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During this global pandemic caused by COVID-63, we here at Dream Team Studio would like to remind everyone to be proactive in watching his (or her?) health.

Due to the highly contagious nature of this body-transforming disease, vigilance remains the most effective measure against infection. Your government may have already implemented "social distancing" measures to prevent the spread of this disease, but you can do your part to by educating yourself about this virus.

This new strain was first discovered by viral expert Minmod, who posted about her findings on Twitter. Government officials initially denied the existence of the disease, but Minmod's corroborating evidence of numerous photos of infected individuals' symptoms soon forced them to acknowledge the outbreak.

The virus behind this epidemic has many symptoms. If you have four or more of these signs, please quarantine yourself for the recommended two week period and continue to monitor for symptoms such as:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Coughing, fever, dizziness
  • Tender swelling in chest area
  • Loss of inches in height
  • Bony growths of the hips
  • Heightening of voice pitch
  • Sudden and drastic reduction in weight
  • Shrinking of hands and feet

If your symptoms persist or increase in severity, or if you experience a strong increase in your sexual drive, please seek a doctor immediately. They can provide necessary treatment for your more aggravating symptoms.

As a final note, please do not refer to COVID-63 as the "TG Flu" or "Sex Change Disease." These insensitive names promote discrimination against boymoders and infected individuals.


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