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re:Dreamer (0.3.0) adds a bunch of new functionality to the engine, such as: 

  • The new Appendix System which gives juicy lore tidbits and info in a supplementary manner to the main game.
  • The start of the T.E.A.C.H. system (named such as it tracks the Zach/Zoey variables Trans, Emotion, Autism, Control, and Horny that are decided as you make choices in the game, and these essentially "teach" the main character to act or react to things in certain ways).
  • A save-checking system that warns you if your older saves might be incompatible due to changes in the game system.
  • Phone image messaging functionality (so Zoey and Keisuke can send each other sexy pictures).

Two of these are going to be significant game-changers in regards to content. The appendix gives a nice place to store Zach/Zoey's "nerd moments" or elaborate on the backstory of characters or events in ways not directly stated in the main script due to the assumption of implicit knowledge, while T.E.A.C.H. is a powerful way to adjust Zach/Zoey's traits and make the story more interactive.

Unfortunately, all these under-the-hood changes meant that this update turned out to be a housekeeping update without much in the way of new story content.

While there is a start to a bath sex scene, it's very short in its current state.

Changes to existing content:

  • Slight edits to scenes (Zach and Ai's fetish talk, Zoey and Keisuke's initial meeting in the dorm hallway).
  • The "Gallery", "Character Database", and "Sprite Viewer" screens have been commented out due to weighing down the engine.
  • Light swathes of polish all around.


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