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Hey everyone, CaptainCaption here. I unfortunately have a bit of bad news: the next update is going to be delayed by a few days.

This two week development period was mostly concerned with getting the ball rolling on art commissions. We spent most of the week scouting artist, and that means that Keisuke and Ai now have sprites on the way, and Zoey has plenty of HCG coming as well. Given that this team is just me and Espeon, that meant that writing was very limited.

I have some writing done for the second HCG in the showers (handjob/blowjob/paizuri), but it's only a few minutes of writing and not polished enough for release. I had planned to expand on that and polish in places with a crunch session today, but I've been sick from bad delivery food since last night (be careful of ordering delivery sushi people!).

So yeah, the next update is in the works, but I need a few days to recover and write it. Sorry for the wait.

However, some good news (besides the art being on the way)! I'm still incrementing the updates, which means that 0.3.6 is live for Backers here:


And 0.3.5 is now public:



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