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sorry this is a bit of a mess i was supposed to have it done yesterday but last minute adjustments needed to be made and writing tool i used didn't want to work so had to post as is from phone sorry again but don't want to push this to far back I got other writing and art to do (concept art attached below)


I hate Sundays...   I always found myself trapped in church with a bunch of old people instead of out with the rest of my friends, enjoying our weekend before school starting back up on Mondays.   Mother didn't care anymore.   she said that I was old enough not to have to participate but unfortunately still too young to be left home alone. I could however bring anything that wasn't disruptive and would fill the time.   Thus, I sat on the outskirts of the congregation. Restless, I shook in my seat headphones dangling in my ears and my head tilted down towards the faint glow of my phone.   Slight adjustments had the wooden seats buckle and screech underweight, dust flickered and danced in the cool nights breeze and scattered amidst the grand structure of solid stone. Primitive candles made great strive to hold back the dark. It was cool in a way you know...   Like a medieval castle or something, However, any interest that the structure governed was instantly lost behind boring sermons and ancient rituals.   But I guess I'd be lying if i said it was all bad...  as i sat in the dated pews in the back of the church looking down at my phone. I took out my headphones as the congregation began to break out in song.   A man at the podium began with praises of God. With everyone else following in chorus saying how every praise was to God, hallelujah and glory followed. Then as the song hit a climax the man at the podium took the microphone and began to testify.   "God my savior God my healer God my deliverer"   After confirmation everyone followed in pursuit, raising its voice to elevate his own.   "God my savior God my healer God my deliverer"   And another confirmation this time everyone's voices joined in, not just the man, not just the chorus or congregation but all in unison.   Gospel music was always an interesting thing. It touched me in a way that a sermon couldn't. I felt the energy of the faith even though I didn't really believe, it was as if my body picked up something my mind couldn't comprehend. (They say music transcends meaning after all). But I shook off the concept never wanted to wrestle with the thought for long. i just sat in the moment evermore restless in my chair, a lump held fast in my throat desperate to join in unison with the others.   Cringe.   I could hear the song begin to settle and simmer down. Felt my mother gently take hold of my shoulder slightly swaying as she sang along. Content in the moment and no doubt thrilled at the slight gesture I offered with the removal of my headphones.   I smiled a bit, equally content in the moment though rejecting the faith.   Yet as quickly as the moment came it went like the very concept of the "present".   Praises and cheers turned to wicked screams. Voices screeched and wailed out as one by one everyone in the room was consumed in a strange translucent flame. Many scattered with attempt to flee or stood up in horror only to be engulfed in the same mysterious flame's seconds later.   My mother held me tight, a desperate hug far more suffocating than the gentle embrace shared moments prior. As we watched all this transpire I felt her trembling, labored breaths attempting to push out a prayer she couldnt quite remember the words to. With no means of escape we simply sat waiting for our turn to inevitably arrive.   And her turn did eventually come, like all the rest she was consumed. Flames with no heat ate at her, ripped skin from flesh and turned meat to a charred black. In her final grim state she tilted her head up towards the roof, a wicked smile plastered on a melted and deformed structure that once was a face. Tears pouring out of empty eye sockets. And what was once my mother was no more...   I sat there frozen for what felt like centuries, each second a life time.   Snapping out of the daze I turned to the stage. Where the man that not to long ago sang the praises of god now sat cowering behind the podium, facing a naked woman with thick locks.   She hover in the air peering down at him. Spectral wings that shined with the same flames that engulfed my mother burst free from her back.   "What in God's name is happening"!? The man requested, desperation spilling from his every word.   The woman (or entity) tilted their head with a faint curiosity.   "Fear not, for the father has long since spoken thee answer, that which now weighs heavily on thy soul."   "YOU LIE DAEMON!" the man replied desperation spilling from every word.   The creature that stood elevate above us turned its attention towards me a faint smile formed upon its face...   "Fear not for I come in peace as a meer guide and nothing more."   Without waiting for a response it continued on sure of what I would ask.   "The faithful has returned to the foot of the father in his light they have been washed of sin and drawn out from the limits of flesh. A path is still yet open to you if you wish to walk it but to take it it must be of your own choice. As lost as you are he sits at thy side waiting."




No apologies needed! This series is looking great so far, can't wait for the next chapter! Thank you 👏🏾