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[Sorry about the delay. Forgot to put this up on Patreon.]

Out of all people, I have to get paired with Viers. That enigmatic person. Is he good or is he evil?

Goddess help me.

“Hm, the wedding dress is gone. Shame. Such good needlework.”

As Viers said, I realize my outfit had returned to normal after exiting the glamour that the fae weaved.

“So the baby is a fake?” I ask.

“Baby? Oh, that’s the setting they make for you. No, I don't know.”


“After the first time, I just stabbed the little trickster bug every time I ran into them. Not even waiting for them to finish their sentence.”

“There could be real people among them!”

Viers grabs my shoulders and looks at me with clear eyes.

“Rose, it’s for the good of your soul that you don't think too much about it. Even I cannot see through the fae glamour in this place. Just now, I abducted you, and the blame, if any, is on me.”

My eyes widen. “Kh!”

I set aside his hold and turn back. When I open the door that we just closed, it is a distinctively different room. No sign of Mockyloc or the baby.

“...Let us be off. Mita and the others need us. From now on, leave the trickster fae and their challenges to me.”

I hear Viers’ words after being still for Goddess knows how long.

After a short prayer for the poor souls trapped, I follow in his footsteps.


“Heh. What a place. Millennium Puzzle plus Inception… Millennium Inception?”

Viers says some incomprehensible things now and then. Maybe it's to distract me from my guilt, I suspect, but I’m too tired to care.

“...Burdening good people with guilt is a favorite trick of villains. Don't let them get you,” Viers says.

“No wonder you’re familiar with this strategy then.”

Why did that come out sarcastically? I am about to apologize but Viers just chuckles.

The window of opportunity has passed and we walk in awkward silence.

While following the signs and making steady progress. Viers doesn't care if his opponents are real, fake, or who they are. He treats them as roadblocks to be overcome, even leaving behind enemies if it suited them.

Although we have an unspoken role that I am the one handling the battling fae, Viers had to jump in a few times because I was unfocused.

Another blow to my confidence. It’s so pathetic. Even though he’s a villain, compared to him, my abilities are…


“Third day… We are out of time. I have to do this.”

“Rose, no. This game is rigged from the start.”

“This is the only way to reach Master Mita in time!”

“This is too reckless.”

Like tugging a string from the sun, I attempt to channel the power of the angels.


When I open my eyes, I see an unfamiliar three-dimensional maze above me. I feel my body bereft of strength, maintaining my consciousness is an exhausting effort.

“Ah, you’re awake… but still pretty weak. Get some more rest for now. Drink this, slowly.”

Viers brought a cup of water to my mouth and I’m very grateful. My body is craving it.

“...How long was I out?”

“Now is the evening of the fifth day.”

My brain needs a few seconds to soak in Viers’ blunt answer.

Jerrold said Master Mita would be brainwashed on the third day.

Currently, it is the fifth.

I cry until I’m too tired to.


“Leave me and go on ahead. I’m just a burden.”

I say to Viers while he is carrying me on his back.

“I made a promise to your master to take care of you. And you’ve bought my services in a fair deal.”

The Vigor of Responsibility Arte and the Heavenly Admonition. I remember.

Viers also said, he is ‘used to play carry’, whatever that means.

He never complains as my gamble turns me into deadweight for him to carry. The sixth day is quite grueling so Viers decides to call it a day a little bit early. He settles at a nearby opening in the wall, the same as yesterday.

While I was unconscious, Viers kept climbing and there has been a slight change of layout in the maze. For instance, there exist openings to the outside even though there are none on the lower floors.

The view from this high is magnificent. The stars seem so close and there’s no uncomfortable wind.

“So that’s where the Level 4 enemies are.”

There are massive flying insect monsters patrolling the tower’s surroundings. One ugly beetle thing flies nearby but doesn't seem inclined to attack us.

“There might be some on the upper floor inside though I hope not. They might be dealing with the elves… Or maybe, they won't appear before us at all. They have the force to defeat us but they didn't do it. We are just entertainment.”

I agree. Viers speaks the truth.

We don't make a fire or cook. We eat our supplies. I’m no longer an invalid and can eat on my own.

“Can we use that as an escape?”

“Oh no. The monsters… or maybe they’re fae? Well, they will attack you once you leave the tower’s boundary. I tried. Same thing for those trying to get in from the outside, I reckon.”

The food’s taste doesn't reach my mind as I’m still consumed by my failures. Both of us finished our portion in a flash.

Viers set out a Sound Recording Clam that emits the sound of a waterfall. It’s magically soothing and calming. I returned the favor and pull out a scented pouch. The flowery scent is fatigue-relieving.

Viers sits near a hollow wall, leaning on a pillar while I sit with my legs curled to my chest a few meters away. The height is too much for me.

“Hey, chin up. Mita’s three-day limit might have passed but Mita is strong. Your master might surprise us still. If not, it’s our job to take her back.”


