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Governor-King Alvared opened his eyes for the first time in four months, ending his deep meditation.

Someone is making a ruckus in my domain...

He didn't open his eyes when he sensed the arrival of someone with the stink of his hateful brother and this spatial disturbance was too minor to warrant his attention but dozens of other minor factors compounded.

It was Fate’s way of telling him that the time had come.

The brown-haired man looked to be a man in his thirties although his age far exceeded it. His garment was the garment of kings, regal and royal. The impression people got when they looked at him was firm, stoic, and square-jawed.

The geometric formation with four stone pillars in the cardinal directions pulsed with golden light. Some people would kill their mother for a chance to enjoy the benefits of this top-tier cultivation assistance formation.

Alvared tapped the ground with his finger and a sand table arose from the ground. He used his Victa and the sand moved and shifted. It was smooth at first but it was suddenly interrupted. The forming diorama of sand collapsed on itself.

…Someone interrupted my scrying.

Only a Level 5 could do so with such ease. A major figure that might disorganize years of planning was in Valkut and this was not something Alvared took lightly.

“Did you feel it? Like a candle flickering in the dark.”

There was no one except the Governor-king in this place but the ominous voice came from somewhere nearby. It was a totem based on a demonic-looking face. The facial features looked somewhat humanoid but with a fierce and scowled expression. The wooden face moved its lips as if it was a true person speaking.

“After all these years… Finally,” Alvared hummed.

“The time we’re waiting for has come. Soon, the cage will be broken. My side is ready. See to it there are no mishaps on your end, little human,” the face demanded.

“It doesn't need saying. My objective is similar to yours. And take care of how you speak. I’m a king while you’re a marquis.”

“You’re no king of mine," the face returned to its default demonic scowl. “I can kill you with a breath, human king or bug king, makes no difference. Tend to your human hive before the pests become a problem for us. I will tolerate no failure.”

The wooden statue with the demonic face carving was silent once more.

That may be, but with all of your power, you’re a slave to your nature.

Alvared's poise was not perturbed by the other person’s disrespect. They didn't like each other and simply used each other for their own goals. It was an uneasy, temporary alliance.

Always had been.

The Governor-King rose to his feet and left his chamber. Anyone who obstructed his most fervent wish shall be buried in a shallow grave.


What Viers did to the Aviary was like burning his own house before thieves entered it. Only, the head honcho had a heart attack and died but the gasoline he splattered all over inside the house had met a lit match.

Clarissa and the others managed to contain the fires and destruction from the bombs but the Aviary which was now only as big as a soccer field -a paltry sized compared to its original size- still suffered heavy damage.

Out of that size, only 30% of the resource sites were still usable. It wasn't because his tenants were incompetent. Viers’ efficiency made him shoot himself in the foot in this case.

Oh well. All in all, I still benefit greatly from this matter.

The surviving Chevrys had retreated, carrying the body of their matriarch. They would need to pick up the pieces after this disaster so Viers didn't think they would attack again anytime soon. Because of the subcontinent that Viers threw earlier and the subsequent terrain that collapsed, reaching the teleportation gate to the Aviary was now quite difficult.

Not to mention the barrier had been restored. Without a Level 4 possessing Chevry blood, Viers had no fear it would be breached easily.

Today is an embarrassment for House Chevry so they shouldn't be making this incident public. Exposing the death of Yevani would also bring them trouble. I got time, at least for a few days. Preferably I am already out of Valkut at that point.

The Aviary was like a forest after a forest fire, soot, dust, and smoke were aplenty. The birds that remained would be having difficulty living with their home in such a poor state but the valuable ones were already in his possession so Viers didn't really put much importance on them at this point.

As he had plundered all the notable resources, the current value of the Serene Thunder Aviary was as a secret safe house. He planted a Gate Tree’s seed here to serve as a teleportation node. It would need a month to be usable. He was still not sure if it would work but he could hope.

Next is… Yevani’s soul.

It was the second Level 4 soul in his soul prison. The first was a water Pathseeker Level 4 that Lykin killed and gave to Viers. Unlike that soul, Yevani’s soul was resisting Viers’ hold.

Heh, just who the hell do you think I am!

In the past, Viers was wary of taking a soul with higher cultivation than his but after having Aletro’s soul attainment, Viers no longer had such reservations. Only a stronger soul Pathseeker’s soul could make him wary.

Like a demon, he subdued Yevani’s soul into submission. She might be a Level 4 but she was no soul Pathseeker. After some recuperating, Viers left the Aviary using the emergency teleportation array.

Yevani and Candice were reunited in Viers’ soul prison.

It all started because of an encounter on the road a few days past.


“A great play, isn't it?” Rose sighed movingly with a satisfied look on her face.

“Un,” Ciel agreed. “The actors and actresses really nailed their performance.”

The two girls were sitting at the same table harmoniously, looking like good friends. The two scored really high on the beauty scale thus making the passersby turning heads, Idlers or Pathseekers alike.

“The Hero’s emotion as he battled the Demon King felt really real. And the ending when he reunited with his sweetheart was really touching. So romantic~” Ciel squeezed her hand in front of her chest.

“I’m of the same mind. I’m starting to understand why this troupe is so famous. Even an amateur like me knows they are extraordinary. Lady Ciel, have you seen a lot of plays back home?”

“Rose, language,” Ciel grumbled.

“Ah, I'm sorry. It’s a habit…” Rose turned to the third person on the table. “You’ve been quiet. Something on your mind?”

