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Author note - Decided to change MTD: Mechatronic Tactical Device to Magitek Wonder. Like the wonders in Civ games. All the previous mentions will be corrected. Enjoy the story.

Sigma, Aravin, Anne, and now Max… Four MC-class characters have fallen by my hand.

Viers took a moment to catch his breath.

He was stronger than Max. He was also at Level 3 mid while Max was a step lower in cultivation, not to mention the existence of the Horizon cheat and various other advantages.

Even so, Max pushed Viers close to the edge of death a few times during the battle.

MCs are such a pain…

Viers didn't want to fight any more of them in the foreseeable future.

From Max’s body, a white ball of fire came out.

“Ivory Fire…”

High-quality fire to be sure, but Viers felt it was lacking compared to the phoenix fire that Anne possessed. He pondered a bit while twirling the dagger that Max tried to stab him with.

Ominous dagger. I would love to find out how Max got his hand on you later. There's the useful teleportation rune… branded on his arm? Ah, inventory pouch. The dead have no need for material things. Let me relieve you of your burden.

He turned to the black fire at the center of the place and knew what he had to do.

After sprinkling holy water on Max's body, it started to stand up.

Viers first sanitized the body from the demonic corruption using holy water he got from the Church before manipulating the dead body like a puppet. Demonic corruption was a potent poison that needed to be treated very carefully.

Max’s soul was already secured somewhere else.

The body of Max then brought the Ivory Fire and Ebony Fire together. Viers did this just in case there was an identity check for getting the sealed power since Max was the rightful key bearer.

The moment black and white touched, blue flames all around Viers became tens of flaming rivers and converged at the mixed fire. The hot squall made him step back. Furthermore, a red fire descended from the opened ceiling like a great sunbeam.

The breathtaking symphony of fire birthed a normal-colored flame.

It would be a letdown if it did not look like it contained a galaxy.

Viers felt it with his soul; the newly formed fire was as mysterious as Anne’s phoenix fire.

Above it, a fiery phantom of an old man appeared.

“To whosoever heard this message, from the multitude of Ivory Fire I scattered throughout the continent, you are the one who managed to reach this place. This makes you my successor.”

Viers watched as the recording unfolded.

“Those not pure of heart and unaware of restraint in using their power would not be able to sense the other pair of the Ivory Fire you wield. It pleases me that the power I left behind would once again rest at the hands of the righteous, as it should be.”

The old man looked pleased, and so did Viers.

If only you knew, old man.

“Let us talk about the past. Once upon a time, a fire from the sky fell on this land and was found by two brothers. The elder wielded it to create a great empire and the younger supported him. Time passed, and although the brothers were no more, their descendants lived on. For a time, this land became a prosperous land of plenty and the people were happy… but nothing lasts forever. The rulers that came after the founder gradually turned the Coriz Empire into a typical empire, a place where the weak were oppressed by the strong.”

Viers could imagine it quite clearly.

“I am a descendant of the younger firefinder. Because our ancestors were brothers, my family always had close ties with the Coriz empire royal line. When the user of the heavenly fire dies, it is my family’s role to appoint a successor, who will be crowned as the next emperor. However, seeing the royalty’s decadence, I rejected the crown prince’s… my niece's claim of the fire.”

Hoh ho…

“I believe you already know what happened next. The Coriz Empire fell and I roamed the land, trying to make amends for all the suffering I had brought by my decision. I was later known as Fire Sage Barakal, user of Ivory and Ebony Fire. The truth is, they are only two portions of the heavenly fire.”


“The original power is too great. A power too mighty will bring ruin, just as the emperors of the Coriz did in the past. Fearing that, I separated the heavenly fire into four: Ivory, Ebony, Sun, and Moon Fire. My successor, the Ivory Fire had brought you here. You who are determined, knew compassion, and desired to do the right thing, I deemed you worthy and leave you with the original fire that fell from the sky beyond the sky, the sealed power of the Coriz royal line, Twilight Fire.”

The fiery phantom gave Viers’ puppet the extraordinary flame.

