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Last week I was playing a video with the hardware acceleration setting of Microsoft edge enabled. GPU artifacts appeared on the screen and the screen blacked out after a while. After rebooting the OS, I got no signal and the video card died.  It does not seem to be related to the well-known MLCC/POSCAPS problem or VRM problem, considering the time when the video card was purchased. However, considering the artifacts occurrence, I suspect an initial defect related to the capacitor. The video card was replaced free of charge because it was within the warranty period.

先週Microsoft edge のhardware acceleration設定をenableにして動画を再生していたら
画面上にアーティファクト(ブロック状ノイズ)が発生してしばらくするとスクリーンがブラックアウトしたのでOSを再起動したらno signalになり、ビデオカードが死にました。




Nick Marx

My god those Tifa angles are absolutely insane 🤤


Nice ! Milf Luna is much more sexy than a girl. Gentiana and Ifalna is more maternal charm than before, will there be more pictures of them next ?