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“Its rather dark out tonight and I mean more so than usual...”

Opening my eyes my sight follows a large figure shifting on the edge of the entrance into the cavern. They are slow, with each step upon the stone their weight can be felt. The silhouette of the figure distorted by the dancing flames of my fire and the evident haul upon their person, but id never come to forget the voice of my partner, Shoji.

Breaking the thin veil of shadow and joining me under the comfort afforded by my fire. I gave response to his statement.

“Engulfed in the infinity of the void it is not with sight that we should hold trust.”

The man moved in closer taking a moment with my words as he sat down his catch, a fresh deer slain from the woods that encompass the area. No visible wounds were apparent but upon close observation It would be obvious to any that the creature’s neck had been snapped. Looking back at Shoji his face revealed concern locked behind tired eyes and though his mouth was hidden behind rags I knew a frown was painted upon his face.

“Are they that close already?” he inquired.

“They seemed to have picked up the pace and shortened the distance between us. My shadow estimates they are a few days out…”

The man before me pulled out a knife and began to carve up his catch, harvesting its meat and precious organs. Diligent in his work the man continued with his questions without looking up.

“What will you have us do then? It is clear that we can no longer stay here.”

“I have my other shadows surveying the lands for possibilities but for now I am unsure.”

“...and what of you?”

This question gave pause to the air around us. The words took seat within my mind forcing contemplation. I could tell of his concerns, a protectiveness towards me and my well being. Yet I need not his hovering care and found my response tipped with a serrated edge.

“What do mean, of me?”

His left arms began to twist and shift form, you could slightly hear the reconfiguration of bone against the crackling of the fire and the gentle whispers of the wind. A new set of eyes rested upon my person with an intense glare about them. Only to be amplified by the dance between shadow and flame. I could feel a slight lump form in my throat as his eyes found my own, holding me captive in their gaze. The moment would not last; however, as our fire burst to life in a maelstrom of frenzy engulfing the surrounding area in waves of red and blue flames. I avoided the brunt of the flames, only a singular foot getting grazed by the flames before darkness engulfed me in a protective cocoon. I could hear Shoji whale out in pain no doubt bearing a direct hit from the blast.

Uncontrollable emotions swirled within my being. Without thought I grabbed at them used them as power and pushed against the dark flooding everything in liquid shadow. Not a single ember remained.
Shoji remained by my side wrapped in his own cocoon only this one formed of flesh not shadow. I could hear his labored breaths which brought minor comfort to the wellspring of emotions within but I had no time to focus on that now.

Something was coming…

First came the smell of charred smoke and decay. Its fowl presence filled my nostrils and choked at my lounges. Then the faint crackles of flames in the distance. A familiar but ominous omen and finally a faint blue light ever drawing closer to our location. I clenched my teeth in rage and aggravation. How could I have been caught so naked, how could I not have know?

The two figures walked into the entry way of the cavern where we resided illuminated by a single small blue flame.

They found us…


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