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“Rose, more power!” Damon shouted.


“Keep it stable, everyone. Just a bit more!” Rachel said.

The Silver Legionaries were in formation, chains of silver dragging out something from a crack in space. Other combatants were waiting with their weapons unsheathed.

A demonic beast was dragged out from the Biome, thrashing and roaring furiously. It had two heads, one resembling a wolf and the other, a bird. The Rank 4 demon was as big as a whale.

“Attack!!” Mita gave the command and the Silver Legion and twenty other Pathseekers fought the last demon. The beast was a Biome master and too strong in its home ground, so they forced it out.

The battle lasted for two hours and a half, but the Legion prevailed.

“Finished… Finally,” Bryan sprawled on the ground.

“It was really tough… Even with more than twenty of us.”

Max similarly had his butt on the ground. One leg extended and one bent where he placed his hand on the knee. His sword was stabbed into the ground beside him, wet with purple demon blood.

“You did good, Conn,” Damon encouraged the younger legionary.

“I did?”

“Better than me when I first started. Hahahah!” Damon gave a firm slap on the back.

The members of the Silver Legion relished the feeling of success. The last demon was no more and the Biome’s environment was still tainted with demonic corruption, but with a little help, the Biome would return to normal. The pocket dimension could be used normally, as a source of wealth.

Mita and the others gave the management to the Church’s Valkut branch as per the norm. Along with Unem and members of the clergy, there were also those that could partake in the share. Mainly, the Wright and Sullivan Houses that sent reinforcement as thanks for Rose's blessing. They played their part in cleaning up the demonic infestation.

“Many thanks to both of your groups. We wouldn't be able to do this without your support,” Rose said to the Wright and Sullivan House’s two representatives.

“You flatter us.”

Archie, the captain of the Wright forces, was a big, round man with an almost smiling face.

“This is also a good opportunity for us to practice fighting as a cohesive force. As both houses are now tied in marriage, we expect to fight side by side in the future.”

The other man was Hubert, captain of the Sullivan forces. He was a feminine man with a beautiful face.

Both were Level 3 peak Pathseekers. As they exchanged praises for each other, the harmonious mood was interrupted as a magical circle appeared on Hubert’s ear. A few seconds later, Archie also got the same message.

“Gentlemen, what’s wrong?” Mita asked after seeing the sternness in their expressions. The other legionaries also gave their attention.

“Young Master’s wife has been kidnapped! Someone attacked the two of them in their bedroom and took the bride. The young master’s fine but he’s furious. All hands must join the rescue effort immediately!” Hubert said in a hurry.

Archie showed a recording embedded in the magical message. It was the figure of a man in his fifties carrying a Pinaca on his shoulder in the middle of escaping the mansion.

The face of the assailant was unfamiliar to all of them, however…

“Guys… Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Bryan said with a disgusted expression.

“You mean a certain person we know that is capable of changing his appearance and recently disappeared?” Rachel replied.

“The timing is convenient,” June muttered.

“Isn’t this just great… Urgh! What is that idiot thinking?” Ciel stomped the ground in irritation.

By the Goddess… Viers, is this your doing?

Rose felt her heart sink into a bog of disappointment.

“It seems you people have an idea about a suspect. May we hear the details?” Archie asked.

“...I understand,” Mita nodded after a long silence. “Rose?”

“Yes, master. I’m on it.”


Viers was in hiding. In the slums of Valkut city near the outskirts. Viers was familiar with the place. He’d soul searched the locals before.

Inside the Picture Room, there was an unconscious girl. The girl was two peas in a pod with Paina, including the moles' location. A man was standing like a cloaked death. Beside the man were three ghosts and a mini dryad.

There was a familiar scene just like this about a week ago.

Viers had stripped Pinaca for tracking devices and other similar things. After looting the new wife for possessions -not that she had many things in her person when Viers kidnapped her- he let the three ghosts put on new clothes on her because Viers was not a barbarian.

Paina was looking at her unconscious twin sister with a complicated look. She didn't prevent Viers from doing what he must, but asked for Pinaca to not be harmed.

Viers agreed. He had that intention from the start. She was Paina’s twin sister after all.

Although Russ would most likely become his enemy, understandable considering the circumstances, Viers did not try to kill him at the time because he was Paina’s brother-in-law. He wanted to avoid a death grudge.

He only wanted to borrow the wife for a short bit, for science.

Of course, without asking.

As Viers tried to soul search Pinaca and found the answer to the Wright’s family odd circumstances, he found a complication.


There was a powerful seal protecting Pinaca’s memories from access and tampering.

Truly a sophisticated protection. Whoever did this is very powerful… Damn, I'm unable to crack it… If I'm a normal Pathseeker, that is. Ha! Who do you think I am? Your brain is mine!

The mystery deepened and Viers was even more eager to know. Paina’s family seemed to be shrouded in a complicated fog.

Despite the extensive protections on her mind and soul, Viers calculated he only needed two hours for an unharmful soul search, less, if he didn't care about Pinaca’s well-being afterward.

