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As I believe I have already warned you, I am suffering from Depression. The monstrous unwillingness to do something, anything, dangerously reduced my financial reserves. To remedy this, I reopened commissions and within a few hours I had a list of 20 orders. I'm grateful for that, guys, all of you are great. However, fulfilling all these requests will take me a long time. I will work as quickly as possible so as not to keep anyone waiting too long. This does mean, however, that I will need to take a break from producing the new version of my comic book. I also won't have time to create original art (and frankly, I don't even have the inspiration for that anymore). For these reasons, I've decided to take a break from the charges here on Patreon, indefinitely. I'm deeply grateful for your support, but I don't think it's fair to take your contribution in exchange for… nothing news.

I hope to resume comic book production soon.

Thank you very much!


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