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Since Viers awakened from getting sent to the border between life and death by Lykin, four days had passed. With his healing factor and great treatment, courtesy of the Church, Viers had fully recovered.

On this sunny autumn morning, Viers was snacking on a high vitality chicken-lizard wing while listening to the blind old woman make music. Viers had made it a habit to visit her every day. Paina was by his side. While her focus was on the music, Viers’ was on his food.

Ahh, the 100 years of lifespan that I sacrificed to Aletro, I've pretty much regained it. It really is an OP ability, to gain life force by eating. Is this the third coming of gluttony? Everlife Goldbloom Flower, my first cheat… What’s your origin?

Viers licked his lower lip after finishing his beef skewer. The snacks he’d eaten were a bigger portion compared to his earlier breakfast with the Church people.

I have about 105 years' worth of life force right now… The life force I gain diminishes the more lifespan I have. Once there is less water in the tank, the life gain from eating returns to normal. Compared to when I was at Level 2, the limit increased after I leveled up.

…Am I practically immortal already? I can still get killed, but I’m immune to death by old age?

It was too early to say. Viers didn't dare to humor the idea although he had suspected this for a long time. For now, he was determined to use his life force wisely. The 100 years’ sacrifice was a one-time thing.

“See? He comes here every day. Hi Viers.”

Rose greeted Viers. The whole Silver Legionnaire group was with her except for Mita. In her place, there was a single addition, Max.

“Hello to you too,” Rose said to Paina who was next to Viers. Rose had been told to not use Paina’s name in public.

“Checking up on me? Don't worry. As promised, I’ll swing by after I take care of a few things,” Viers said.

“I’m counting on it,” Rachel replied.

“I’m not,” Bryan said under his breath but Viers heard it.

“Okay then, we’re off. Later,” Damon gave a nod.

The relation between Viers and the legionnaires became mellower after their talk. They hadn't become friends but it was no longer as awkward as before. The effort was reciprocated from both ends, Viers and them.

There were exceptions, namely Bryan and Max.

After walking a bit farther, Max asked a question. “What if he runs away? Doesn't he still need to face a trial?”

“He might. But currently, he’s not our prisoner, Max,” Damon said.

“He’s a guest and he can leave whenever he wants to. We’ll wait for the higher-ups' decision. If the tribunal is called and he’s not present, we’ll seek him out and catch him if needs be,” Ciel resolutely said.

Hearing that, Viers only smiled.


As they walked the streets, they gathered attention. The eight legionnaires were wearing their distinct silver uniforms. Besides Damon who wore full plate armor like British knights of old, the others were wearing lighter body armor. Each had slight tweaks so none of them were truly the same.

It bolstered their grandeur, giving uniqueness to each and every one of them, even the fresh graduates like Conn and June. Each legionnaire of the Silver Legion was a hero in their own right, not a mass-produced product.

As they went to fight the demons, the masses cheered. Damon and the rest were like celebrities. It was deliberate. After the news about the demons, people needed hope. Seeing the Silver Legion’s presence gave the populace a sense that all would be alright.

A little girl gave Wendy a flower. It was a truly heartwarming scene.

Max was the odd one out since he was the only one that didn't wear silver attire. He wasn't discouraged though. On the contrary, his desire to formally join the league of good guys burned hotter. Sometimes, he also stole glances at Ciel when he thought no one was looking.

Viers noticed.

Ah, love… a sweet, volatile drug. Oh well. Not my business.

“C’mon girl. It’s also time for us to go,” Viers said to Paina before addressing the blind old lady. “Marvelous as always, lady. But we’ve got an errand to run. Please excuse us.”

“Oh, what a dear young man. May the Goddess be with you,” the blind lady replied to Viers’ politeness.

Oh, spare me… No, seriously.

Since they were in the public space, Paina didn’t turn incorporeal and returned inside Viers as usual. As she walked behind Viers and looked at his back, she sighed. She was in the doldrums.

What is Viers’ aim in getting along with Rose and the Church? What is he planning?

Although she wasn't always awake, she had been with Viers 24/7 for almost a year. She knew Viers better than hoping he was turning over a new leaf. He was too stubborn -or resolute depending on how one looked at it- to his villain ways.

When the break happens, I…

Paina checked in when they were at a desolate place. There were many places of that nature on the way to Viers’ destination.

“Yo, Skinny Dog! What have you got for me?”

Why the man even chose to use that name is beyond my understanding.

“Mister Viers,” the Level 3 information dealer called Viers using his true name. “It seems I’ve underestimated you. Using what sorcery can a criminal be granted a place inside the Church’s walls? I’ll make it worth your while.”

“I’m not selling, I’m buying. So?”

