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“...It seems Max will not be joining us,” Wendy said softly.

“No, he will come. I believe in him,” Bryan defended his friend.

“He’ll have to catch up,” Damon replied. “We can't delay. Let’s go.”

“...He will come. He’s not the kind of man that will just run.”

The Silver Legion and its allies marched towards the Magitek Wonder in the early morning, before dawn broke.

Jerrold said Mita would be brainwashed in three days. They spent the first day resting, strategizing, and gathering information. On the second, they began their assault.

They didn't have a choice.

The Wonder had a diameter of more than a hundred meters and although it wasn't as high as touching the clouds, it was a gigantic skyscraper. Not only did they need to climb the structure, but it was also the stronghold of the enemy; no doubt there would be a multitude of obstructions. There was no guarantee they could find and save Mita in that time window.

The opposition was much greater in numbers and strength, the odds were grim despite the new addition of three Level 4 allies.

Even so, the Silver Legion went forward.


It was hard to think this was the same city it was a few days ago. The absence of illumination or sound on the streets and houses as the people were put to sleep, a great swathe of terrain was destroyed when the tower emerged from underground, and yet there was not a single enemy presence.

It made the looming visage of the Wonder that more apparent.

To some, it was their first time seeing the great tower. A monument of mismatched wood and stone as its walls. No windows or something resembling a point of entry from the base to the top except for the main gate. Above the tower, a thundercloud rumbled with thunder and occasionally clawed at the surrounding sky with purple lightning.

“Righto. I’m off. G’d luck to you all. May your spirit alike adamantine, strong and unbending, in the hard road ahead.”

The stout dwarf that seemed more stout after donning his armor, parted ways with the group.

“May the fortune of battle be with you.”

“You’re an example to all your kind, friend of the stone.”

“Take care, Mister Tom. I’ll treat you to another nice booze when we meet again.”

Tomthur went to the tower’s entrance while the rest of the party went around to some other side.

It was agreed that charging from the front was a good idea despite Jerrold seeming to invite them in. Without any other entrance, their only option was to make their own.

Bryan and the others failed before so their hope was on the elves. If that failed too, they might have to take the first and possibly last option, the front gate.

But the trying came first. For now, they hid and waited for Tomthur to storm the entrance and make a distraction. The silent city without the sound of insects or birds was eerie and strung their nerves even more.

Rose, June, and Conn, the three younger legionaries were the most affected.


[Author note: Because of the Viers not being Viers reason that I told you two in the past, I tried to mix things up. I’ll be trying to use the first-person present tense for the next part. Might get confusing. This is me trying something new. Boy, it’s harder than I thought. Probably the next chapter will be the same but the chapter after that should be normal again. Do critique me if this doesn't work for the reader.]

It will begin shortly. Deep breaths, Rose. Remember your training. You know what you're getting into. You’re a Blessed so you have to save master Mita and everyone else. So stop trembling, hand!

“Hey, look at the bright side. You'll definitely get a medal after we return.”

Senior Bryan realized and tried to make us relax. Rachel joined, making fun of senior Damon who got a medal in the past because of accidentally breaking a historical landmark that turned out to be an evil wizard’s ritual node.

That gets a laugh from us. I really shouldn't but I can't help it.

Thank the Goddess I have such dependable seniors.

I turn to Viers who is wearing sharp semi-formal battle clothes. It looks nice, I admit. He is having a contemplative look.

“Thank you for coming,” I say to the man who is both ally and enemy.

“How can I refuse, after you asked me so passionately?”

“N-no! When did I-”

My face feels hot and that is how I know I've made a mistake. I shouldn't get into his pace. The timing of the ruckus caused by Tomthur couldn't have come at a better time.

“That's the signal, Lady Delimira, Lord Kailu, please.”

To Damon’s words, the older sibling readied her bow and arrow, aiming at the thick wall of the Tower of Doom. Since she'd heard the term from Viers, it stuck in Rose’s mind. Kailu empowers the arrow and Delimira stands still for a few seconds, accumulating a mysterious force.

The moment the arrow sets loose it hits the wall, it’s as if a volcano erupts. I expected it so I shut my ears and eyes before that.

The result is as we hoped. Elves have long lives so the siblings might have walked the Path of Power longer than Master Mita. The fair folk are famous for polishing their skills to a supernatural degree.

“We’ve got our opening. Legionaries and allies, For This Good Earth, let’s go!”

“For This Good Earth!!”

Rose has heard the motto of the Silver Legion many times but it feels different this time. Infused with truth. She takes a deep breath and moves her feet.

