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Viers was in another dimension.

He realized this because he had ample experience in coming and going from Dia’s Biome. There was a similar sensation as he entered the core location.

A circular shaped area that was only propped up by a narrow pathway with blue flames coming from below. No railings, so a misstep would make one fall off the ledge. Four pillars rose to the dome-shaped ceiling. The heat was scorching because the terrain’s fire was no ordinary fire.

Viers’ mind spontaneously thought about a frying pan on a lit kitchen stove.

At the very center was where the Ebony Fire waited for its worthy wielder.

And he had come.

Max reached out his hand to it.

A gunshot’s sound echoed throughout the chamber.

Blood came out of Max’s head.


Oh, come on! You’ve got to be kidding me.

Viers shot from a perfect blindspot but Max’s dodge was borderline foresight as the bullet only grazed Max’s temple.

Viers shot five more bullets in succession but Max dived to hide behind a pillar. One bullet hit him on the thigh before Max took cover. The temple's walls and floor were mysteriously sturdy; Viers' bullets could not pierce it.


Viers reloaded his empty revolver with new bullets and took aim.

Max tried to run to the next pillar but Viers was ready and pulled the trigger several times.

Max was riddled with bullets but he was still running as if nothing happened.

An illusion!

Another Max dashed from the pillar to Viers’ left. Since the fake Max ran to the right, Viers was aiming to the right.

With half of his face covered in blood, Max fiercely brought the disguised Viers into close-quarter combat. Fists of fury battered Viers’ Unreality Field. Viers tried to back away but Max persisted in keeping him close. Viers used items and bomb beads, but it was no use.

A sword of white flame rising from Viers’ bottom left.

It will be bad if that lands!

He had no other choice but to invoke a defensive Arte. When the fire sword met the water shield, a steam explosion knocked both fighters back.

“Viers, you slimy, backstabbing, son of a bitch!”

This was why Viers refrained from using his Artes. Even though he disguised his appearance, he couldn't disguise his affinities. Max’s brain worked out the rest.

Viers lamented his cover was so easily blown because he could only use soul and water. Viers didn't plan on mastering multiple elements like many other MCs out there, but he had to be able to use at least one other element to prevent something like this from happening again.

“Figured things wouldn't be that easy,” Viers pulled his hood to the back of his head and revealed his face.

Max’s expression was one of extreme anger. A spurt of blood was ejected from the wound on his temple. Viers understood; he would be too if he was in Max’s shoes.

“You won't squirm your way out of this, you lying snake. Not this time. A scumbag villain like you needs to be put down!!”

Arte - Ivory Tiger Wrath!

A white tiger-shaped flame, empowered by all the fire and heat from the terrain, was charging at Viers with all of its blazing glory.

Viers’ triple Water Barriers and Water Blast Arte were unable to stop the plasma tiger’s firepower.

Max watched as Viers was engulfed in an explosion.

When the blast settled, Viers was smoking, suffering only minor damage. Max squinted his eyes. He didn't expect his attack to have so little effect. Viers made his strange projectile weapon disappear and unsheathed his blade as he walked closer.

“Steel for humans,” Viers said.

“As you wish,” Max also brandished his sword.

The two took their stances and clashed blades, dancing the dance of death. Tens of techniques were exchanged in the span of a few seconds.

Tch! He’s really strong, Max cursed.

They were even at first, but Max was the first to break. The wound on his temple and thigh were throbbing. He’d applied first aid but the wound didn't seem to be getting better.

Viers parried Max’s sword and was about to send a kick. He stopped and suddenly dodged because he felt a pang of danger. Not a moment too soon, at the place Viers was standing, seven blades of blue fire skewered the empty space. A mild burn on his feet was a small price to pay.

“You manipulated the blue fire… Huuuf, a water Pathseeker has it tough here,” Viers was sweating a lot due to the high temperature of the place.

“Use your soul Artes, Viers,” Max pointed using his sword. “I’ll break it all the same.”

“Not so fast. The terrain is unfavorable for me. Let me change that.”

While Viers’ hand went into his pocket, Max charged forward. It was the right call but he was pushed back by a gush of water.

At first, he thought Viers was creating the water using his Arte but that was not the case. It was real water that Viers pulled out from his inventory items.

While Viers used his mind to send the water against Max, keeping him busy, his hands kept bringing more and more water from the Thousand Treasures Casket, barrels and barrels of them. The water broke the wooden barrels as if it had a mind of its own and piled down upon Max.