The odd one between the group of three was Viers. If Ciel and Rose could be likened to flowers, Viers was a goat; a fat and an ugly one at that. At least that was what the jealous ones thought of Viers as they cursed Viers for associating with not one but two madonnas.

The Church got invitations for a play by a famous troupe and so here they were.

Although the matter of the demonic infestation wasn't completely resolved, the Church had protocols for this sort of thing, including the allocation of holidays. Today was Ciel and Rose’s day off and they invited Viers to a date of sorts.

Seeing the troupe’s performance was the closest thing to a cinema in this world. Viers was mildly curious so he agreed.

“Got no complaints about the performance, only the story,” Viers replied to Rose's question.

“Which part of it?” Rose wanted to know.

The villain forgot to level grind. Of course he was defeated. Fool. Oh well, at least there’s not any woke element forced into my mouth so it’s a blessing compared to the recent movies in my previous world.

Viers didn't want to tell the two who were on the hero's side about the secret recipe for a villain to triumph so he wanted to change the topic. Seeing Ciel eyeing him while sipping red wine got him an idea.

“It’s just a personal taste. More importantly, I’m concerned about Lykin taking Ciel’s blood. The woman herself didn't seem that bothered by it though.”

Back then Ciel was in stasis so she didn't know anything. After Viers came to, the Church people asked Viers about what happened in the fight against Lykin and about the mysterious savior. Viers told them what Lykin told him, that the Lighteater’s true aim was Ciel’s blood. As for the mysterious savior, Viers told them he got beaten to half dead state without catching a glimpse.

Hearing her name mentioned in the conversation, Ciel elegantly put the glass containing the red liquid on the table.

“There’s not much I can do, is there? Vestal Mita and Abbess Unem have given me all the protection they could give in case of a curse or any other insidious method so worrying about it won't do any good. More than that, I’m just frustrated with how often I get defeated lately. And, I’m sorry for you getting hurt back then, Viers… Then for saving me again…”

Ciel said the last line without meeting Viers’ eyes. Viers realized that Ciel had become a bit meek towards him after she thought Viers had saved her from Lykin.

“I didn't do anything. It’s that mysterious figure that saved you.”

“That may be, but-”

“My, aren't you the one from back then? Rose, right?”

They were interrupted by a lady wearing a noble dress that approached their table. The theater avenue was mostly visited by upper-class people since the common masses didn't have the time or money for this sort of thing. The play was just over and the people of their standing started socializing and gossiping.

The three didn't know anyone so they opted for a visit to the lounge and ordered some refreshments before going on with their off day. Viers had some worry they wanted to go shopping and he would become the baggage carrier like in the anime situation though Rose and Ciel didn't seem to be the type.

The lady's arrival was the sign that the train had gone off the rails.

“Lady Wright,” Rose stood up. “Pleased to meet you. Forgive me for mistaking you to someone else.”

“It’s fine, Miss Rose,” Pinaca smiled. “I hope you find your friend.”


Viers hit Rose’s foot using his own under the table.

“Y-yeah. Thank you. I hope so too,” Rose got Viers’ signal.

“Something wrong, love?”

From the group of people that came with Pinaca, a youth stepped forward.

“Darling, look who’s here,” Pinaca happily said.

“Oh, you’re the one from that time,” Russ remembered.

“Good afternoon,” Rose greeted politely.

Russ was there when Rose suddenly hugged Pinaca so they were acquitted.

“Good afternoon, Miss Rose. These must be your friends. An introduction is in order it seems. I’m Russ of House Sullivan, pleasure.”

The others seemed to be bodyguards of Pinaca and Russ. They became alert when Russ extended his hand at Viers.

“I’m Viers, of House Insignificant.”

“Heheh, aren't you a confident one? I like you already. Pleasure.”

Russ shook his hand unhesitantly without fading his smile. That alone showed the guy didn't have or was very good at concealing his prejudice against low-borns.

The two had fought before in the Underbelly but Russ didn't recognize Viers because back then Viers had a different face and build.

“I’m Ciel Valentine. Good day and well met.”

“Valentine…” Russ seemed to realize Ciel’s family, same with Pinaca. “It’s an honor to meet you, my lady.”

Instead of shaking her hand, Russ took Ciel’s hand and kissed the back of her hand. A noble Latias greeting.

“Russ, has eyes on another woman already?” Pinaca looked jealous.

“Not at all. No offense to the two beautiful ladies but to me, you are the most beautiful woman in the world.”

Russ embraced Pinaca and the two looked into each other's eyes very close in proximity.

“Darling…” Pinaca said swooningly.

“My love,” Russ whispered most tender.

Viers could see the air around them turn pink and there were flowers blooming behind them. Classic. Seeing someone with the same face as Paina in that manner was quite surreal.

The two love birds seemed to be in their own world until one of the bodyguards cleared his throat loudly.

“Ehem,” Russ returned from the love moon. “Apologies for my embarrassing display. If it is alright with you, may we join the table?”

“Can we?” Pinaca also asked.

“We’d love you to,” Rose offered. “Ciel, Viers?”

“A lovely day for making new friends,” Ciel agreed.

“If you’re fine sitting with an ordinary person like me,” Viers said.

“Ufufu,” Pinaca chuckled. “I don't think so, Mister Viers. Seeing you in the company of these lovely ladies, I doubt you’re as ordinary as you professed to be.”

“I agree,” Russ replied.

“Then you’ll hear no complaints from me,” Viers rested his case.

Why would he, when it was a chance to learn about his capture target?


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