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Unfinished rough draft part 1

Wait what? I asked snapping out of my own mind.

Always lost up there in your own mind huh? Oscar asked with a wide smile plastered across the face. Maybe I can recapture your attention. The otter smirked moving his hands towards his lower body.

Y-you already captured it! I spoke up before he reached his desired destination.

Feeling my face warming up I quickly moved the conversation back to it's original course.

You was asking me something before I zoned out?

Karaoke! we can get the whole gang together and it'll be a blast! It'll take me and Lily to convince Leigh.

I stop him there

No way Leigh or Lucas will ever agree to this!

Hey Papa Bear isn't opposed to fun you just gotta wear him down a bit plus if I mention you and Lucas will be there he will fill obligated it's in his nature

I wanted to argue the point but he continued.

And Lucas likes you just promise him a kiss and he'll do whatever you want him to

Oscar! That's not true. I try to get out but my voice cracks mid sentence.

That's not true at all... at least I don't think so...

Look there you go doubting yourself again. You got more pull with them than you know dude and it's not just because they find you cute. Though it definitely doesn't hurt he says with his signature wink and wide toothy smile.

I just huff and move forward knowing he won't give an inch of ground on the subject.

Well the easiest to convince will be Lily did you ask her yet?

Yup she's already working on a battle plan

I shuttered at the thought of Lily and Oscar ganging up on poor Leigh. Those two together make a dangerous duo for sure and even though I'm confident in Leigh's ability to hold his own they are a lot to handle at once. For a moment I consider if it would be better to simply talk to him myself...

As if reading my mind Oscar speaks up again.

Hey don't you worry your little head about Papa Bear he likes us even if he tries to hide it!

It's not Lily I'm worried about i reply

Hey now you're not giving me enough credit here!

I raise an eyebrow at the statement and leave a moment of silence between us.

...Okay so that's why Im bringing Lily too

He moves in closer to me and gives a clear indication that he is wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Giving me ample time to deny the embrace. Seeing that I have no intention of moving away I'm scooped up in one of Oscar's massive biceps and pulled into a side long hug.

I can't tell if my face is burning hot due to being fluster or if its the immense heat that his body gives off (if I had to guess it was probably a bit of both).

You're cute when you're worried...

As soon as the words leave his mouth he looks down at me, meeting my questioning gaze

When you're worried about me, I mean , NOT in general. I could have worded that better.

Yeah but I know what you meant and that you just want me not to worry so much over you.

I'm a big boy after all. As if to enforce the point he flexes his free arm showing the massive muscle barely contained within.

Hmm but a bit of dotting doesn't hurt anyone trust me after the last few days I would know.

I give the biggest smile I could muster. Attempting to reach out even in the smallest way so that he could know I was there for him as much as he and the others were there for me.

He returned the smile with no words or snarky comments fully acknowledging what I was saying even if no words were shared.

We walked the campus for about another half an hour, Oscar telling me about the interesting parts of his day and what he was doing later.

Before we had to go our separate ways.

He had classes still coming up on the later half of the day and a swim he wanted to sneak in. I was free for the rest of the night but he suggested that I spend it with Lucas and see about working my "magic" on him (Whatever that means).

Opening my phone I take a deep breath as I move towards the dorms. hovering over lucas' contact for a little while wondering what I should even send. Was he even free today? I try to remember what he said about his schedule from memory but couldn't quite remember any concrete information apart from him doing most of his work from his room / laptop.

Want to hang out? Maybe grab dinner?

As quickly as I send the message I get one back. It was a single worded response.


I was left stunned for a moment with no real way to respond. Idk why I was so shocked by it but no context around the answer makes it seem more harsh than I knew Lucas meant to be.

He's probably just busy. I reason to myself slipping my phone back into my pocket.

A moment later another text comes in from Lucas.

Sorry I've been informed by Aure that I'm being rude. What I meant is I'm busy tonight with some school work and Aure is already working on dinner. But you're welcome to join us if you want to.

A smile creeps across my face. Imagining Aure snooping on lucas' text and telling him to elaborate and even more so to invite me over.

Approaching the front door to the dorm complex I type a quick response.

Just got back from a walk with Oscar I'm gonna take a quick shower then I'll be good for dinner. What time should I come over?

You can come over now if you want aure said you can use our shower. Plus he's insisting a break from work would do me good.

