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[The longest chapter in the series with 3.5k words. Well, this is it. Winter break comes early for me. Thanks for sticking with the story for two years. See you in the new year.]

Dumuzin was the happiest he had been in two thousand years.

The Greater Devil, a being of god-like power on par with the Goddess Estelle, looked no different than an ordinary man.

Of course, this was just a form that he chose to wear.

Despite the grievous wounds on his body, he looked happy.

He was holding a piece of torn paper in his hand. It gleamed with a rainbow hue.

“Heheheh… Aurora Scroll.”

The prize was far above his expectations. Lichzen, Chalchar, Banbenxi, and he were aiming for the suddenly appearing mysterious treasure but he was the winner. The struggle cost him a wound that would take at least 500 years to heal. Dumuzin wondered if he paid too high of a price but it turned out it was a fragment of the legendary scroll that depicted the past, present, and future with absolute accuracy.

Any wound compared to that was a cheap trade.

Already the scroll proved useful, for showing something he didn't expect. Who would have thought that a mortal would influence his destiny to this extent?

Aurora Scroll was never wrong so Dumuzin didn't hesitate to push his toy hard. The harder he pushed him, the clearer the future that he desired got.

If necessary, now I can nudge his actions in a more direct manner. I hope he likes my gift. Hehehe. Keep getting stronger, my toy.

Dumuzin smirked.

Estelle… My Estelle… This time I’ll not let go. When the toy storms your precious Heaven, it will fall and you’ll be mine. It is written.

“Hehehe… Ahahaha... Wuahahahaha!!”

To his knowledge, he was the first to lay eyes on the Aurora Scroll since the Twilight of the Gods nine thousand years ago.

With the fragment of Aurora Scroll in his hand, Dumuzin felt he was omniscient and omnipotent, a stage that his equal, or anyone, never reached.


After fighting the Level 4 clone of the hostile soul Pathseeker, Ciel, Farley, and Paina made themselves scarce but the battle took its toll. After Farley, she was next to succumb to exhaustion.

When she awoke, Ciel found she was on top of a soft bed of flowers with a relaxing scent. While she was wondering where she was and how long she was unconscious, a green-skinned girl that looked about ten years old entered demurely through the wooden door.


She’d never seen Dia in this form. She didn't think the plant sprite was actually a Dryad. Viers’ familiar tried to give her assurance but she was quite awkward at speaking. That she was safe and this was Viers’ territory. Paina and Farley were still out but Viers should be awake soon. In the meantime, the Dryad asked her to recuperate.


The Dryad was like a nervous child speaking to a stranger and swiftly ran away, leaving Ciel on her own. She moved her body and it hurt everywhere. Staying in bed was probably the wise choice but she wanted to know where she was so she slowly made her way to the door.

What she saw made her think she was in paradise. Abundant mana, giant trees, crystalline waters, and fantastical terrain.

No, this is a Biome, she corrected herself. But of such high quality… This is Viers’ territory?

The mystery surrounding Viers kept becoming greater and greater.

As time passed, the illumination cycle of the giant sunflowers on the outside lit and dimmed twice so Ciel thought it must be two days since she had awakened. Ciel only met Dia when she was bringing her food then quickly left despite her effort to make her stay for a while.

Why is she scared of me? I’m not scary, am I?

Ciel’s feelings were a bit hurt.

The food was rich in mana and so was the environment which helped in her recovery. When she had recovered enough, she went outside to explore the Biome for a bit, trying to find Viers and Dia but to no avail, the Dryad's appearance and disappearance were beyond her.

No exit… Guess I’m stuck here in the meantime.

It was another two days later that she met Viers.

While she was sitting on a big blue mushroom pondering about the gem on her chest, Viers was walking towards her. A bit surprising, considering his limbs were twisted into hideous shapes a few days ago.

“Viers Isuel,” Ciel said while rising from the mushroom stool.

“Ciel Valentine,” Viers greeted her back.

“I’m glad to see you well,” she said.


“No, I mean even before. In the tower, I thought you were dead.”

“Ah, well, as you can see, I’m obviously alive,” Viers said with a slightly crooked smile. Like someone who was caught doing a prank.

So it was by design. What a trickster. Ciel resisted the urge to sigh. It would be unladylike.

“Farley, Paina, and Dia had briefed me about what happened. Consider me informed.”

“Wait, Farley and Paina, they are fine?”

“Yes. Like us, they have not recovered completely but their life is in no danger.”

“Thank the Goddess… Don't you forget someone perhaps? A lamia?”

To her jab, Viers crooked smile became more crooked.


