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The nose and eyes are similar to that guy… to Jerrold.

Paina examined the face of her half-brother in silence. Even though she should be older, her appearance was unchanging ever since she became a tethered soul. Therefore, it was she who looked younger.

“It appears the others have begun. Shall we follow suit, dear sister?”

It was the first time Enzo opened his mouth.

“...You know me?”

“I do.”

“Does Pinaca?” Her throat suddenly felt dry.

“Yes, before your friend murdered her in cold blood.”

Enzo smiled cruelly. The expression of Paina changed slightly.

“...What are you?”

Enzo didn't answer.

“...Can you help me make some sense of what’s going on in our family?”

“What’s the use? You’ll be dead soon.”

Along with the killing intent, little lights were appearing in Enzo’s surroundings. He was slightly surprised by Paina’s composure.

“Only sixteen and already Level 3. I can see why you’re called a genius. And those lights… star affinity?”

“Unlike a defective product like you, I was born different. I was born better.”

“...Naughty kids need to get spanked,” Paina replied coldly. “It’s for their own good.”

“Bold words from a useless nobody.”

Arte - End Fragments!

Enzo sent the little lights at his sister without hesitation. Each of them exploded in a peculiar manner, as if the explosion happened in outer space.

Seeing the uninjured Paina inside a gelatinous sphere of water hurt his pride.

Arte - Water Is Unbreakable.

“Come, little brother. You need to be taught some manners.”


The battle of the Rustweed Plains was in full swing.

Magic against magic, steel against steel, might against skill, strategy against guile, the combatants dyed the battlefield with their colors.

Adding dazzle to the stage were carriage-sized beast monsters fighting fire-breathing plant monsters.

As Rachel directed her golems, she had some leeway to glance at a habanero blasting fire at the head of a scorpion monster like a mighty dragon. The smell of burning flesh and chili spiciness oozing from the plant’s wound was distracting.

Dia’s summons are able to go toe to toe with their monsters… The sprite is far more capable than I thought, which is worrying considering who her master is but at this moment, I have nothing but gratitude!

Dia created those menacing habaneros from her ability, unlike the other side, who were flesh and blood monsters. Rachel’s assumption that Dia’s plant monsters would be weaker than their enemies was justified, because it was the norm.

Rachel blocked two attacks directed toward her that went past Rush and Crash. The third was punched down to the ground by Conn. His body was emitting high-pressure steam.

He’s getting better at handling that Steam Revolution Arte. Should have toned down the output a bit more to conserve his stamina though.

Rachel snapped her fingers and the ground below the attacker’s feet turned into a deep pit. She’d put down many traps for this battle and sprung one of those. The man propelled himself out by making an explosion with his feet.

His price was an arrow of lightning to the chest.

June’s fingertips were still crackling with electricity after shooting the arrow. The shot didn't kill him, it didn't even knock him out. The enemy fell down but rose back up, injured but still battle-able.

Level 3s that were unable to imbue their Unreality Field into their offensive Artes usually didn't possess the means to defeat a fellow Unreality Field user in a short amount of time, both sides were too sturdy.

Rose, June, Conn, and even Viers were unable to.

Damon, Ciel, and the rest Level 3 high senior legionaries were still mastering it.

Multiple enemy attacks were homing in at June. She ducked, evaded, ran, weaved with the nimbleness of a cat. When three people pincered her from left, right, and back, she shot an arrow to the ground.

Arte - Lightning Fountain!

Spikes of lightning hit all three of the assailants more than once. June gasped at the counterattack from the other side of the smoke, but the crystal needles were stopped by a shield of light.

“Your surrounding awareness is lacking!” Damon shouted from behind. He might be immobile but he was not helpless.

“Yes, Sir!”

There was no time to be discouraged. June backed up her friends immediately.


Farley was performing a deadly dance with her spear. Her short brown ponytail swayed furiously as she drew blood and cut fingers from her enemies. Her footwork and spear techniques didn't even let a single attack come close to her body.

Arte - Spears of Falling Rain!

Her female opponent withstood the first fifteen thrusts but the next eight made holes in her upper body.

It wasn't fatal because Rose’s vines made Farley miss the lethal hits.

“She’s beaten. No need to kill her,” Rose said.

“Bestowing mercy upon your enemies? How magnanimous of you, Blessed,” Farley greatly disapproved before she went to pry an enemy that was launching attacks on Damon’s shield.

But the woman that Rose saved earlier suddenly stood up as if she was an unfeeling undead and pounced upon Farley from behind.

“Watch out!”

It was a needless worry. Rose saw the woman turned into pieces mid-run. The blood from her gruesome death revealed the cause, a series of invisible wires Farley laid beforehand.

Arte - Unseen Waterwire Crisscross. Farley turned Oscar’s technique from the Book World into her own.

Rose covered her mouth with her hand. It wasn't disgust, it was sympathy for the poor woman. She was but a pawn that lost her life in someone else's machinations.

Albeit very briefly, Rose dedicated a prayer for her soul before joining the fight.


Rose saw the former Dumuzin cultist’s back. When Viers was cooperating with the Church, Rose had the chance to talk with Farley. She wanted to understand Paina’s and Viers’ mysterious friend. The impression she got from her was Viers’ yes man. A devotee that tried to curry favor with Viers because he was the one sustaining her.

People like that usually lacked notable skills save for their silk tongue and flowery words.

After seeing Farley’s fight, Rose must admit she was wrong. Farley was not at all weaker than them. Her decisiveness was as direct and as deadly as her spear.

