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Well, 2020 is really being a bad year. Although I have a cat - a bored  and lazy creature called Gatovisky - I found that there were some mice  using my sofa and bookcase as a hotel. With some poisonous bait I  managed to solve the problem... but then I had to move the heavy  bookcase to remove the mice's corpse. A disgusting task, you can  imagine. However, as we say around here, "nothing is so bad that it  can't get worse"... so, at the end of the day, a heavy rain caused my  neighbor's roof gutter to collapse... and my roof was hit. It make a  hole in my roof and filled my room with water... and I had a bad night's  sleep. Fortunately, I was not hurt, my new computer is okay, my  Transformers G1 action figures are okay, the damage was not great and  the neighbor agreed to pay for the damage... however, the reform will  take a while and this will cause some inconvenience. I will do my best  to prevent this incident from delaying the last new arts and new pages of this  year... but, in any case, I must apologize for any delay that may  happen.


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