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I will patrol the perimeter.

Was the last thing Minthara said before moving out from the warmth of the campfire and into the gloom of the forest only the faint glow of her magical mace to mark her passing in the gloom of night.

As the minutes passed and those remaining settled into their individual tents Sabdreza moved in shadows, uninterested in conversation or questions and as if on instinct moving towards the direction Minthara had been patrolling in. She was just on a nice stroll.

Ruins a half days travel from Baldur’s gate littered the surrounding forest cutting off the midnight winds and leaving all silent say for the forest creatures that roamed the night.

Why follow Minthara out here? She wondered to herself as she crept along the collapsed outer wall of the ruins.

In short, she wasn't quite sure, but if she had to answer, it was curiosity. Since they first met there was a faint attraction between them (and it wasn't simply because of the worms that sat behind their eyes or their shared race). They had been a factor sure, but... that Minthara she had met a few ten days ago was a ruthless killing machine a loyal sword of the absolute that would cut any throat it was ordered to.

A slave.

No, this drow was Minthara Baenre female of the first house in all of Menzoberranzan! A ruthless killer yes, but slave to none in all of Faerun! Sept perhaps her own ambition.

A beautifully wicked dagger...

Yet she didn't follow Lolth, their spider deity. Her denial of the spider queen gave Sabdreza pause and with that pause a great doubt that festered within the silence of the moment and beyond.

In that faint moment of doubt and deep contemplating an uncomfortable feeling pulled at the back of her eye. As if the tadpole wished to burst free.

True soul!

A faint sound came from behind and before Sabdreza could turn to face her foe a wave of psychic energy slammed into her temple and sent her mind reeling.

A swift and effective assault to disorient the enemy soon to be followed by a deathly blow. Sabdreza pushed out the pain preparing for what came next an as expected with keen ears she could hear a weapon cut through the air, hurling towards her. Ducking below the deadly blade she stood again turning to see her aggressor.


The drow did not reply only swung the magical glowing mace in her hand. The divine light that emanated off the weapon burned Sabdreza’s eyes to near tears and hid it's ark as it came in for a deadly blow. Unable to counter the other she enveloped herself in silvery mist and magically stepped out 20 feet away.

She can follow...

Her mind whispered.

On cue more silvery mist appeared followed by a mace swinging low. This mace however dripping with deadly poison. Sabdreza had already shaken off the concentrated mind blast and surprise of seeing her attacker was Minthara. Even before the mist arrived, or the second mace emerged a globe of darkness fell. They were both blind and on equal footing as the mace swung at empty air.

Neither spoke not wanting to give the other their location in the dark and both were drow. moving in silence was taught at such a young age it came naturally.

(Some surface walkers even believed that when drow babies are born, they don't cry in hopes that an assassin or rival won't find them and their mothers at their most vulnerable point).

Then Minthara was speaking however through Sabdreza's mind directly.

Did I lose her favor when I left the Underdark and was abducted by Orin and the cult of the absolute?

Did she send you to save me from Moonrise Towers just so she could laugh as you sunk a dagger between my spine?

(Minthara read her mind!)

She had always known Minthara was strong enough to snatch away information from her head it's happened on a few occasions but never without her knowledge. Her private muddled thoughts as she tried to work them out were invaded and stolen so easily. This boiled the warlocks blood and for a moment she was ill aware of her footing stepping atop a twig with a *snap*.

In return came a step, a clink of armor.


Out of the darkness Sabdreza emerged 10 feet away from Minthara her Eldritch magic bubbling to the surface and blasting out in two thin rays of blood red magic where she once stood. Minthara quick even in her heavy-set armor dodged the 1st with ease while the 2nd blasted her square in the shoulder knocking her back into the dirt.

And what of you?! Sabdreza countered aloud.

You may no longer be a follower of LLolth but you are drow in pursuit of power and are willing to kill, butcher and maim all who stand in your way for it. What's to stop you from removing me from the equation once our other more pressing foes lay dead! Doubt dear sister mine is a dual edged sword, shall we fall on it together like fools?

With those words she prepared another spell.

At this range she held all the cards. Minthara couldn't misty step again as she already drained the magic from her amulet and at this distance, she had little options while Sabdreza held an ocean of spells to try.

As Minthara rose though the next attack wasn't magic or psychical. She sought to dominate her will by use of the tadpoles.

Of all those within their camp Minthara was the only one who matched her mental capabilities after all, each taking advantage of the other tadpoles they collected and growing in power. Astarion had voiced interest once and they indulged him for a time, but both eventually cut him off (on the account of him being an elven male and them not wanting to waste such precious and powerful tadpoles).

The assault was razor daggers to the brain, tearing and cutting through mental defenses. Like a wolf to sheep.

I had prepared for this day since the moment we met. I knew you were different, since the moment I tasted you. And I knew I'd have to be prepared since the moment you saved me from Moonrise to claim your life. I will admit if it wasn't for these powers granted by the tadpoles Id surely lose… at least in this encounter but the night is mine. had prepared for this day since the moment we met. I knew you were different, since the moment I tasted you. And I knew id have to be prepared since the moment you saved me from Moonrise to claim your life. I will admit if it wasn't for these powers granted by the tadpoles Id surely lose… at least in this encounter but the night is mine.

With those words she found hold on Sabdreza's inner mind and barged through the mental defenses placed with a wave of psychic energy. The center of Sabdreza's conscious mind, a similar place where Sabdreza once set Minthara free would now be the very place Minthara would erase Sabdreza… forever.

Yet as Minthara entered the space within Sabdreza's deeper consciousness she knew she had erred.

Unlike the time Minthara was locked up in Moonrise, Sabdreza was in full control.

No that wasn't it either. She could feel the divine here and as she looked about the void of black and lavender she saw creatures scuttling in the dark.


At the center where Sabdreza resided another figure stood at her side.

Even thinking the name rumbled the false ground at her feet, fierce and real as any earth quack. Then a swarm of spiders white as polished marble gathered at the center of this mind space climbing about their dark mistress crawling gently across her flesh and atop each other in a mesmerizing swarm..

Sabdreza knelt at her side in utter terror and awe of the divine avatar before them.

The avatar... of Lolth.

The avatar spoke but the words never reached Minthara's ears and after a short exchange only a single one approached.

So what wicked punishment has the lady of Spiders deemed fitting for me?


Sabdreza replied after a moment of pure silence.

The truth is you won't walk away from this all and in following this path towards the elder brain... towards power... weather you kill me or not you will be carrying out Lolth’s will. So she has given you freedom for in your freedom you will always run from and kill those who seek to control you only to know truly deep down that Lolth’s cruel design has you... has me... has been the reason for our very lives.

You without faith and I who believe with my full heart, mind and soul are her champions no different than Gortash or Orin.

They did not rest that night after they left Sabdreza’s mind. Assassination attempts weren't something special to either they both fully expected it at some point and for it to even happen again in the future but neither would forget the avatar of Lolth residing on the surface. Even if it was in the dead of night within the darkest corner of a drow’s mind she had influence and was watching...

Sabdreza played the instructions her dark goddess had gifted her over and over again in her mind. At times when she knew her thoughts were hers alone.

(Well hers and the emperor).

Keep her at your side, the Baenre will take you to the foot of your victory when all becomes one under the night sky, when your web of domination becomes absolute... only then return her to my embrace.


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