A hole was created twenty meters above them. After we reach the base, Lord Kailu effortlessly makes a rising earthen pillar with us on top although Lady Delimira looks a bit drained after using such a powerful Arte. The two elves enter the smoldering hole first to scout for enemies on the other side. There isn't any and the party enters the Tower of Doom successfully.

To me, the place is foreign, to say the least. There are mysterious blue lights inside that assist sight. Rooms of various shapes are stacked on top of each other, scattered all over the place. There are hundreds of rooms in my immediate vicinity alone. Each room has a single door. The layout is confusing, like a maze. It might be purposefully designed to be like this. However, our destination is clear, a spiraling staircase upwards.

We run towards it in the highest state of alert but there are no enemies. The only reminder that this place isn't abandoned is the sounds of battle from the lower floor.

Mister Tomthur, stay safe.

Our plan to enter as high as possible paid off as we managed to bypass the enemies on the ground floor. The stairs only go as far as the next floor, we have to navigate through the maze of rooms and doors to reach the next stairs.

On the way, Damon enters a room and finds it empty. The discovery is as disturbing as it is relieving.

We climb floor after floor unhindered. I hear Viers mutter something about ‘bad interior design’. Master Mita’s signal is still far above so we keep climbing.

After tedious climbing of another ten floors, something changes. A stark contrast to the puzzling maze on the previous floors, this place is a sea of white. It is as if I have entered a pure white canvas.

The others are as confused as I am but the elven siblings are a picture of serenity and poise.

The staircase to the next floor comes into view, but there are people before it. From their outfits, they are Valkut civilians.

The twenty of them stood facing each other in perfect stillness until we arrived then they turned their head towards us as one.

“Welcome to the halfway mark, dear quests.”

They speak in perfect unity as if they are a single person with multiple bodies. They are smiling but their eyes are empty like fish eyes.

According to the elf siblings, these people are ‘glamoured’ by the fae. Making them see, hear, feel, and whatever else the caster wants them to. Much harder to deal with than ordinary illusion or mind control. A technique exclusive to the fae race.

Paina’s father, Jerrold Wright, appears before us. Not his real body, only an illusion of him.

“From this point on, you’ll encounter many forms of entertainment. I do hope you’ll enjoy it. It is only proper as the host.”

He wears a smile befitting an aristocrat.

“Lord Wright,” Wendy steps forward, “We extend our apology for the rude intrusion. However, we of the Silver Legion wish to negotiate with your side, the fae for a peaceful resolution to this conflict. Would you inform the fae lord of our intention?”

Jerrold looks unimpressed, rubbing his goatee beard.

“The knife ears have told you, I see. But the lord is a busy man and has no time to indulge you.”

“Lord Wright, there doesn't have to be a fight between our people,” Ciel says.

“Hehehe. Ahh, you humans… always flaunting your nobility while conveniently sweeping the unpleasant truth under the rug… How revolting.”

His annoyance is plain for all to see. As we ready ourselves to fight I watch my senior Damon's back as he continues to negotiate.

Viers keeps both hands inside his pocket. Hidden weapon or arrogant posturing? We want to negotiate so what’s up with his pose?

“Sir, please elaborate.”

“Reach the top of the Spire and I’ll elaborate all you want.”

Jerrold turns to Viers.

“It ties with the story of Paina… One more thing,” Jerrold sure loves caressing his chin. That and the way he looks down on us is truly unpleasant. “The little nun is vehemently waiting for you. Better hurry before she’s broken.”

Leaving those words, Jerrold’s illusion is no longer with us. I sigh. Why do people often resolve to violence as the first option rather than negotiation? How unnecessarily cruel.

Master Mita, We’ll definitely save you. Please hold on.

“Rose,” June’s hand touches my shoulder. “Let’s go.”

“I know.”

The only way to go is up.

The glamoured citizens let us pass. They were never meant to be obstacles, only a welcoming reception.

This is where the trials begin.

We carefully climbed the spiral stairs, leaving the white canvas behind. Without realizing it, I suddenly find myself alone. In an ordinary household dining room. No sign of the others. On the table, there was hot food, fragrant tea, and a fire in the fireplace.

It feels so real.

I hear the door open and turn, rapier at hand. I lay eyes upon a humanoid-bug hybrid. As tall as a regular human, instead of a right hand, it has a centipede. Its legs are shaped like a grasshopper. It wore clothes above its chitin torso. Its bulging green left eye is similar to a fly’s and almost covers the entire left side of its face. Ant antennas grow on his head.

The mocking voice of Paina’s father resounds again.

“Humans, meet fae. Do try to get along.”

…Fae? THAT? Don't they supposed to look like cute fairies!?

While I am still in midthought, the fae throws the table between us to the side and runs towards me while snarling with both its mouth and mandibles.


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