“No, you don't have to explain. It’s my mistake to pry. You don't have to explain if you don't want to. Once again, I thank you for saving my life,” Ciel gave a respectful bow.

“...Hm? Shouldn't that be my line?”

“I put one stone of lifesaving to even the scale, yes, but the scale is still heavier in yours. Not only that, there’s this.”

She pointed at the crystal on her chest, which she now thought might be a mistake, because she basically invited a male’s gaze on her sensitive area. It was too late to take it back now. The crystal was above the neckline of the clothes but even so… What would her mother be thinking?

Ahh, I can feel the heat on my cheeks. Face, stop reddening!

“So that cheeky sword went inside you, huh?”

“I want to return it,” Ciel felt a thump of disapproval in her chest. The divine sword didn't seem to like that idea. “-but I believe the act will kill me if I do. The wound from that Level 5…”

Ciel wanted to give it a name instead of calling it divine sword this and divine sword that but the sword was still Viers’ in her mind.

“Mhm… Keep it then.”


Ciel was taken aback that Viers so easily relinquished the sword. If Viers insisted on wanting the absolutely precious divine-class item back -as it was his right- she wouldn't have a good counter.

“Thank you. I’ll… pay it and all my debts back. I swear on my honor.”

“You can do so now, by keeping what you found out about me a secret from your Church friends, or anyone.”

Ciel didn't think Viers would ask that.

“That’s-” she hesitated. Lying to her friends didn't sit well with her.

“Ms. Valentine, I insist.”

Seeing his eyes, Ciel knew he would not budge.

“...I understand.”

Ciel and Viers ironed out the details next. Not only did Ciel swear on her Intio, she also agreed with Viers’ soul contract of confidentiality. After seeing the ‘death’ of Viers in the tower, she certainly didn't meet a hostile Level 5 and fought side by side with the Paina and Farley against his clone to save Viers. She didn't visit a secret Biome afterward either. She got flung to a dangerous pocket dimension and got the divine sword there.

The lamia or any other secrets of Viers, she would bring to the grave unless Viers gave her permission to share.

Viers called in her life debts so Ciel agreed; her sense of justice compelled her to. However, the three boons that she and Rose promised Viers remained, even if Viers said Rose didn't need to know he was alive. He would reveal himself to her when it was time to meet again.

After the scale of favor between them was made more balanced, Ciel felt relieved that the heavy burden on her shoulders lightened significantly.

“I’ll send you back tomorrow. It’s been five days since the battle but Rose, Mita and the others should still be around Valkut. As far as I know, they are fine.”

“I see… Is there anything else?”

Viers nodded. “Is it true you pulled out a sword from your chest now?”

“...if I say yes?”

“Can you show me… Please?”

Ciel felt uncomfortable from his gaze. It was not the vulgar kind but the glimmering eyes of an eager child.

Still disturbing.

After satisfying Viers’ request, Ciel spent the day talking about a lot of things with him. She couldn't remember how long ago she had such a relaxing time. The stress that had accumulated since her arrival in Valkut city was slowly reducing.

Made me miss home… I guess… I should drop by.

The next day, when she woke from her sleep, she could see Valkut city in the distance.


Ciel made a wry smile and started walking to the city with light steps.


To think Ciel became Raiden Shogun… Didn't see that one coming. A sword coming out from a woman’s chest is getting more popular lately.

Viers was taken away from the thought by the awakening stirrings of Paina and Farley. He was at the White Flowers Meadow, healing both girls.

“How are you feeling,” Viers asked.

“Not bad. Hey, it grows back,” Paina said looking at her hand. It was cut off during the battle with Mr. X’s clone.

“Thank you, Lord Viers.” Similarly, Farley lost her right eye and it was fine now.

A spark of black fire flickered for a microsecond inside Farley’s newly restored eye.

Neither Farley herself nor Viers noticed.

“It’s nothing. Clarissa though…” Viers sighed.

Nearby the three, the lamia princess was in a soul coma. She had been like this since the battle. Faiya was the same in the real world. Futon and Dia were quite worried about their sibling. Faiya had shown signs of recovery but Clarissa didn't. All his treatment had no effect on the lamia.

He had a feeling Clarissa would be in a coma for a long time, possibly years.

“Oh, Rissa…” Paina looked saddened.

Farley went to her sister’s sleeping soul, clutching her hand. She was relieved her younger sibling was okay. Not realizing that her sister had experienced something akin to a beheading and then restitched.

“We have suffered many losses this time…” Viers gently touched Clarissa’s hand.

The three were silent for some time, each having their own worry.

