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“We’re off,” Rose gave her last farewell.

“Be careful,” Ciel said for the eleventh time.

“Dia, keep them safe,” Viers poked the head of the little sprite on Rose’s shoulder.

“Dia will!” The munchkin replied while jumping lightly.

Rose and Dia were able to bolster each other’s abilities. Dia’s instruction was to keep herself safe, then Rose, then everyone else. Not purely out of the goodness of his heart, of course. By lending Dia to her, Viers got some goodwill points and…

Now I have an informant to tell me what’s going on later. Hehehe.

The raiding group was standing in a magic circle wearing full battle gear, all ten of them. Viers, Ciel, and other people from the Valkut abbey stayed behind. The situation was like the train send-off scene of soldiers going to war in the movies.

While Ciel talked to her five-man group, Viers exchanged silent eye contact with Mita before nodding, wishing her good luck. The Vestal had treated him well and kept her word despite him being their enemy. Never once did she try to go against his back. Viers gave respect where it was due. The woman that was as tall as his chest was a woman of integrity.

“Transfer in ten… nine…” Damon said.

Except for Unem, the original residents of the Valkut church didn't come. They were tasked with guarding the compound. The group was only one of three participating in the cult raid. Two Level 4s, Mita and Unem were the two leaders. Seven Silver Legionaries consisted of Damon and Rose’s group. Lastly, Max.

The youth gave Viers the look of hate but did not start anything. It seemed his wish to join the Silver Legion was true. Helping the raid might prove his competence and was in line with his goal of eradicating evil.

Viers wondered how much stronger he got since the events in Aletro’s book a few months ago.

“Be good and wait for the good news, okay~?” Unem gave a hug to a young novitiate boy that was crying. Viers had seen him before during his stay in the abbey.

“-one… zero!”

With a flash of light, the ten had moved to another space.

“Stay safe…” Ciel muttered. “Priest Baker, if you please?”

“Certainly,” a Level 3 elderly man moved with two other priests to another room and the abbey’s barrier was activated shortly. The clergies slowly left to do their daily tasks.

Viers was looking at the blue barrier from a window with determined eyes.

…I should get ready too.


Ciel was praying to the Radiant Lady to watch over her friends, just like the majority of clergies. Suddenly, she felt a significant disturbance. Like a house suddenly lit on fire nearby, Ciel was feeling the heat. It came from somewhere in the abbey’s territory.

She suspected it was an attack. As one of the strongest combatants remaining, Unem gave Ciel shared mastery of the church’s protective barrier. There were many uses of the barrier, such as suppression.

Just in case Viers was trying something in this sensitive time.

Ciel went to the source of the disturbance immediately. A Level 2 monk was similarly coming to investigate.

“It comes from the training hall,” Friar Pato said.

When Ciel opened the door to the separate building she was awash by the thick sensation of magic.

“Viers! What do you think you’re doing!?”

In a hall that could accommodate a hundred people, Viers sat crossed-legged in the center. The ground was covered with faintly glowing green sigils. Viers’ Victa was swirling around him like a whirlpool.

“Preparing,” Viers said.

“Preparing what? Whatever it is, stop this now!”

Viers was in the middle of a ritual-type soul Arte, that much was unmistakable. Ciel’s mind was exploring the aftermath of Viers becoming hostile. She took a fighting stance.

“Preparing for an attack. So when it happens, I’m jacked up.”

With Aletro’s soul attainment, Viers became one of the most experienced soul Pathseeker on the continent, comparable to the old monsters that had lived for centuries. He wasn't skilled in using ritual Artes before, but he could now construct a soul one expertly. What he was doing now was applying a strengthening Arte on himself using a soul method.

What riled up Ciel was how volatile his Arte was. Through the complexity of the formation and the potent effect, Ciel thought Viers was using a Forbidden Arte. Artes that were too strong. Dangerous for the user and their surroundings. They were heavily regulated by the authorities.