To put this much consideration on my ally’s family. Oh, I’m such a good person, Viers thought about himself. This was the guy that kidnapped a woman on her wedding night.

Well, I've prepared for this. They shouldn't be able to find me easily.

“Girls, I’ll be counting on you for keeping watch.”

“Alright. Be careful, okay?” Paina said with a tinge of worry about Pinaca.

“There will be no repeating that time with Ciel. Please be at ease, Lord Viers,” Farley assured him.

“Yes~ This is Plan C, right? Leave it to us. Don't be stingy with the details later, okay? I’m dying to know what the Wrights are hiding,” Clarissa had legs instead of a snake’s lower body to hide her true identity.

As the three ghosts went outside. Only three people remained in the Picture Room.

“I’ll be counting on you, Dia,” Viers tickled her chin.

“I am Dia!” The small dryad jumped lightly. Viers taught her the mannerism to act like a cutie. Not because it was his hobby, but for making other people underestimate her. Viers certainly had no other reason.

“You don't need to speak like that anymore. It’s just us now,” Viers chuckled.

“Ehehe. Talking like before is also interesting.”

Viers’ first plan was to hide in the lawless Underbelly, Valkut’s subterranean. If not, the wilderness where he could stick his Picture Room and soul search Pinaca in peace, but the magic item he had blinked red midway. It meant there was a divination attempt on him or Pinaca. He was prepared for this so he had an array ready inside the Picture Room but he didn't manage to get out of the city in time. They found out faster than he thought so without much choice, Viers picked a place nearby.

He put his picture on an unsuspecting wall in the slums and after Viers went inside, the picture faded from normal sight like a chameleon.

He didn't put the Serene Thunder Aviary in his hiding place list because he hoped to keep that place a secret. Dia’s Gate Plant was there, growing. For future things, he didn't want to jeopardize his teleportation network. As he expected, the Chevrys were busy in their internal matters and had not made any big moves yet.

In another scenario, after I have completely soul searched her, which normally would not take thirty minutes, I would release her. Like catch and release in fishing, before her family does something drastic such as asking the help of the Governor-King. Then I go into hiding, waiting for the heat to die down. Guess that's too optimistic. Well, let's get cracking. Pinaca’s memories won't open by themselves.

Viers put his palm on Pinaca’s forehead and started the soul search.




“Wha-? Are you alright?” Wendy asked.

Suddenly, Archie and Hubert become wobbly. Hubert even had one knee to the ground.

“...I’m fine.”

“Just feeling woozy, is all.”

Only Mita felt something was amiss in the two’s body language. It slightly changed. Some went for their forces.

Another magic circle bloomed in their ear. It had already happened many times.

“Young master Russ and entourage are on his way. Also, Lord Jerrold Wright is also coming.”

Mita raised an eyebrow hearing the report.

“Daaang… Another Level 4’s coming? Viers’ gonna be in so much trouble,” Bryan whistled.

“His daughter is taken. He’s definitely worried,” Max hummed.

Mita, Rose, and Ciel thought about Viers’ story, about Jerrold that tried to kill Paina whose soul Viers anchored to his being.

Rose and Ciel exchanged eye contact. They saw in each other’s eyes that both were feeling the same. That something was underfoot.

“Blessed, which way?” Archie asked.

“Oh, right. Umm… This way,” Rose pointed.

They kept tracking Viers using Rose’s guidance. She frequently stopped and closed her eyes, tracking the faint feeling that only she could sense.

Valkut was a big city. The only city in a region as big as Belgium. Nevertheless, slowly but surely, they were closing in on Viers’ position.


“Unem? Priest Baker and priest Moloney too? Why are you here?” Mita was approached by three people she didn't expect to meet.

“We’ve heard of the situation and we’re here to help,” Unem said. “It’s Viers, isn't it?”

Why mobilize the Church’s forces to the point of leaving the abbey unguarded? This is highly unusual.

Damon, Wendy and Rachel started to feel something wasn't quite right.

“Nice, Abbess Unem is here,” Max hit his left palm with his right fist. “Viers won't be able to escape this time.”

“Right! We’ll put him in cuffs and he’ll answer all the crimes he committed to the last offenses!” Bryan was in high tension.

“Blessed?” Hubert urged seeing Rose was looking unfocused.

“Which way, Rose?”

Unem had a smiling face but her eyes were not smiling at all. In reflex, because Unem was her superior, Rose answered.

“L-lady Pinaca should be around the next district.”

“That’s the slums,” Hubert said.

“A good choice to hide,” Archie was no longer smiling.

“Very well,” Unem nodded.


Mita tried to stop her but Unem had already acted.


Forty minutes since Viers started to soul search Pinaca.

“Lord Viers! A Hidden Boundary has been deployed on the outside!” Farley said the second she entered the Picture Room.

Hidden Boundary!

Viers recognized it was somewhat similar to Jujutsu Kaisen's Curtain and Shakugan no Shana’s Fuzetsu.

It didn't possess the strength to entrap but the user could detect the ins and outs of the Boundary.

