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“Finally come out, huh, you wretched devil worshiper? Your kind always hides like rats when we arrive on the scene.” Bryan spat to Farley.

“Incredible,” Farley said with cold eyes. “With every word that comes out of your mouth, your life expectancy dwindles.”

Bryan didn't like that one bit.

“Just try-”

Then the adult broke up the children’s fight before fists could be used. Mita exerted pressure on everyone nearby. Viers raised an eyebrow; it was getting harder to breathe and he was having goosebumps. The Level 4 seemed quite vexed by her aura.

“I thought you’re all better than this. All of you,” Mita berated.

“W-we didn't think the undead was capable of teleporting. I’m sure Viers wasn't trying to harm us,” Rose stepped forward.

The explanation was easily found but suspicion about Viers cast a shadow of doubt on his every move.

As Mita examined Rachel, the Victa pressure gradually subsided, allowing Viers and the others to move. They played nice and sheathed their weapons. Farley dematerialized and Dia hopped to Viers’ shoulder.

“Your vitality is a bit damaged but it is recoverable. Just take it easy for a few hours.”

“Thank you, Vestal.”

Viers drank water for his throat and let out a long ‘Aaah’. “We should go. Our fight might attract wild monsters. Can you walk?”

Rachel popped a yellow stamina potion. “I’m good,” she stood without assistance. “Let’s go.”


After moving with the speed of a galloping horse for twenty minutes and dispatching some unlucky minor monsters that crossed their path, the party found a suitable resting site. It was a rarity given the unpleasant terrain, Viers had to burn some Victa to destroy some bugs that were immune to bug repellant. Even though it was still early in the morning, they decided to rest for some time. Rachel slept almost immediately after the campsite was secure.

“You haven't done many outings, have you?”

Viers was a veteran in outdoor camping at this point and helped Conn cut firewood after seeing him failing a few times. Since they would only stay until Rachel recovered, which should be in one or two hours, they didn't raise tents.

“No. This is my first year of active duty after finishing my training in Sephoria, just like June and Rose… What have you been doing for a living?” Conn asked.

“There was a time when I fought as a prize fighter. Battling others, betting on myself. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose.”

“You? Lose?” Conn made a disbelieving face.

“Too strong and people won't fight you so I reduced my strength. Other than that, like every other person, adventuring.”

The mana in the area hampered the sunlight. With the mists and thick tree canopies, one might mistake it to be in the evening.

The temperature was quite low so they made a fire. They separated into their own groups for the time being.

Viers approached Mita who was sitting with her back turned to the fire, eyes gazing out into the woods. Aside from the gesture, she was also keeping her guard up in case there was another teleportation attack.

“I apologize on behalf of Bryan,” Mita sensed Viers’ presence so she spoke first. “He’s a good kid but-”

“Stop,” Viers said firmly. “I’m not interested in what happened in his past and why he acted as he did. That he’s an orphan whose whole family got killed by monsters or cultists. That he had a rough childhood until the Church gave him a place to belong. That he is rough on the edges but kind on the inside. I don't care whatsoever. And I refuse your apology.”

Viers took a seat next to her, on a log. They faced different directions.

Mita looked at him with a dead-pan face.

“Because you're not responsible for his actions. Now let’s talk about something that’s more constructive, shall we? For instance, the undead isn't a soul user.”

“Yes,” Mita played along. “He is a death user.”

“Mmm-hmm. Unem and most people guessed wrong, including me. My soul method seemed to have some effect though.”

“Correct. High-grade undead all have bound souls. Those that don't, like common zombies, aren't so threatening.”

“Unless in very high numbers or under the control of stronger undead,” Viers pointed out.

“Yes,” Mita smiled. “You’re very well informed.”

I’m genre-savvy.

“...But the undead got strengthened by soul energy. It ate souls too.”

“He did. Devils like souls too… Souls are truly mysterious. They are indestructible, sacred, once our bodies turn to dust, our souls will live on… Therefore my faith forbids any desecration upon them.”

