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An early look at the complete fic before I post it on AO3 at the end of the month I still want to work on some cover art for it too but that will have to wait as I'm tired as hell tonight! Anyway, hope you enjoy.

A drift in your eyes, lost in the depths of your presence and submerged in the whole of your love, I drown in you and the endless possibilities of us.

With a gentle lick of the snout, I’m brought back to the present moment and remember to breath.

“That got your attention. You alright Arvo?”

The lion asked with a hint of concern and a gentle squeeze to our interlocked paws.

"Yeah, just was daydreaming for a moment there sorry about that."

"Oh? about anything in particular or anyone maybe?"

I could feel my cheeks grow warmer as the lion pushed in closer their shoulder colliding with mine paws still interlocked and a devilish smile spreading on their face. if it wasn't for my dense fur I'd probably be as red as a ripe tomato.

"You if I'm being honest. These last two weeks seem almost like a dream. They may not have all been the greatest especially from your point of view, but they have been the best I've felt since... well for a long time."

After all we were partners now, officially official.

Something had pulled me towards this alluring lion allowing me to see them anew. Since the first day of that science camp, we were almost inseparable. Spending the majority of our free time with one another and many of the nights wrapped in each other's arms.

I could tell without looking that Lake was taking a moment to process the whole of what I said. Even taking account of the separation from Torulf and the accidental destruction of Rune's phone.

Maybe it was a bad idea to say that last part after all the wounds were still rather fresh.

Suddenly the fluff of their golden mane found itself softly laying atop my shoulder.

I did look at them then. A content smile on soft lips and crimson eyes that held the universe, my world, looking back at me.

"I'm happy too, even with all that happened. I'd go through it all again if it meant id end up here, holding the hand of the cutest tiger I know."

"You know many tigers?"

"Just two, they replied without missing a beat."

My smile began to grow uncontrollably wide.

"Now enough stalling man, you promised I'd get a room tour tonight!"

"Yeah, yeah I know we're almost there." I said, trying to alleviate the growing pout on lakes face.

We had only just re-entered the dorms after a small date I had promised out on the town. It was 8:27pm as we passed through the commons area where a few people meandered about. Walking down the hall towards the individual dorms, Lake had started a small chant pulling in unwanted attention from a few individuals. (I think a person or two even poked their heads out of their rooms to see what the commotion was). Though I couldn't bring myself to turn and check.

"Lake..." I pleaded stopping in front of my doorway.

They ran a paw through their mane in embarrassment.

"Sorry man i got a bit carried away."

"Hey, it's fine i just don't want people to be banging on my door or writing in complaints about noise." I stated simply imagining a random person at my door the following day.

With a zipping jester across their mouth Lake smiled and spoke. "Promise I'll be on my best behavior."

They looked cute in this small moment I was almost tempted to boop their cute little nose, but I resisted the thought. Instead, I turned to my door to open it.

"Umm..." I paused at the doorknob. "Lake?"

"Yeah man? Wassup?"

I turned to them with great big puppy dog eyes (the most pathetic look i could muster).

"Don't tell me -"

"Nah I'm just kidding but you believed it." I chuckled opening the door and entering the darkness of my room.

"Did not!" They said following right behind me. Already forgetting their promise to be quieter.


I turned on the lights, allowing my eyes to adjust before moving deeper into the space. Tossing my shoes off to the side of my wardrobe i turned with my hands outstretched.

"Welp, welcome to my humble home, feel free to place your belongings anywhere."

They took a few scans of the whole space before finally tossing off their own shoes and placing their flannel shirt atop my bedside dresser.

"Your room is so... empty." They said with a brief moment of hesitation.

"If i didn't know better id assume you just moved in."

"I'm a simple tiger, what can i say."

Lake put two fingers behind their head, as if giving himself bunny ears. Though as they spoke in a mocking mono-toned voice i quickly surmised the more apt description would be bat ears.

"This is actually pretty nice; the minimalist quality of the space really reflects your simplicity and highlights your character or whatever."

I chuckled at that.

"Thanks, Jørgen."

"No problem." The lion replied in their normal voice.

Raising an eyebrow Lake walked over to the most active part of my room, my work desk. My laptop sat there closed and a few of my pictures I've taken while here, littered the wall. As well as a few rather embarrassing posters. It wasn't anything special, but probably seemed the most "ME" out of the entire space.

"Wow these look cool!"

Rattling off a few locations that they recognized from the images, Lake made a game out of the ones that they didn't immediately recognize. I nodded along as they went through them all. Till finally they were ready to move on swiveling their head and taking another scan of the room.

I considered leading and talking about the various things scattered about but it felt easier to let lake's curiosity lead. After all I felt a bit too drained to make my plants or the old stand-alone mirror my parents got me sound interesting. Though his next destination was just my wardrobe and before I knew it, they were going through my various sets of clothing. Raising up a colorful pair of boxer briefs I felt my cheeks growing warm again.


"I'm moving." Came an instant reply as they returned my trousers to the drawer.