She wasn't wrong.

Arte - Soulmight Celebration.

An Arte born from Viers’ acquired soul mastery; while still early in its inception with much room for improvement, it was already above the standard of its kind. By consuming souls, Viers would gain immense strength. Unlike Myriad Souls in One Arte, this one gave only a temporary strength boost.

But what a boost it was.

It took some time to set up but it was perfect when knowing there was a tough battle ahead.

Ciel felt Viers’ aura was as strong as she was at her peak, Level 3 high! Normal strengthening of increasing one small realm was already great but two?

Viers was supposed to be Level 3 low and he had risen two stages! He was strong before yet Ciel was confident she could stop him if she used all of her strength but now? She was no longer certain.

And he hasn't hit the limit yet! But that method… Don't tell me-

“Viers, are you getting stronger by eating human souls?” Ciel was using a threatening tone.

Heh, as expected, the Church people become touchy when it comes to humans’ -or other intelligent races’- souls. And Ciel’s pretty good. Despite having no soul background, she saw through the essence of this Arte: consuming souls.

“Relax, I used monster and animal souls. Even I hold some respect for my fellow man and I'm not heartless enough to desecrate the souls of the innocent.”

The latter part was a big fat lie.

“At any rate-”

But Ciel seemed to buy it, to Viers’ surprise.

“-stop that Arte now. That kind of technique always puts a heavy burden on your body. The possibility of you losing control also exists. There’s no attack so turn it down!”

“For now,” Viers lightly said. He showed no signs of being strained by the Arte at all.

“Honored guest, please calm down. Although it is the lesser version, the protective barrier enclosing the compound is the same as the one used in the Holy City. The Church's barrier is impregnable,” Friar Pato assured him.

Give me ten good men and I’ll impregnate the bitch, Viers thought.

The three of them heard the sound of the Church’s barrier breaking down. Ciel and Pato made astonished faces.

Haaah… You can't resist, can you, Fate? Viers sighed in his mind. Just after I said it.

Ciel conjured her sword, shield, and armor with a flash of light. Almost instantaneous. Then she pointed her sword at Viers.

“Have you betrayed us?”

It took two seconds for Viers to shake off the confusion and see things from her perspective. Because the timing was too good, Ciel thought Viers must be collaborating with the invaders.

Aww, shoot. I’m just preparing for a clichéd development and got suspected of aiding the enemy.

There was a loud noise. The wall was broken by slashes from darkness beast claws. Viers had seen a similar technique before.

“Oh? What do we have here?” Lykin walked in from the opening, walking past the rubble. “Lover’s spat?”

“Ah, perfect. Ms. Lykin… or is it Mrs.? Either way, would you kindly explain how you kicked down the Church's barrier? ‘Cause they suspect me of abetting you.”

“Impossible…” Friar Pato was aghast. “The barrier is supposed to be impregnable!”

This guy really likes to use that word, doesn't he?

“Don't underestimate the Ravens. No barrier is impregnable, especially from simultaneous breakthroughs from inside and outside. Meet Fergus.”

Lykin twirled her hand and a boy was being carried by a floating clawed hand as big as his body. The boy was the one hugging Unem earlier.

“Novitiate?” Ciel sounded betrayed.

“No…” Pato was similar.

“I’m sorry… I'm sorry…” Fergus kept repeating as tears streamed down his face.

“Don't blame the little kid. Just a tried and true method of taking his family hostage and some threatening. There’s more. The barrier is powered by a ley line and what do you know, I have a Valkut city official eating from my hand. It wasn't even hard. Ohohoho…”

“The raid… is a trap?” Ciel probed. “What did you guys do?”

Viers scouted his surroundings. There didn't seem to be any other intruder beside Lykin. But she was enough. There was no force currently capable of matching her.

“Oh, it’s real. Your forces are very much winning. Remaining in our base are mostly cannon fodder but there are also those that didn't make the cut. Some sacrifices needed to be made.”

