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All right, guys ... here's Volume 2 of my comic book. Well, more or less. As you will see, most of the pages are still just a very rudimentary sketch. I did it because I worked fast while I defining the number of pages my story needs. Some of these pages have digital touches that I added later. Some pages seem to be ready... but they were tests that I carried out for some elements of the illustration and tools resources of the software that I use to work. This means that these pages may change in the final version. One page contains a print that I made using DesignDoll software... which proved to be a very useful tool to help choose the best poses and camera angles. Finally, dialog balloons and some sound effects were added, but I'm sorry, the text is not ready yet. I am still working on translating and adapting the script into English. There is a lot of work to be done, and I am just one. The job is big and the artist is small, but I want you to know that I’m sparing no effort to do the best job possible. I sincerely thank you for your patience and support.



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