“In addition, I left you this tome. It contains the records of my understanding of the Twilight Fire, Profound Codex, and various Artes. The Codex is my own creation, Give and You Shall Receive. The more people you help and feel gratitude towards you, the stronger you’ll become. If your Codex is inferior, feel free to change it. When the time is right, share it with someone who deserves it… With this inheritance, my duty is over. Hopely, my spirit in the world of the dead may rest a little easier. Farewell, disciple. Use your power wisely, use it to heal the world rather than hurt it.”

Barakal’s magic hologram faded, leaving Viers, Max’s body, and the Twilight Fire. The only one among them capable of thought was thinking.

“Mm… Hmm… Hmmmnn… Welp, Faiya.”


Viers tapped the fire badge twice and the baby fire elemental came out. He happily flew around, glad to be out and about, until he saw the Twilight Fire.


Faiya was captivated, like a child seeing the mountain of treats.

“Wanna eat it? Go ahead.”


Alvared liked where he was right now, sitting at a throne in the sky.

With the activation of the Magitek Wonder, the Underbelly rose from the ground and pushed his palace to the sky. The Wonder’s real name was long lost so Alvared’s ancestors called it the Coriz Spire.

“If the Wonder could be used during the rebellion, the Empire would not fall. Don't you think so, sister?”

The quartz statue of an old woman was placed near the throne. Despite being turned into a statue, the woman Alvared called ‘sister’ was still aware and heard every word he said. Only she wasn't capable of reacting.

“That reminds me. I believe you know her.”

Alvared snapped his fingers and a hologram of a person, bound and screaming, appeared before the both of them.

In the room with Mita, there was Jerrold and Unem. The brainwashing process was not a gentle one.

“Silver Legion… the Church…” Alvared said with glaring dislike. “Busybodies all. Wearing the mask of holiness, they destroyed the Coriz Empire bit by bit. The new Coriz Empire will tolerate none of their kind.”

Alvared turned to his sister once again. A pity that the marquess’ power was too strong. It would be great to see her reaction right now.

“...You should have come without disguise. I dislike looking at my sister with a stranger’s look. A shame, you resembled our dear mother very much.”

“Feeling sentimental, human?”

The voice came from a totem carved with a face.

“Bored waiting is all,” Alvared replied.

“Who was the one that gave them three days?” The marquess snorted.

“The Wonder needs that time to do what it does. Destabilizing space is no small feat. We-”

The black cloud above the skyscraper unleashed a bolt of lightning.

“Another chain has been broken,” Alvared sneered. “It seems the heir of that good-for-nothing has obtained Twilight… O hateful uncle of mine, not only you refused to give me my birthright, even your inheritance realm becomes an obstruction. If I could raise you from the dead, I would. That way I can kill you twice… Perhaps that way my rage will finally subside.”

“Hehehe,” the marquess laughed condescendingly. “Is it as great as you claim it to be?”

“Do not belittle the legacy of my house, wretch.”

“Hmph, I shall forgive your insolence this once. Will you take your precious birthright from the heir then?”

“Unfortunately, I cannot. There’s still work to be done in the Spire. My uncle’s chosen is just a Level 3 puppy. He will not be able to use Twilight anytime soon. It won't be too late to take it after the plan comes to fruition.”

“Good,” the totem said. “Don't act rashly. Now we just need help from the winged bastards and I will be free!”

“And lo, we have one nearby… One good thing after another. Fate favors me.”

“Ah, but Fate is a harsh mistress. One time she favors you and she could detest you the next moment. Always keep a wary eye, governor.”

The one who spoke was not the marquess nor his sister. It was a man that just seemed to appear.

“Name yourself, stranger,” Alvared was alert. He was ready to fight at any moment.

“Some call me the Swirling Chaos. Though, I’m actually just a mere instrument of my exalted lord.” the stranger spoke in a humble tone.

Alvared narrowed his eyes. His alertness doubled.

“Grandmaster of the Dumuzin Cult… Why have you come?”

“I seek a certain individual,” the man conjured the figure of Viers.

“Him?” Alvared recognized the person. He had tried to curry favor with him before by offering gifts.

What in heaven’s name made the Swirling Chaos seek a small fry like him?

The recognition in the governor’s eyes was all that the Grandmaster needed. It was proof that the ‘toy’ was here.

“I came a bit late to the party but not late for the main event, it seems. Perfect. All as the Lord wills it.”


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