I nod, hoping it is true.

“...Can you stop doing that?”

I ask why he flicks the lamplight on and off in his hand. What's the point? The sky and land are pitch black already. The number of flicks must have gone over a hundred already. The sound and light are disturbing.

“Sorry. It’s a bad habit, I know but I can't settle down without doing it. I’ll raise a separator so it won't disturb you.”

Paina appears with particles of blue light. One moment there’s nothing and then she’s there.


“Rose, how are you holding up?”

“I’m fine… Thank you for asking.”

“I’ll be here if you want to talk, all right?”


Viers must have summoned her, but for what?

“Try to get some sleep. I will too in a minute. Paina, I’m counting on you for the night watch.”


I converse with her for a while and fall asleep holding her hand. Thanks to that, I don't have nightmares like yesterday.


“Farley, you have the left side. Paina, right! Rose, stay back. I’ll take care of the front.”

Shortly after resuming the journey, there is a big wave of bug-hybrid fae coming toward us. Against the threat, Viers moved back to a chokepoint and summoned his two helpers.

Am I going to be protected again?

Is this who I am?




My Victa reaches boiling point and bursts out. Draw the Victa, connect the nodes, construct the formula, manifest the Arte!

“Glimpse of Arcadia!”

A wave of energy spread out in front of me, hitting the fae, all of the fae.

“Oh my…”


“Rose, that’s incredible!”

Farley, Viers, and Paina are surprised.

The bug-hybrid fae become covered with plants and flowers, unable to move, permanently. Not only them, grass, moss, and many other plant varieties grew on the ground and walls. The scene of riot became a scene of serenity in an instant. The scent of greenery is thick as if we are in the heart of the forest.

“Transmutation of matter?” Viers touches one of the fae. “No, this is… life manipulation? A combination of wood and life affinity, to be more exact. You used their life force and transformed them into plants… Incredible Arte.”

“Huff huff… battles are my responsibility, right? Let me… fulfill my role in this.”

I sent Viers the entirety of my defiance through my gaze. Although he has never openly said it, he has been treating me like a delicate flower. Someone weak must be protected. I admit that I’m weaker than him but how can I face Master Mita and the people that have helped me in the past if I simply stand behind him like a crybaby?

I’ll grow, I’ll evolve as a Pathseeker to not put the Silver Legion in shame!

Huh? Why does Viers look so happy?

“Heheh. Good, good… Congratulations, you’ve raised your companion rank from ‘Ashley’, to ‘Ellie’. I look forward to your cooperation.

“...Ashley and Ellie? Paina, what is he talking about?”

“Don't mind him. Viers utters incomprehensible things from time to time.”

It sounds like praise and acknowledgment so it’s not like he’s making fun of me.

“Yes. Rose, returning to active duty!”

Without warning, a shining magic circle appears nearby with arrow signs pointing at it. ‘Throne Room’ it says.

“What’s this?”

“It’s called an invitation, Rose. The big guy seems to have had enough fun. Farley, you’re in reserve. Paina, with us.”

“Lord Viers, Paina, Lady Rose, good luck. Please be careful,” Farley bows and turns into motes of light.

“We’re about to face the boss. No coming back after this point. Rose, are you good or need more time?”

We take a short break on account of my condition. After using one of my strongest Arte, my stamina drops but it shouldn't take long until I recover. Meanwhile, Viers did a final check-up on his condition and equipment.

Lady of Light, Estelle. O mother of all with boundless compassion, please give me the strength to overcome this trial.

The prayer is the last thing I did before stepping into the magic circle.

As the sign says, the three of us are teleported to the throne room. Or more accurately, the uppermost floor of the Magitek Wonder.

A wide empty open space with almost no furniture or decoration. The floor is white marble which shows my reflection. On the ceiling, there is a map, huge in size and extremely detailed. A map of the Coriz Empire at its height, I realize. On a golden throne, that itself built seven steps higher than the rest of the floor, a man sits.

The man emits no force or pressure but he gives me a sense of overwhelmingness.

Below the throne, there are four people. I only recognize some of them. Jerrold and Enzo Wright, both are Paina’s relatives, Russ, the newlywed scion of House Sullivan, and Master Mita.

Only, she’s no longer the Mita I know.

It’s as if her body is there but the soul is not. She’s no longer wearing the garb of the Silver Legion but the color of House Wright.

“Master… I’m so, so sorry…”

Viers steps forward in front of me.

“Alas, we are too late. Your victory is at hand and our defeat is unpreventable. All hope is lost. Woe is we… Pray tell, Lord Wright, the brilliant tale of Valkut, before you send us foolish meddlers to the Underworld.”

Viers suddenly speaks in a grandiose manner as if he's an actor in a play that we watched together.

“Khukhukhu,” Jerrold sneers. “Very well. I’ll tell you so you can go to the Underworld in peace.”


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