Before I can reply a few more messages flood in but in a different tone of short text.

Hey Walter it's Aure
Lulu here isn't doing himself any favors
He'd love to have you over
(He needs the break poor Lulu has been working non-stop all day)
Feel free to use our shower
And dinner will be done within the hour

The words bring a smile to my face.

Taking the elevator up to my room I grab a fresh change of clothes and the essential toiletries for my shower. I move to the door only looking back to scan my room for anything I might have forgotten. The only prominent thing standing out was the dairy sitting atop my desk. My eyes only paused on it a moment as I ignore the thoughts that were forming in my head.

The diary could wait...

Taking the elevator back down to the first floor I move towards Lucas and Aures dorm. Knocking on the door I hear a light shuffle inside before the door unlocks and I'm greeted by...


At the sight of the possum I nearly jumped out of my fur.

(What was he doing here and why was he the one to answer the door)?

Sorry for spooking you I guess you wasn't expecting me to be the one answering the door.

He gives an apologetic smile and moves aside so I can enter.

Aure is in the middle of cooking and Lucas is studying so I figured I'd answer since I heard you were coming

What are you doing here though isn't it kind of late? What about your sister?

Before he could answer another voice speaks up.

Is that Walter?

Y-yeah. Thank you guys for inviting me over for dinner and letting me use your shower.

Anytime cutie, now go say hi to Lulu and freshen up for dinner I'm gonna steal Leigh here back for a little bit. We were in the middle of a conversation I want to finish.

We'll talk later Leigh states ruffling my head fur ever so slightly as he moves to stand next to Aure in the the kitchen.

Moving through the kitchen area I can see Lucas sitting atop his bed centered around a storm of papers, textbooks and diligently typing away on his laptop. Aure wasn't kidding when he said Lucas was working all day. The only indication that he even registered anything else in the room was his ears flicking up to the sound of my approach.

Hey Lucas already getting bogged down by your classes?

Looking up from whatever he was working on I met Lucas' piercing gaze. his pretty ( ) eyes locking with my own till I'm forced to look away.

Not really just getting a head start on some later projects.

I'm quickly reminded of his scary work ethic and how Aure insisted that I come over to help Lucas take a break. If I had to guess he was probably done with all his current school work to completion and this was just fun for him.

Well I'm gonna shower and then we can hang out afterwards. I give him a quick smile and begin making my way towards the bathroom.

Closing and locking the door I swiftly pull out my phone

I swiftly type out a message to Oscar

Oscar help Leigh is here at Lucas' place!? What should I do?

Really? Leigh and Lucas who'd have thought I mean I knew the little grump found Leigh attractive but I didn't think Lucas was Leigh's type. Spill the details man.

It's not like that Oscar! I think Leigh is mainly here for Aure since they were a thing back in the day. (Probably just catching up some) but I was planning on asking lucas to the "thing" tonight.

Well what's the problem dude you still can it's not like you have to invite Leigh too.

The otter isn't wrong but it kinda leaves a bad feeling in my gut to invite only one of my friends somewhere while the other one is in the room.

Not wanting to worry anyone I start the shower and start undressing while another message comes through from oscar

Hell if you are lucky leigh might help out convincing lucas or even better invite himself. If it's too much you can always message or talk to him later it doesn't need to be tonight dude.

You're right well we will see how it goes tonight and I'll let you know later. I got to go I'm bout to take a shower at their place before we have dinner.

Have fun ;)

I will, talk to you later.

Putting my phone on the sink I jump in the shower and quickly wash up. Even after a rather mundane day the warm water brought release to an unknown tension and the privacy of their personal shower was nice in its own way.

Taking the time to deligently dry my fur I get dressed and walk out the bathroom.

Not much has changed since going into the shower. Aure was still in the middle of cooking dinner talking away about his day and Leigh was silent adding only a bit here or there but a smile evident on his face where as Lucas had pact up all his school work and was currently reading a different book of some sort

You can toss your dirty clothes in with mine there should be a hamper next to my bed.


Tossing my clothes in with Aures I move around the other side of the bed to get a good look at what Lucas was reading.

It's not all that interesting he said planely closing the book and placing it atop his night stand where a few other books rested.

Well it caught your attention didn't it so it can't be all bad.


pausing for a moment he considers saying something more before scooting over on the bed.

