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The author of the physics rigid body plugin announced that he was working on a physics soft body plugin. After 8 months of waiting, I recently purchased it. The physics is not done by Bullet, but by project chrono. I tried collision with a simple primitive and was able to do it well, so I tried for a few days to deform the ass and breasts, but could not do it. The software seems to be practical because the author has created a sample image of a human nose that has been pressed, crushed, and deformed.

Below are my impressions of the plugin.

1.Access_Violation_Exception may occur. It took me a day to identify the cause because it happened to always occur in a script(Limbstick) I use regularly.

2.Currently it only runs on the CPU and the processing speed is very slow.

3.For accurate results on complex geometry, Mode3 or higher should be set. For Mode2, Precision 0.1 or higher is required. However, Mode3 or higher are ridiculously slow, taking several 10 minutes to get a 1frame result. Mode2 would take only a few minutes or tens of seconds, but the deformation at the time of collision is not very accurate.

4.Since there is no collision system, the mesh will explode if objects overlap each other.

5.This is probably because I don't understand that plugin well, but when I apply physics to figure animations, the animations are overwritten by the physics and the animations were never there.

I'm going to watch the forum for a while and practice a little at a time. Hopefully I will be able to use it in sex animations, but if not, I would like to make finger bites to the ass and breasts.


宣言していたので待つこと8ヶ月、先日購入しました。なお、物理演算実装は有名なbulletではなく、project chronoだそうです。














Nick Marx

I hope with the new plug in (or without it) you can do some Chun-li soon, please! It’s been too long! 🥺🥺


Kasumi was scheduled to be next after Misaki, but let's interrupt her next.