“...It’s time for you to have your bodies back,” Viers dropped a bomb as the beginning. “Paina, mind if you give the fetus to Gwen?”

It was the body-generating item that Izabella gave to him before he went to Valkut. He intended for Paina to use it but it seemed he changed his mind.

Paina and Farley looked surprised.

“Hear me out. You don't need it. There’s a perfectly suitable body for you to inhibit already.”

It took Paina several seconds to arrive at the answer.


“Well, her soul has died. Something to do with the big bad fae, I think, but her body is perfectly preserved by me. It’s a high-spec fae physique perfectly compatible with your soul. Understandable, 'cause you’re meant to get eaten by this fae so she can change into a changeling of you.”


“It is a pure-blood fae body. Although, it shouldn't have any negative effect on you.”

Paina looked lost.

“Just think about it. During my adventure in the dragon mountain range, I got a body for Farley too,” Viers turned to his other tenant. “The dragon threw a fit after I took it.”

Farley imagined she became a fierce female dragon as big as the one she saw battling the giant moth in the distance and was not sure if she liked it or hated it.

“No, not like what I think you’re thinking. You’ll still be human just not completely. Think of it like having a special bloodline.”

“Which is?” Farley asked.

“Devawi Swan.”

“The dragon swan,” Paina sharply inhaled. “Said to be one of the most gorgeous monsters.”

As a deva-class monster, naturally it was a powerful monster. Farley put some serious thought into the offer.

“I’ll take care of Clarissa until she’s hale but you two and Gwen don't need to be stuck inside my soulspace. Go out into the world if you want. If the recent ambush from the mysterious Level 5 gives you second thoughts about being with me, I won't begrudge you for it. Just think about it for now. It’s your future.”

“Speaking of the future, how about the curse?” Paina asked worriedly. “You said you’ll tell us how to break it.”

“Oh, right. Almost forgot. Listen up. The way to deal with the curse is-”

Viers naturally had heard of the curse-slash-prophecy of the Level 4 clone to Ciel, Farley, and Paina. Weird that Clarissa and his other selves that also battled Mr. X didn't get any.

When he touched on the same matter with Ciel yesterday, she said she didn't need help. She said the Church was well-equipped for dealing with curses and Viers didn't pursue the matter.

“-by thinking it doesn't exist.”

“Whaaat!?” Paina shouted angrily. She was losing her mind thinking about the curse and Viers just told her to ignore it?

“Lord Viers…”

Even Farley looked disheartened.

“No, I’m being serious. You absolutely cannot try to prevent bad prophecies. That’s how the prophecy came true in the first place. In every Fable I know, those that try to avert prophecy get exactly what they tried to prevent. Don't try to cheat prophecy, outsmart, help, nudge, or any kind. Leave it be, period!”

Just look at Odin, for Christ's sake! Look at what he did trying to prevent Ragnarök. Can’t he see that simply being a less shittier person is enough? Then he had to mess with Kratos… So much for being a God of Wisdom.

May the Almighty have mercy on the fools who tried to mess around with prophecy.

“You two have three options. Option one, disregard my advice and go fight that prophecy to death. It’s your choice. Option two, and this is me giving you a pearl of wisdom, do what I suggest and ignore the prophecy. I can erase your memories about it if it rattles you. Option three, and this is what I would have done if I’m in your shoes…”

Paina and Farley waited for Viers' dramatic pause to end, slightly leaning forward.

“Don't prevent the prophecy but become so strong that the prophecy doesn't matter even if it comes true.”

Paina and Farley looked at each other. Each could see the confusion of the other party.

“Told you all before. Seek strength. The rest will follow… It’s a fundamental truth of the world, girls. All right, I’ll leave you to your thoughts… Oh, one more thing. Farley, catch.”

Viers tossed Farley a ball of gray.

“What’s this?”

“The karma that began in Luxore is getting resolved at Valkut one after another. Paina's arc is completed and others too. What comes next is a new chapter for all of us so let’s out with the old and in with the new. That is your father’s soul. I’ve been plumbing his memories and torturing him all this time. My revenge for killing the nice people I know in Luxore. Some of them were dear to me. Now I give him to you for the final say of his fate. Forgive him or grill him, I don't care.”



Viers sprawled on the green grass inside Dia’s Biome by his lonesome. He needed some alone time.

The future weighed heavily on him.

What a mess this trip to Valkut turned out to be. Damn that Mr. X…

Because of his injured soul, he wouldn't be able to use his soul abilities as freely as before until it was healed. Any soul Arte would be weakened more than half.

Estimated time of recovery: 1-2 years.