Are you just going to stand there or are you going to join me?

O-oh? Sure.

I climb into the bed trying to ignore the two sets of eyes that were watching from the kitchen.



So how did it go Lucas asked with an eyebrow raised. A look of confusion still sat evident on my face as he further explained.

With Oscar, you mentioned he was going to help you learn sign language this morning or did you both forget.

Oh no that surprisingly went pretty well he's a good teacher when he's not trying to flirt.

So he's not a good teacher? Lucas asked without a trace of sarcasm or a hint of a joke.

Be nice over there Lulu.

Leigh covered his mouth to contain his own amusement

Lucas' only response was a middle finger in their direction

I couldn't help but smile myself

You know you could find out for yourself he wouldnt mind at all especially since you want to learn for the same reason as me.

I give him a playful nudge with my shoulder.

Oh no Wallace dear he's doing this because he has a bit of a crush maybe even more real than the one he has for you.

Lucas shifts uncomfortably at that breaking what little contact we had turning on the two in the kitchen

Fuck Off is all he lets out before quickly composing himself and no doubt reminding himself where he was and what noise complaints would come if he had a full on outburst.

Leigh raises his hands in a show of mock surrender, hey kid it's okay.

I gently place a paw on top of his shoulder feeling him almost jump at the contact before calming down and releasing a held breath.

You know Im only looking out for you Lulu, but lucky enough for the two of us that sweet heart of a lion knows and goes for what he wants so you better hurry Wallace before this little cutie is snatched up.


The clanging of bowls ring out as Leigh grabs a few from the small cabinet drawer within the kitchen. Cutting off the rest of the weasels thought.

Enough of that Aure now come grab something to eat you two, dinner is ready.

I glanced over at Lucas to catch him looking at me his intense eyes trying to gauge my reaction

why did he care what I thought?

I mean you guys seemed to become quick friends and get along really well together. Is all I offered as we rose from the bed.

Lucas scoffed and folded his arms deciding he was done with the topic. Even while faced away from me I could see his ears turn a darker shade of red. I couldn't blame Lucas for having a crush, Selwyn was extremely attractive and he was truly a kind and interesting feline if not a bit to forward at times. Though even with that it never felt uncomfortable or invasive just flirty.

Walking up to the small makeshift kitchen four sets of bowls had been set up by Leigh.

What's for dinner anyway I never asked ?

Beef stew and some garden salad. Nothing special but hopefully a delicious meal nonetheless. He begins to pour stew into the individual bowls while Leigh silently moves around him to finish distributing the garden salads.

Lucas scoops his up from Aure without a word before he moves over to Leigh who holds his salad with a blanketed expression that I couldn't read if not for the slight elevation of one of his eyebrows.

Thank you is the only response that came as Lucas meets Leigh's eyes.

I didn't cook anything kid.

Yeah well the guy that did is an annoying jackass so I don't know what you want me to do. Besides he didn't say anything when I grabbed my bowl I look l would have had an actual problem he'd have said something himself.

Leigh holds his position unblinkingly, his eyes never leaving the fox.

And last I checked you weren't either of my parents... he continued reaching for the salad again.

Leigh put up no resistance simply opting to surrender the salad over.

Thanks again for having me over and for the food. I say trying to change the energy in the room (even a little bit).


I assumed we were all going to sit together for dinner but I could quickly tell that wouldn't be the case as Lucas moved back over to his bed while the others sat down at the kitchen table.

Don't pout he's just not in the mood tonight to deal with my fabulous personality and wants his space... from us

Aure says that last part with a soft smile moving his between himself and Leigh but making it clear not to point at me.

Go on, don't worry about us. Leigh adds giving an equally soft smile.

It almost felt like I was being shoo'd away by my parents insisting I go outside and play with my friends, but I ignored the feeling knowing the mean well and probably right.

Nodding I move back through the room towards Lucas' bed. Where he already sat cross legged consuming his stew with a passion.

Hungry huh?

It's good and i skipped lunch trying to get ahead of my school work.

It hasn't even been a full week yet what are you getting ahead of and why?

He looks up from his food at that.

Why don't you come sit down first or do you plan on eating standing up like that?

Looking down at my occupied hands I saw he had a point. Lucas moved over to make room on his bed and i carefully shuffled on to sit beside him our backs to the headbord


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