Viers spoke to Skinny Dog maintaining a degree of civilized conduct with only a thin veil masking his disdain. The man sat behind a mafia-like desk, giving the impression of an underworld kingpin. But he wasn't the top boss in the Valkut underworld, far from it. Not the best information dealer either but Viers dealt with him anyway because the alternative was making contact with people stronger than him.

Viers didn't like the man. He trusted Skinny Dog as far as he could throw 'im. The reason, his face.

Not only his face. His appearance, his character design, everything! People that have consumed mangas, animes, toons, games, as much as I have, can identify a bad guy from their character design. Their evilness shows in their face, hair, smirk, or fashion statement. The insanity of it. Especially in cheap cultivation manhua or battle manga. A new char shows up in chapter 100? Just look at their design and you can identify if they are on the protagonist’s side or an antagonist. You can somewhat determine their importance too, from their design.

Although Skinny Dog didn't look like a drawing, Viers still made a connection. He ticked all the boxes of a one-arc-throwaway character. For now, the shady man could give him useful information, if the info was genuine. Viers always checked. He didn't try to pull anything… yet.

They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Well, the cover is what everyone sees first!

After finding out an effective method of dealing with the Church, Viers put his efforts into completing his original objectives. One main and two sides.

Making a country is still very far in the future. While it might be effective against the Church, making it won't be a walk in the park.

Soul search Pinaca Wright, harvest benefits from the numerous ruins in the area, and get the Coriz Royal's hidden power located somewhere out in the Leslie region.

Skinny Dog could help with all three objectives.

The main quest was finding out Paina’s origin. With Jerrold -the father- being strangely murderous, soul searching Paina’s twin was the key to unraveling the mystery. Viers tasked Skinny Dog to shake many trees so Viers could find an opening.

Max, the key to the hidden power of the Coriz royals, was busy helping the Silver Legion with their demon problem so his search for more power was impeded.

Viers had Skinny Dog monitor the Leslie region before. This was before Viers knew where Max was but as Fate had strangely arranged, both he and Max were living together in the abbey so Viers no longer needed Skinny Dog’s services.

Max had shared that he came to Valkut to find Fire Sage Barakal’s inheritance’s other half, Ebony Fire. He’d gone to Foulfae Swamp and found the ruins that contained a clue but he had no idea where he should go next. He needed to do some leg work first but since he found Viers, Max made changes to his plan.

This must be the case of a player getting sidetracked by side quests while the world doesn't stop spinning. In games, doomsday seems to follow the hero’s schedule. Napping while the hero is busy doing chores. Ha! What an insane concept. Still, I’m not the key bearer. Max is. And he’s currently too busy to seek the sealed power of the Coriz royal line. My guess is we’ll find a strong obstacle in the near future and only then would Max endeavor to seek the Ebony Fire… Classic.

“If you went to the Foulfae Swamp, how did you get past the Level 4 undead?” Viers asked when Max was telling his story.

“I didn't encounter any undead,” Max replied.

There was no development from the first and second objectives but Skinny Dog came through with the third.

Viers browsed through the documents about promising ruins. Those that were still worth delving into. There was something all of them had in common. One, they were under the control of prominent figures of Valkut city. Two, they were dangerous.

Two centuries had passed since the Coriz Empire’s dissolution. This area got struck by a calamity and many areas fell into ruins. In time, grave robbers and treasure hunters flocked to this place for riches. It was obvious the unconquered ones were difficult.

“This one,” Viers resolutely picked.

It was a ruin under the management of House Chevry. Naturally, Viers picked this particular ruin, taking wealth from its owner, because of a certain girl.

Revenge is a dish best served. Period. Hot, cold, rotten, doesn't matter.

If time allowed, he might have gone for more than one but he was doing this side quest to fill time until there was an opening to kidnap Pinaca. If he was not pressed for resources, Viers might forgo any ruins exploring and focus solely on Paina and the hidden treasure of Coriz's matters.

He wanted to get Valkut's main quest over with and get away from the Church people.

Ciel and her friends were forced to enter Valkut region because of the assassins. With the assassins gone, their next agenda was cleaning up the demon mess. What about after that? Viers suspected they would focus on him so he must leave before it came to that.

As for the Valkut once-a-year exit limitation, Viers was convinced it was not absolute. There must be some way of getting out, with the Governor-King’s consent or not.

Viers bought information of the hevry and the ruins from Skinny Dog. He could barely cover the fee. Which was a sad state of affairs.

My monetary situation is quite dire. I’m actually this close to bankruptcy! Wealth from Aletro’s trial has been mostly used up. Time to gain wealth again. Decent people will do honest work and slowly gather wealth again but a villain like me? I’m gonna go plundering from my enemies. And the unlucky lot this time landed on House Chevry. My condolences but like many others, you all will become a step to my rise in hegemony.

Viers was feeling a bit stuffed regulating his bad behavior while in the company of the Silver Legionnaires.

He wanted to de-stress and this was how he was going to do it.


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