She’s probing how deep my ‘desecration of the soul’ has gone. So far, I only showed my soul arts for battle purposes so it’s somewhat tolerable? Maybe? Anyway, if they knew the full scope of it… hehe. Will they immediately call Inquisitors upon me? I need to conduct some tests.

Viers glanced at the bandaged arm of Mita.

“Wound from Lykin has not healed, has it? That is not darkness affinity. And what you used against the undead is unlike the light affinity I have seen.”

“...Holy affinity… And Fell affinity.”

Viers never heard of this.

“I’m guessing only exclusive to the high-ranking members of the Church and Cults?”

“It is classified. But I can tell you, while it is powerful, I can only use very little of it.”

“So you have dual affinity, holy and sound?”

“I don't have a holy affinity. I am… allowed to use it.”

Talking with the good Level 4 yielded many unique harvests for Viers already. There was silence between them for a while.

“...The Wrights, the family behind the baby blessing thing, are planning something. Under the Governor-King’s payroll no doubt. The Church isn't gonna do anything about it?”

Considering the Church’s policy of not interfering with how rulers ruled their territory and subjects, Viers knew they wouldn't interfere. He just wanted to know their reasoning.

“Every Governor-King is brewing something,” Mita smiled forlornly, with a touch of surrender. “Can't censure them all.”

“It is a disaster waiting to happen. You people are gonna wait until it blows?”

Viers gazed at the red fire in front of them. A symbol of destruction.

“We cannot act without definite evidence. Otherwise, the repercussions of such action will similarly be disastrous… And we have too few men.”

“I sympathize. Good guys have it tough.”

“Your help will greatly be appreciated,” Mita poked the fire with a stick.

“I'm afraid I have to pass on that offer. I have other things to do.”

Mita responded with a kind voice. “The Goddess works in mysterious ways. She has a plan for all of us.”

Yeah, right. Heard that one before.

Mita and Viers conversed about various topics. He wanted information on the Church, and Mita wanted to find out more about Viers. Talking served the purpose of both sides. The two did not expose everything about their secrets but what they could talk about, they talked honestly.

So Viers did not say anything that might be used against him in the future or fall into trap questions, he put Farley and Clarissa on as additional counselors.


Rachel woke up an hour and a half later. The party prepared themselves to move but before they sallied forth, Rachel gathered her group for a secret meeting. Viers, who was used to eavesdropping, naturally had no qualms about doing so.

“Let’s stop antagonizing Viers,” Rachel said.

Some commotion, mostly Bryan.

“Do you have to ask? He’s seventeen! Two years walking the Path of Power and he can already fight us to a standstill. We have been on the Path three times longer than him. It’s only a matter of time until he’s out of our league.”

“We still have hidden cards in reserve.”

“What Damon said. And if you’re worried about his growth, then let’s chop off his head right now! He did not renew Vestal’s oath. Mita won't be harmed even if we attack him in this place. It’ll be too late if we teleport back. Now’s our chance!” Bryan sounded eager.

“If we do that, not only would we have betrayed Vestal Mita, but also our principles. Do you think it’s worth it, Bryan?” Wendy said.

“Look,” Rachel spoke again. “I’m saying this because I don't want you to get into trouble, or worse. Cool your head and focus on saving Ciel.”

Meanwhile, Viers whetted his sword like he was in zen meditation.


Dia, in her small and cute form, was sad. The flower on her head lost its luster.

As they went closer to the heart of the swamp, the more dead plants there were. The water in the swamp became more poisonous. The thicker the mana density, the stronger the monsters they encountered. The party was forced to take a few detours to avoid confrontations with strong monsters, even with Mita among them.

But it wasn't all bad. Danger and fortune often came in pairs. There were many natural treasures along the way. Viers happily snatched some here and took a few there without compromising their journey. The almost beggar-like looting for anything remotely valuable made Viers’ dignity a minus point in their eyes but Viers, like a certain miser cultivator, didn't care.

Also, they were reminded that monsters were not prey to humans. In the Wild, the prey and the hunter often changed places.

The party stumbled upon the aftermath of a battle. They saw a group of Pathseekers carried by viper monsters, using their jaws.

Naturally, the busybody heroes could not leave them to their fate and opted to pursue. Viers, without much say in the matter, went along for the sudden sidequest.