Imagine a room of five meters in length, width, and height full of water. Max was currently inside that.

This was no ordinary water. Viers had collected many unusual waters in his travels. One such case was from the underground lake where he fought Izabella’s colleague, Alan, in Marakkus city.

Some he used for his cultivation, some he sold or traded for other things he needed, and some he kept for moments like this.

The presence or absence of a Pathseeker’s element in their surroundings could determine the outcome of a battle.

Arte - Stone Ocean!

It was an upgrade of Almost Heaven Arte. Not only was Max unable to move or breathe, but the water around him was also applying heavy pressure from all sides. He felt he was carrying the weight of ten elephants.

“Enjoy your dip,” Viers shouted.

“Glbrrh, rhbbr fllgooh!” Max said something, but Viers didn't understand.

What he did understand was that he was stuck in place because of Max's doing and being burned by blue fire.

Arte - Kill It With Fire!

Viers screamed as he was being turned into a well-done steak, but refused to let go of the Arte he cast on Max. There was nothing else protecting his body but the Unreality Field.

Max was of the same mind, and their actions mirrored each other.

And so the battle came to a stalemate.

Immolation versus suffocation.

Minutes passed, but for them, even a second was already too long. Every passing inch of time was a struggle.

The reason their bodies were still functional was because of their Unreality Fields.

A Pathseeker ability that was unlocked at Level 3. Just like its name, it was capable of altering reality, albeit limited. The field was able to protect the user’s body from implausible conditions. For example, walking on lava, staying alive in a vacuum, and swimming in the deep sea were possible. Of course, the harsher the condition, the harder it would be for the user to maintain the protection.

In a Pathseeker battle, the Unreality Field was invaluable.

After minutes of glaring at each other, Max spoke first. Viers being able to clearly hear his voice was another wonder of Unreality Field.

“...Why are you doing this?”

“The sealed power of the Coriz royal line. I want it.”

The words Viers spoke made a twitch in Max’s expression. It seemed the rightful successor of the Ivory Fire knew about it.

“And you would kill me for that?”


“...I don't understand. Hurting other people, murdering other people, living with a thousand lies. How can a man live like that?”

“Like eating vegetables, Max. I do distasteful things because it is good for my growth.”

The height of dislike rose from the depths of Max’s heart.

“Your own greed for power will be your doom. There’s nothing for you at the end of your blood-soaked path.”

“Aah, the saying of the righteous… How can you be so sure? Have you seen the end of the path with your own eyes? I haven't. That means the journey is still worth traveling.”

“Shut up! It is a dead end!”

Max denied Viers’ point of view. He couldn't accept it. He didn't want to accept it.

“You unimaginative fool. Even if it's a dead end like you said, I’ll carve open a new path after I reach that end! The strong are capable of that! That’s the difference between us, weakling. You accept to live within the rules and boundaries, because it is proper… I do not.”

“And what’s wrong with that way of living!?”

Max’s outburst was simultaneous with the rising heat of the blue flames that were barbequing Viers’ body. Viers returned the favor by increasing the pressure on Max. The fire-user’s lungs felt like they were about to burst.

“Nothing. Living like that is just too stifling for me.”

On Viers’ face, there was no reluctance, remorse, or regret.

As a proper human being, Max felt it was his responsibility to deny all that Viers stood for.

“...It seems we can’t see eye to eye.”

Max’s Victa was rising, as was Viers’.

“I don't need other people to understand. We’ve chosen different life paths. Words alone cannot settle our differences, only might and magic!”

“Arte - Cosmos Burn!”

“Arte - Ein Sof Sefirot!”

The moment both fighters invoked their super mode, the endurance contest came to an end.

Max was emitting a white-colored fiery aura. His outfit changed too, it became much cooler. Other than the steep increase of power in his aura, the most striking transformation was his eyes; they were like glowing suns.

Compared to Max, Viers' transformation was much less low-key. His hair turned long silver, eyes green, and a single jet-black wing grew from his back. Black feathers fluttered around Viers as the wing emerged.

But the music that followed his transformation, in one word, was godly.

Ominously so.

"Behold my true form, and despair."

It was no such thing, Viers just wanted to say that.

This was the second time Viers had ever invoked this Arte. Not since Anne.

Max’s expression was strange. Viers thought he was truly despairing even though that shouldn't be the case. First was the blank expression, followed by confusion, then it twisted to anger.



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