manlet.

Britney is 161cm/5'3.5", which is shorter than Zach but taller than Zoey, and the change in height is one of the early things she realizes is different about her friend (besides the obvious of him turning into an extremely attractive girl with huge boobs).

For reference, here are Zoey, Keisuke, and Britney side by side in a mock 1920x1080 game window. Ryouichi, the other major human character (sorry, Ai!) who has appeared on screen so far, isn't shown because he is a placeholder, but he is planned to be 186cm/6'1" (the purple line on the above image). I wanted him to be an absolute bronze giant 190cm/6'3" tall, but I realized that he wouldn't fit on screen at that size, and he'd have a chopped-off head like placeholder Keisuke's.

One last thing you might notice is that Keisuke doesn't fully match Zoey or Britney. While I want him and the other males to have a slightly different shading style to show that they are of a different sex, the difference is a bit too extreme, so we'll asking hakei to make edits to his shading when we ask him for Ryouichi sprites in the very near future.

His reference sheet (seen above) needs a bit more work before it's ready to send over, but I was mostly waiting for TiltSHIFT to finish a Zoey test to attach it as a shading reference; now that we have it, the design doc is nearly complete.

Next week's update is going to conclude Zoey's first day of classes, as well as significantly changing the existing branch for meeting Ryouichi and create a branching point for the class period after PSYC 100 controlled by T.E.A.C.H. variables. Also, to nip a potential legal liability in the bud, Ryouichi's sprites are going to replaced by blank images, meaning that he isn't going to appear on screen until his permanent replacement sprites come it.

Before I sign off, here's Zoey with Britney's color scheme (imperfectly edited by me) because I am a freak and want to see what she'd look like if she ever got bimbofied.

(nsfw blonde zoey) https://i.imgur.com/HlG8Dvf.png

Okay, okay I'll stop lol.

Until next time!




Not the only freak. Different TG game for sure (Unless there are twists with the app we haven't seen), but not the only freak.


I don't comment too often, but man do these sprites make me excited. I really loved the various pieces of lineart, but colored makes them amazing.