Ciel saw that his limbs looked fine but it was actually just a show. Viers felt he was having matchsticks instead of arms and legs. No hard physical activities for the time being. He couldn't even walk properly.

Estimated time of recovery: 6-8 months. Without his healing factor, it would be even longer.

Mr. X’s Victa Stigma, the Level 5’s Arte’s harmful residue, was still clinging to his body and soul, causing all kinds of complications.

Estimated time of recovery: 3 years.

Along with those injuries, my Victa is nearly empty. Adding the injuries, continuing with my cultivation momentum would be impossible.

Viers’ strength growth was astounding because he rode the winds of change, gobbling up one opportunity after another. He was still under twenty years old. It was the most opportune age to grow leaps and bounds but as things stood, he had to stop and heal.

The modest side of Viers felt glad his loss was only at this degree since an extraordinary Level 5 was actively hunting him. Ordinary Level 5 would not be able to handle the Twilight Fire’s burst and Clarissa. On the other hand, he felt furious.

Twilight only remains one-third. I can either use it to empower Faiya or keep it as my last anti-Level 5 method. Before Valkut, I had tens of life-saving treasures against Level 4. Now I only have two. Divine healing pill is no more. Clarissa is in a coma while Farley and Paina might leave.

Even against Freya, he didn't suffer such a massive loss to his assets.

There are a few gains but not enough to offset the loss…

Viers had some gains from the Church, the Aviary, dragons, fae, other victims, and the three offerings from Rose and Ciel.

The most damning thing is Dream Viers -blessed be his memory- had to go! If I got his Horizon then all would have been worth it but since I don't… Hells and Damnations! Other MCs in xianxia stories usually get super benefits or hyper power-ups after getting embroiled in a great conflict out of their league, right?

Viers made a truly sour face.

Then why am I not? Valkut is a major arc, damnit!

The word ‘karma’ appeared in his mind.

Urgh… At least the life experience I gained from the trip to Valkut is priceless so there’s that.

Viers closed his eyes and exhaled a breath of disappointment that was as long as an anaconda.

All right Viers, let's try to look at the Valkut trip result positively… A cultivator’s lifespan is longer than normal, even more so in my case. I suffered some setbacks but even Fang Yuan did. It’s bound to happen in any cultivation story. His mentality is if he was still alive then it counted as a win. He could regain what he lost through commitment, hard work, and sheer will… Ok Viers, stop acting like a pussy, reset your mindset and think this like starting a new game plus, shall we?

The wave of destiny that originated from Luxore had come full circle at Valkut. That was how Viers looked at things.

When he opened his eyes again, they had regained the glitter of wanderlust. Viers looked at the infinite indigo-lilac sky and white clouds before reaching out with his hand.

It’s been an exciting journey but I want more!

As Viers relaxed his nerves, he was reminded of one thing.

Oh! The red orb that Skeith got after defeating the soul parasite inside me! The boss drop!

Viers had forgotten about the item until now. He examined it immediately, hoping it was something extraordinary.

“T-This is-!”

It was a key.

Not an actual key for opening doors, perhaps a passport was more accurate.

“Dia! Dia!”

Viers called the Biome Master and tried it immediately outside of the Biome. Viers came out in some barren wilderness, nowhere close to Valkut.

If something went wrong, he would immediately return to the Biome.

Viers activated the red orb and a portal appeared, formed by an incredible amount of demonic energy. With this much energy, the distance to the destination must be extraordinarily distant.

“What the fuck…”

Does this lead to Hell? No… The portal uses demonic energy but it leads somewhere else… Somewhere with even higher mana from Dia’s Biome! Holy cow… Wait a second! So Mr. X is from the cult! Which one? The assassins? Iz’s? That cockroach guy’s from the Book World? Or… Farley’s?

The suspect was the cults that he had met. That was how it normally goes in the Fables. Viers’ gut feeling pointed at one of them; it was the one that he was involved with the most.

Viers looked at the portal. Objectively speaking, this was an opportunity. Who knew what kind of wondrous things he would find? As a greedy person, how could he let go of this golden chance to recoup his losses?

“Is that how you think?” Viers looked with extreme disdain.

You think I will eat this poisoned gift!?

Viers crushed the orb and threw the fragments inside the portal.

“And keep the change, ya bastard!”

Viers gave the closing portal his middle finger, and in his mind, a certain Devil God with an initial D just placed himself in the first position on his Shit List, dethroning Freya.



Almost 300 chapters in and finally the Aurora scrolls start impacting the story. Looking forward to the new year. Have a nice vacation


Why does viers trust the girls so much, and if they chose to leave would he make them swear oaths