Ah, the good guys got baited into a trap made by the bad guys. Classic.

Lykin let go of Fergus. Pato pulled the boy close to him.

“You don't seem to despair yet,” Lykin looked into Ciel’s eyes. “Pinning your hope on the hidden Level 4 guardians perhaps?”


Lykin pulled a head from her inventory item.

“There were two people. After I took a head from one, the other ran like a bitch.”

Hmph. External strength. Ever always unreliable.

“…Friar Pato, please bring the others to safety.”

There was a grim sort of resolution in Ciel’s voice.

“Lady Ciel-”

“Hurry up!” Ciel shouted and Pato obeyed, bringing the scared novitiate with him.

“Cultist! Your target is me, right? Leave the others out of it.”

Viers wondered if he was in a classic trope exhibition. Ciel was nailing them left and right.

“Make me,” Lykin gave the sexy and deadly version of a woman’s smile.

“Viers, are you going to fight?” Ciel asked while blaring her Victa. She was raring to go.

“Now cool your head a sec. She specializes in killing light Pathseeker. Even with me joining-”

“Then please leave! Holy Light!”

Ciel began fighting Lykin despite what Viers said.

Viers looked away from the sudden advent of bright light then he was swallowed by his own shadow.

“Viers!” Ciel cried.

But a more profound darkness swallowed them all. Ciel’s light was extinguished. Like before, Ciel tried to shine a light but it was no use. She couldn't even see her hand in front of her face. The darkness was the blackest black.

“Domain,” said Lykin’s voice from somewhere in the darkness. “Unlike last time, the old virgin isn’t here to help you. And the water-soul boy also can't help you in his special prison. Ciel Valentine… Have you realized your end has arrived?”

Ciel calmly breathed. “My life for the Goddess… Yaaah!”

Despite the lack of vision, Ciel managed to put up a fight against Lykin, showing the mettle and quality of a Silver Legionnaire.

“That’s the spirit. Come!” Lykin sounded pleased.

The battle raged in pitch-black darkness. Meanwhile…

…What is this?

Lykin said he was in prison but he wasn't. He could see the figure of Ciel and Lykin fighting just fine. It wasn't because of his Euryale Sight, Viers wasn't strong enough for that.

What are you up to, Black Widow?

Viers was very close to invoking one of his Level 4 countermeasures. Good thing he managed to stop at the last moment.

At any rate, Viers watched the intense battle as Ciel showed her full power. It surprised Viers. Compared to Freya from back then, Ciel was far above.

Ciel’s spec was very high. Her offense, defense, speed, and technique, all were extraordinary. She didn't have a particular specialization but was an effective and fierce fighter. She was an all-rounder, similar to Viers. The difference was Viers put extra importance on offense and speed in his battle style while Ciel favored using her shield.

Unfortunately, she was against a stronger opponent that eclipsed her in every way.

“Arte - Asterism Glow!”

Despite the light element being heavily suppressed in the Domain of Darkness, Ciel managed to create a nebula-like spectacle. It was her most powerful Arte yet.

“You’ve fought well, but this is the end.”

Arte - Claw of Heresy!

Viers saw Lykin turning her right hand into something demonic. Purple-black, four-fingered, and bigger than a human hand. It was no darkness Arte. It was the same feeling from Mita's injury.

The antithesis of Holy: Fell.

Viers frowned. Taking it head-on would be very dangerous, even for him. As for Ciel, she might be done for. Viers was considering losing her hand but his position was bad and the darkness all around him was impeding his movement.

Viers had a cold sweat. Not good… Ciel’s gonna die-

But Ciel’s eyes were not dead yet.

“I’ve been waiting for this,” Ciel smiled ruthlessly. “Mirror Force!!”

The claw of fell… reflected!

There was a bestial shriek of pain, like an animal being mauled.


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