Tracking down the snakes, Viers and company arrived at a deep pit, with many snakes. A monster nest. Some were Rank 3 monsters, some were younger and not as strong, and some were even newborns. Other than that, there were many corpses, ancient skeletons and new additions.

Wealth had a way of inviting people.

Unfortunately, some of those people become food for new wealth.

They arrived too late and the people were already food for the Noharic Vipers.

“Welp, too bad,” Viers said. “Let’s get back on track.”

“No,” Rose said. Viers wasn't surprised. “We’ll recover their bodies. These unfortunate souls… There must be people waiting for these people to come home.”

Rose’s sentiment was shared by the rest of the Silver Legion, just not Viers.

Well, Mita will make short work of them.

“I will not intervene,” Mita said after sensing Viers’ thoughts. “This is also training for them.”

“There are a lot of high Rank 3s,” June counted.

“...Can we count on you?” Conn asked.

Viers had accepted this was happening so he made the most of the situation. “I know you guys won't loot the gear of the fallen, a big waste if you ask me, so I want  the gallbladder of the Elder Noharic Viper.”

They didn't argue. After some preparation, they poked the viper’s nest; filling the pit with destructive Artes. The vipers went out with a vengeance, Viers would too if his house was suddenly bombed without rhyme or reason.

Viers was ready for the viper, silver sword in hand.

“Damn, you're ugly!”

A flash of light and a sword was embedded in a viper’s head.


After the battle, while Viers was humming and dismantling his prize, happy and content for getting something valuable, Bryan picked a fight.

“Tch. Is money and benefits all that matter to you? To be let on the nose by coin. How base.”

Viers let out a long, loud sigh before answering.

“People pay you members of the clergy to pray for them cause they think prayers from you are more likely to be heard by the people upstairs. From what I’ve seen during my time as your guest, praying took up most of the priests’ time, even the novitiates do it. How many prayer requests does one church get every day? There’s also the donations from the wealthy, funeral services, weddings, buffing adventurers' armaments, or healing their injuries, the Church has the monopoly on the faith market. Good for you, hm? How else are they gonna pay for the organization’s expenses and maintain their army? Do you think the goddess magically filled the treasury of your organization or something? Oh, it must be nice living with so much empty space in your brain. I’m incapable of doing that.”

Even after Rachel clearly told him why they should not antagonize Viers, Bryan did not change.

Some people are just unchangeable. Hmn… Is Fate turning him into a plot device whose death will become a worsening wedge between me and the Church?



A little while ago, after traversing the poisonous area of the Foulfae Swamp, they arrived at the center.

It looked like a black lake.

Only ankles deep, but the unseen ground was definitely not even and who knew what kind of things slunked below the murky liquid. In the shallow wetland, peeked out the roofs and walls of submerged dilapidated houses. Finally, there was land in the middle of the lake on which stood an ancient ruin.

The mana concertation was the highest in that area, it was unmistakable that it was the heart of the swamp; the lily must be there.

“Where’s the undead?”

“Hah! I bet the corpse doesn't have the guts to show itself once more. Quite smart for a person with a rotting brain,” Bryan laughed.

“It’s here,” Viers said confidently.

“...I don't sense anything. Are you sure?” Mita asked.

“I am also unable to sense it but it’s definitely here,” Viers replied once again. It’s a boss area for god’s sake. Of course he’s here!

Encouraged by Viers, the party waded through the black muck with full buffs and maximum preparations.

They approached.

Any minute now.

And approached.

Aaaaany minute…

Until they landed on dry land in the center of the black lake.

“Fine! It seems it’s not hiding in the lake but on this island! Don't let down your guard!”

They proceed real carefully.

And found the Fullcure Lily without complications. The lilies were blooming in some kind of plant paradise in one of the ruins' big halls.

Rose plucked one after Mita examined the surroundings five times and gave her seal of approval that it was safe. Viers did not. Where was the undead? Where was the boss?

“Err… I got it,'' Rose said with a complicated face to Viers while having a lily in her hand.

Nothing happened. The undead had truly run away.



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