Tch, they found me. Most likely there’s a tracer in Pinaca. Even my Euryale Sight is unable to perceive it. What’s done is done. This was a possibility from the start.

“Girls, we’re leaving. Get ready for combat but wait for my signal!”

He had to leave before he was caged in.

The girls went inside Viers and Dia went inside the leaf badge as Viers exited the Picture Room with Pinaca. The space artifact was too valuable to be damaged. In less than five seconds, Viers was already on the run on rooftops with Pinaca on his shoulders.

He no longer cared if he was seen because he was already past that point. Speed was the priority now.

“Yo! Where do you think you’re go-”

Viers kicked Bryan without batting an eye or speaking a syllable. Bryan was able to raise his guard but the kick sent him flying all the same.

Talking when they shouldn't… A villain’s chronic disease.

The pursuers had placed themselves in an encirclement because they didn't know his exact location. They spread themselves thin and Viers took advantage of that for a speedy one-point breakthrough. He made sure the Level 4s weren't nearby.

Viers, still wearing a disguise, had revealed himself, and the hornet’s nest was roused. They chased after him.

“What speed!” Rachel was surprised.

“Viiiiiiers! Stop this foolishness before it gets any worse!” Ciel shouted.

“Show your true face, coward! You’re not fooling anyone with that disguise!” Max roared as his steps left fiery marks on the rooftops.

Viers didn't care. At first, he still tried to hide his identity and refrained from using water or soul Artes, so he only used regular non-elemental Artes while running, but he was forced to by the swarming pursuers. To avoid a coordination attack from four people, Viers revealed his water movement Arte, not only that, he also wasn't as free with Pinaca on his shoulder.

“A water Pathseeker, you still try to keep silent after all this, Viers?”

Water might be one of the most common elements but they already knew he was a water user. Viers could only do so much.

As he tried to jump over a tree, the tree’s vine latched on to him. Viers cut them but he lost speed.

Twenty meters apart, Rose was barring his way.

“It’s useless, Viers. I blessed lady Pinaca myself this afternoon. I can sense the angelic blessing for another week at worst. You won't be able to hide.”

See? Fucking angel and his plot device! Viers cursed under his breath. Viers wasn't privy to this information beforehand.

The Level 4s, the legionaries, and the Wright and Sullivan forces, about thirty people all, not one below Level 3, landed on rooftops and other similar high places. They surrounded Viers using a ring formation.

Adrenaline raced through his veins. The situation he found himself in only roused Viers’ fighting spirit. Defeat or surrender did not even come close to his mind. But he had to move fast before even more people came. Viers was-

“Don't come closer! He’s got a hostage. Lady Pinaca’s safety is paramount. Let's talk first… Is that agreeable, Viers?”

Mita’s clear voice doused the fiery situation somewhat.

…After showing my water Arte, playing dumb only make me uncouth. Can't be helped. I knew it wouldn't last anyway.

“Fine,” Viers removed his Impersonator mask, revealing his true face. “What is there to talk about, Vestal Mita?”

“First, release Lady Pinaca.”

“Sure, after I soul search her.”

“Unacceptable! Let her go now!”

Unem? Why is she related to this? Viers was confused before focusing again on the task at hand.

“Why do you need to soul search her?” Mita asked again.

“You know why. A friend of mine wants to know.”

“Paina! Are you okay with this? You’re okay using this kind of immoral method on your own family? Answer me!!”

Rose’s shout of emotion impelled Paina to answer. With Viers’ permission, she materialized in her soul form.

“My father tried to kill me to prevent me from knowing the truth. What's wrong with me using an unorthodox method? Don't worry, Rose. With Viers’ skill, she won't suffer any ill side effects. I can vouch for him.”

“W-w-wha… Paina?”

Paina’s response shocked her to the core. How could a good and pure friend even suggest such a thing?

Paina had been with Viers the whole time. She watched Viers’ way of doing things. His philosophy. Whatever she might have thought, there was one thing she couldn't deny.

Viers produced results.

Hearing Paina’s words, Viers smiled. The past Paina wouldn't say something like that. He recalled a Chinese idiom fitting for this instance.

‘When walking by a river, often one cannot avoid wet shoes.’

The river was Viers and Paina had been slowly changing after long-term exposure to Viers’ villainy.

Mita saw that her disciple was too shaken and took the reins of the conversation once again.

“There is no need for such extremes, Viers. There must be an explanation. I’m willing to be the mediator between-”

Unem suddenly shouted: “He’s still trying to soul search her at this very moment! He’s almost through!”

I got found out? How?

Even if Unem was a Level 4, Viers didn't think she was able to see the clandestine soul searching empowered by Hyper Arte. Viers traded his lifespan to shorten the time for breaking Pinaca’s protection.

“Viers, stop playing with fire and- Wuaah!?”

“Holy shi-!!!”

Ciel’s surprise was mirrored by the other Legionaries and Viers himself.

Unem, Archie, Hubert, and the rest of Valkut forces opened fire at Viers using their Artes.

Cruel and violent, no-holds-barred!


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