Also, that unique phasing technique, turning herself partially or wholly into soul form to evade all manners of attacks. Without the means to injure the soul, she’s almost invincible… No, that’s wrong. That is not her ability, it is Viers’!

Rose’s deduction was correct. Paina’s and Farley’s phasing ability was the result of Viers’ terrifying mastery of the soul arts.

Nearby, Dia was applying some potent healing salve to Rachel while her plant monsters were eating a screaming person.

“Mu? Baddies go away! Dia is busy!”

Dia’s response to the person trying to finish Rachel off was corn. A really big yellow corn. It shot projectiles all over the place like a machine gun. A single kernel was the size of a basketball.

While the Corn Turret Arte unleashed devastation, Dia and Rachel were safe under its shadow. Dia was humming while treating Rachel’s injury.

Viers had a vacation plan to visit places full of zombies with Dia someday.

So strong… The adorable plant child’s appearance is deceiving. Must be his idea.

A vassal from House Sullivan slashed at Rose’s neck from behind, thinking she was distracted. Rose sidestepped with minimal movement and stabbed him square in the chest with her rapier.

The armor and enchantment, as well as the Unreality Field, stopped the blow but not what was next, a flower emerged from the struck point and it spread to his whole body.

The Flower Seal Arte had incapacitated the assailant. She might have triumphed but it brought her no joy.

Viers, you really are…

Her feelings about Viers became even more complicated.


Sparks flew as their swords clashed.

“That move! I recognize that move! You’re V, from the Underbelly!” Russ shouted.

“Finally realized it, huh? Hello again, R. Shiiih!”

Russ jumped back to evade the bisecting attack. Russ and Viers had fought before, during a contest for a luck-raising item.

Back then, Viers lost.

I’ve won against him before. I’m the better swordsman. I’ll defeat him again!

The exchange of steel continued. Russ was searching for an opening in Viers’ defense.

It’s here!

Just like the last time they fought, Russ unleashed a fierce stab.

I wi-

With a shining glint in his eyes, Viers turned his body to the side and stepped on the extended blade with a mighty stomp. The result was a broken posture on Russ’ part and a thunderstruck expression.

Viers’ palm was on the pommel of his sword. In one driving motion, as if he’d done it a thousand times before, Viers pushed a counterthrust at Russ’ chest.

Mikiri Counter!

It is nearly impossible to perceive the speed of a thrust, but not for the sharp eyes of a Shinobi!


Russ got blown back a couple of feet and fell to his knees.

“Heeeh, nice last-minute dodge. Missed your heart and lung, but the wound is still pretty deep,” Viers said.

“H-how…?” Russ rasped amidst the coughing. “You’ve improved so much-”

Viers interrupted Russ’ wheezing because he was merciful.

“While you were happily thinking how to snu-snu Pinaca after the wedding, I studied the blade.”

Even Viers felt he was being cringe when he said that.


Russ might not know what snu-snu meant but he could guess.

It was the classic turtle and rabbit race. The rabbit got lazy after he was ahead and the turtle surpassed him. In Russ' case, he was distracted by love and neglected his training.

Viers knew he wasn't the best Pathseeker around. Before, Russ was above him as a swordsman. He used the frustration of defeat to fuel and improved himself.

Romantic subplots… This is why I don't concern myself with them.


Russ looked at him with eyes of hate and determination. Even wounded, his will to fight wasn't snuffed out. He had to save Pinaca!

A dangerous kind of eyes, the eyes of a hero.

Viers knew better than to tolerate it.

See ya.

Viers swung his arm and not his mouth. His sword was supposed to cut off Russ’ head but it was stopped by a golden light.

Crap! A powerful life-saving item!

At the same time, an earth-shattering sound resounded as the Level 4s’ Domain broke apart.

“Everyone, to the array!!”

Mita shouted, she was covered with blood and wounds. Five minutes had passed.

Tsk! What a cliché.

Russ’ life-saving item was not the kind he could break in a few seconds so Viers didn't have a choice but to let the guy live.


Viers didn't wait.



“Everybody alright?” Viers asked after entering the silver barrier. The array was pulsing repeatedly.

“Yes, Lord Viers,” Farley replied.

“Un,” Paina nodded.

“Kin!” Dia jumped to his chest.

Similarly, the legionaries were having a reunion. It had only been five minutes but felt much longer.

“Good, everybody’s accounted for!” Damon said, wiping his nosebleed. Outside, the hostiles were battering his barrier.

A single Level 4 Arte would destroy them, barrier or not, so Mita was doing her utmost to keep Unem and Jerrold’s attacks from reaching.

“Master, please hurry!” Rose said worriedly as the silver pulses became more and more frequent.

“It’s okay, Rose. It’s okay,” Mita said.

“...No,” Rose had a horrifying realization. “This was your plan from the start.”

“Vestal Mita, we can still-”

“Someone must hold them back,” Mita interrupted Rachel. “I’m the only one who can do it.”

“I’m not leaving without you!” Rose said in distraught, and tried to exit the barrier but was unable to. The array was emitting its own barrier and Mita was the array’s maker.

Mita was holding back the combined might of the Valkut forces and even she couldn't do it for long.

She persevered for the sake of a few seconds more.

“My path ends here. It’s a shame we couldn’t be together for a longer time. Farewell, disciple, and you young warriors. All of you are my hope. May the Goddess always light your way.”

A Road of Silver extended to the sky. Viers and the others were being pulled up to the sky. Mita’s figure was getting smaller and smaller.

Mita’s kindly smiling face, as she was getting engulfed by a dark cloud and ash tide, was the last thing they saw.


Rose’s scream faded into nothingness as the Church forces moved through folded space.


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