The cheekiest smile was plastered on their face as they turned from my wardrobe.

"You're the cutest when you're all flustered like that."

Before I could reply the smaller lion moved up to lick at my maw. Before inviting their tongue into my mouth for a deeper kiss. A few long seconds pass before we break away for air.

"I kinda want to check out your bed next."

The clear statement of intent forced me to manually remind myself to swallow.

My face felt hot and my paws clammy. I didn't know what to do with myself, let alone what to say. I had never been in this situation before.

Lake seemed a bit out of their element too as their face turned a shade red.

I honestly don't know how I didn't see it coming. Would that even have changed anything?

I remember how I felt on that second night we spent together only a week or two ago. How they asked me to join them in their bed. How our noses touched, and our breath was one and the same. Our first kiss together filled with passion and the air lingering with a want for more.

Soft paws slipped underneath my shirt and ran playfully up and down my lower back. As Lake patiently waited for a reply not wanting to pressure me or influence my answer.

"It's pretty nice" I replied moving the eager lion to the foot of my bed.

"Feel free to get comfortable, I'll be right back." I continued as I moved to my singular window to close the shades.

By the time I turned around Lake had already stripped from their shirt and was currently working their pants off. I moved swiftly across the room to check my door was locked.

"Um, lights on or off? I asked standing by the switch unsure of the proper etiquette in this situation. (Was it considered rood to want to cut off the lights?)

"Do these lights work? Lake asked pointing to the mini lights that loomed over my bed.

"Yeah, the switch should be on the side of the bed there."

It took a moment. Lake leaning over the bed, his little butt raised into the air and tail swaying hypnotically. But finally, the small lights flickered to life, and I cut off my main room light. Bathing the upper bed and the twink atop it in a dim glow.

Moving back over to the bedtime seemed almost too slow. Like I was walking out onto a stage set entirely for me: The dim glow illuminating the bed ever so softly. Lake laying on their side almost completely naked trying to be seductive and I the fool who missed their queue standing at the edge of the bed... lost in the moment, drowning in the what ifs.

A paw touches mine. A gentle squeeze follows.

"Let's get some of those clothes off you."

And like that the doubt washes away.

They easily worked the belt that held up my pants while I fumbled to remove my shirt. A small peck place on my exposed belly.

My clothes fell away then, crumpling to the floor. I crawled into bed next to them.

"Well, hello there little tiger."

(The dude was talking to my rapidly growing erection.)


"In relation to the whole of you not that you're lacking anything. Would you prefer if I called him Arvo Jr?"

I nudged the idiot and we both laughed at the absurdity.

"You sure you are up to this? you don't -"

I cut the words short with another passionate kiss. The time for doubt had passed and though I was extremely nervous I also was full of excitement.

After all there was no one else I would rather be with.

The thought renewed me with a fresh bit of vigor, and I rolled on my back to allow my partner to comfortably straddle atop my lap.

Not once breaking away from the kiss.

I let out a soft and sudden moan as paws played softly with my chest and nipples. The sudden sensation only elevated by Lakes own desire and passion. Pushing off my pec's lake broke away from the kiss with a big toothy smile. Bring one hand up to wipe at the excess saliva about his maw.

"Sorry about that." I said propping myself up on my elbows.

"No need to apologize to me, I'm glad I can bring out such enthusiasm."

I licked at my lips in response, tasting what lingered of the lion.

"You know you're allowed to touch me as much as you like." Lake stated leaning back down to touch their snout to mine.

"I – I'll keep that in mind."

As our faces locked once again my hand moved instinctively downward palming my partners rapidly growing erect. My paw pads gently caressing the clear outlining. A content rumbling emanating from their chest.


I continued the motion till Lake shifted back and rolled off me. In the faint glow of my bed the lion swiftly began taking off their underwear and I followed in paw. My own underwear had barely hit the ground before the lion pounced.

The bed shook for just a moment under the pressure. A creaking sound followed giving a moment of pause.

“You worry too much.” Lake stated as if reading my mind.

Though the lion did not wait for a reply as they trailed down my exposed torso: kissing my chest, followed by my stomach till they reached my privates below. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath as a paw takes hold of my shaft and another cups the entirety of my balls firmly.

Clearly Lake wasn't looking to play around. Like with any other thing I’ve known for them to throw in their maw, they took a mouth full of me. My hips bucked upward at the sudden sensation and Lake made a gagging noise before pulling away.


Their tongue continued to playfully lick as it went up my shaft. Stopping only to roam the tip of my dick, before quickly descending back down. After two or three laps I could barely contain myself as my paws ran through Lake’s mane, begging for a faster pace.  The lion held me firm however moving their paws from their previous position to stop any more surprised thrusts of the hips. GOD it all felt so amazing.

“Huuugh…” was the only thing that escaped my mouth, I didn’t know how to speak.

I could feel Lake chuckle in between sucking me off, the small vibration of their body giving off its own strangely stimulating sensation.

Then there was a tap to my thigh as Lake made an attempt to rise up.

I released my grasp of their mane.

