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 Hello everyone ! 

Everybody should have recieved their rewards by now! If you didn't, just send me a message, but remember that only people that pledged during december could recieve the said rewards for january :) If you pledged during january, this will be for next month!

Talking about that, I have a little problem with the new patreon upfront charge feature... If you joined in january for example, that charged you when joining AND at the end of the month... So I will check if you paid 2 times and will reimburse you one of the pledge if you did, I deeply apologize but that's because of patreon and I can't cancel it. However, that will happen only for your first pledge so don't worry. After reimbursing you, next pledge will only be at the end of the month if you stay ! If I forgot to refund you, just send me a message. 

Concerning the pinup poll, Lancer won as you saw in the header of the post! In fact it was a 50/50 with Irelia so we had to choose by random and Lancer won! https://gyazo.com/3ab82b3c2a5bc52036a58db8ab99b4e7 Since it's january pinup, when Rozarin finishes the artwork, I will send it to people that peldged in december, with HD and variants. And a week later it will be relased for public!

Thank you so much for your support and feedback, that means a lot to us!





I know haha, I crossed the fingers for you when I launched the wheel :) -Gantai


so.. wheres the 0.22 fix loading ? :(


Should be in update 3 I think, sorry. It's so much work to light up every file in the game... I will try to do it as I add the new files If I can. But maybe I will just try to send you a version without the preloading plugin, you should experience minor bugs but not any loading issue -Gantai


Ayyy my waifu won <3


Any ideas when the next update will be ?


??? :L


You can expect the new update before the end of february for patrons and early march for the public release ! -Gantai EDIT: Changing plans <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/plans-for-march-8257036">https://www.patreon.com/posts/plans-for-march-8257036</a>


Are you still planning on releasing it by the end of Feb?


It's really hard to give substantial content each month as we can't go full time on the project so for february it will be a patreon only update, the next public release will be late march: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/plans-for-march-8257036">https://www.patreon.com/posts/plans-for-march-8257036</a> -Gantai