“Oh, my bad I-”

“No apologies needed remember.” Lake reminded.

“Right, sor-, I mean…” I just stopped myself there not wanting to embarrass myself any further instead focusing on trying to collect myself with deep steady breaths.

“Give me one second.” Lake said before crawling over to the end of the bed.

Leaning over the side they reached for the crumpled pile of clothing at the foot of the bed. Pulling a small package from their pants pocket before crawling back over to me.

“For you”

“How’d you know what my dick size was?”

“A guess, this isn't exactly my first time seeing you naked, though I brought like two others as well just in case I was wrong. Lady in the store probably thought I was going to some orgy or something when I approached the counter with three different sized boxes of condoms.”

I could never image doing the same. Just thinking about that kind of social interaction makes me glad that we have delivery services like Amazoness or Dbay.

“Though I didn’t remember to bring any lube if it's not a mood killer I can probably just run to my dorm room and grab it.”

“No that's fine I think I still have some in my night stand over there.” I
replied swiftly.

Without hesitation Lake crawled over to the nightstand and rummaged through it for the lube.

“Wow, did not take you for a dildo kinda guy!” Lake said with a bit too much excitement as they produced the clear bottle out from the drawer.

I simply prayed that no one could hear us in the adjacent rooms or passing by in the hallway.

“Only on special occasions.” I stated plainly. A bit embarrassed to elaborate.

“Well, I'll have to keep that in mind.” Lake smiled mischievously.

They crawled back over as I finished placing on the condom. It surprising fit well.

“Now then back down big boy.”

I did as I was told allowing my back to rest within the comfortable folds of my blanket. As soon as I seemed comfortably situated Lake moved a top me and began to apply a generous amount of the lube to themselves and then me. After tossing the remains of the bottle to the side their paws fell back atop my chest and leaned in closer.

“Arvo” my name was barely a whisper.


“This time don’t take your eyes off of me.” Lake demanded in a soft tone their gaze glued to my own.

As the words were spoken Lake took hold of my dick and positioned their ass atop it. The mere ease and confidence at which they moved. I wonder how many times they’ve done this, how many others got to gaze into the beauty of this lion's eyes in such a way as this.

A soft smile on their face all the while.

I forgot how to breath; the very air of the moment seemed to forbid it.

Then they begin to descend, my dick sending waves of pleasure through me as the head of my dick breached the threshold of Lake’s insides.

“Lake, please...”   

My paws grabbed at my partners waist, but it didn’t matter. The rush of pleasure was too sudden I couldn’t hold it in.


Lake rose up with a bit of shock.

“Woah dude did you just cum!?”

I grabbed one of my pillows and hid my face away.

“Just kill me now.” I mumbled wishing to be smothered out of my miser.

“Oh, come on dude it's not the end of the world, actually I’m rather FLATTERED!”

I gave no respond, simple kept to hiding away my face, my shame. I must look so stupid laying here in the dim light. This was such a mista-!?

Paws reached for my exposed belly tickling me till I was forced to curl up in defense.

“Ha ha ha s-stop stop I get it!” I pleaded.

“I don’t know I still see a mopey little tiger.” Lake laughed as they continued their assault.

“I promise I’m not mopey I promise please!”

Lake eased up, allowing me a moment to catch my breath. I opened my eyes, wiped away my tears and turned to face the lion.

“You might wanna handle that?” they stated pointing at my dick still wrapped up.

“Yeah, right.”

Standing up from the bed I pulled of the condom and carefully wrapped it up, to toss into my desk side garbage bin. Turning about, Lake sat back on the bed with their legs crossed and their paws in their lap unbothered with the cutest of smiles on their face. I couldn’t help but smile myself.

“There he is.”

Stretching out their arms they invite me into their embrace. Unable to deny such an invitation I move back onto the bed and entangle myself in them.

“Was that everything you imagined it to be?” I said sarcastically after a few moments of silence passed between us.

The lion shifts.

“Not exactly, no, but not unpleasant either.” they admitted.

“Want to try again?”

There's a pause then, mere seconds seem like an eternity. My heart speeds up a bit. I remember our first time entangled in each others embrace. My body burning with need and a curiosity (no a desire) for more, but in this moment I wonder… What do I want?

“Would you hate me if I said no?”

It was their turn to take a pause.

“Remember that time in the showers when you asked about me dream of us and how I just really wouldn't want to let you down. Or be a burden.”

I nodded into their chest.

“I told you that you weren’t.”

(They could never be… not to me)

“Even though this isn't how I imagined it in my head I had fun and there's always another day. You aren’t letting me down and I'm here for you just as you were there for me.” The lion pulled me in deeper, burying me in their chest fur right next to their heart.

“Besides I told you before.”

“Falling asleep with someone else is the best part.” I replied as a blur of memories from that day come rushing back.

The lion doesn’t say another word knowing well that they got their point through. No need to rush, for we have time, our whole lives ahead of us. Listening to the rhythmic beating of Lake’s heart I feel tears begin to well up inside.

I cant wait to see what tomorrow brings...


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