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There was a sign in front of Tomthur’s shop.

“That’s a bummer. Shall we go to another shop?” Damon said.

Viers invoked Euryale Sight.

“The dwarf is here.” Viers loudly knocked on the shop door many times, making a racket.

“That’s not polite,” June tried to stop Viers.

“Manner’s not everything,” Viers was not stopping.

“Shut yer trap!!”

Finally Tomthur came out and faced the group.

“Howdy,” Viers said. “Sorry for the ruckus but we would like to shop.”

“...You’re from yesterday. Anyway, the shop’s closed,” Tomthur pointed to the sign with a huff. “Now go away.”

“Sir, may we know the reason?” Ciel asked after peeking at the interior, it was full of wares.

“I’m not in the mood,” Tomthur sighed.

“...That’s it?” Bryan waited for the next line but nothing was coming.

“Wazzat!?” The stocky dwarf became angrier. “I decide when to open or close. This is my shop! Now stop bothering me.”

“They say many skilled craftsmen are oddballs,” Rachel whispered to Wendy. “Haven't met the exception.”

“Ahem, Mister Tomthur~ I brought you a gift for coming so suddenly,” Viers said.

Tomthur who was walking back inside with a huff and puff turned around, “Laddie, I don’t-”

Tomthur gasped seeing the bottle in Viers’ hand.

“Is that-” He said wide-eyed.

“Sagham Hagham! Alcohol brewed in a region that doesn't exist anymore. A sip is supposed to feel like a dragon fire went down your throat. One of the few remaining in the world but I’m willing to part with it to someone who appreciates it more than I do.”

The Level 4 dwarf expression turned 180 degrees. “Welcome, welcome to Tomthur’s shop lasses and laddies. Take your time, hahaha.”

Viers looked at the Church’s group smugly. He knew many people loved drinking so he kept the rare drink close for occasions like this.

“Bribes… How did you get that? Stolen item?” Bryan said with suspicious eyes.

Viers threw a piece of parchment to him.

“There’s the proof of transactions. Tsk tsk tsk. I thought the good people of the Silver Legion knew better than to judge a book by its cover. Consider me disappointed,” Veirs went inside first. “Ooh, these are nice craftsmanship. As expected of the product from dwarven hands.”

“Hahaha! This dwarf has a high standard!”

“Okay~, let’s go inside,” Unem said.

Tomthur’s shop was not very big but had a lot of varieties to pick from, all of them being high-grade equipment. The group examined the wares with glimmering eyes.

Truthfully, Bryan was not far from the mark. Viers looted the bottle from the alcohol enthusiast who bought the item. Viers framed the truth how he liked it.

The alcohol-loving dwarf immediately fetched a couple of mugs. He offered the fellow Level 4s, Unem and Mita, but they refused politely. They could not drink alcohol. Viers also wasn't keen on drinking but he accepted the invitation so Tomthur had a drinking company. He only took a bit to expand his Horizon.

“Phuaaah,” Viers' throat burned. “That’s strong, whuuu-”

“Khakhakha! You haven't acquired the tongue. Young’n, you need ten more years of drinking experience to fully appreciate this. Bwahahaha!” Tomthur easily gulped the Sagham Hagham as if it was water. His mood was no longer sour.

“Sorry again for intruding while you were close, sir.”

“It’s fine. Me just feeling down, zat’s all.”


“So high?”

“I need this but…”

Meanwhile, the group flinched from the price tags.

“The price is quite high, yes?” Viers asked.

“That’s the reason for me mood slump, laddie. The city’s raising taxes again.”

“Tax raise? Wasn't it 70% before? It’s still going up?”

Shen jing bing!

“Hrmm,” Tomthur grunted in agreement. “It forced me to raise the prices. I cannot sell at a loss but the craftsman’s side of me doesn’t like it. The price is not suitable for the quality. It makes me angry, lad.”

This kind of market definitely isn't good for the economy, Viers thought.

“Everyone, get the gear you need. I’ll push the bill upstairs.”

Hearing Mita’s words, the party felt relieved and started picking nice gear for themselves.

“Mr. Viers, you too.”


“Yes. Your help will be crucial in our endeavor,” Mita replied.

“...If that's the case, I’ll take you on your offer.”

Viers then went browsing too. Shortly, Unem slid to Mita’s side.

“This is all coming from your pocket, isn't it?”

“...When I was in their position, my master did the same thing once. Now it’s my turn to do the same thing for the next generation,” Mita whispered kindly.

“I’ll bear half,” Unem patted Mita’s shoulder.

Viers acted as if he didn't hear anything. He went near Rose who was examining a breastplate. Paina, disguised because there was another person with the same face in the city, was beside her.

“Ah, hello. You should get some armor. Your defensive equipment is a little light. If weight is the problem, this shop has excellent enchanted light armors.”

“Thanks for the offer but I plan to get a sword.”

“Oh, your previous one broke when-” Rose remembered yesterday’s event. “-that time. Okay then.”

“That too but I want a bigger sword, for big monsters. At our Level, monsters usually have a hulking body. I haven't found a good one for me before. This is a good opportunity,” Viers inspected his options of greatswords.

Viers didn't like his battle capability to be dependent on his equipment so if he had to buy some gear, it was accessories with special properties like the lucky items before, or weapons. The reason was his Horizon-boosted barrier and shield Artes were stronger than most armor that he got his hands on.

After testing a few, he picked a silver claymore.

I still can't use massive swords like Cloud’s Buster Sword or Guts’ Dragon Slayer, so those are out. Maybe in the future. I recall silver is not a very sturdy metal but this is not made from ordinary silver. Weight is satisfactory and has high attack power, I’ll take this one. Hmn, what should I name it?

“Good sword,” Damon said; he too bought a greatsword. “It suits you.”


Also, silver for monsters. Heheheh.

Viers looked forward to vanquishing monsters using the silver sword.


“Ever since we bought ice cream together, it has become my favorite food. Thank you Paina.”

Rose and Paina were walking with ice creams in hand. Rose had finished purchasing the items she required but the others needed more time, some asking for special modifications or enchantments from Tomthur so they left first, seeking Viers who was out even earlier. Not far from the dwarf’s shop there was an ice cream vendor. Rose bought enough to share with the others later.

“A lot has happened since then,” Paina said.

“Yeah… You and Viers came here to find out about your origin, right? I met a person with the same face as you.”

“We know,” Paina sighed. “But the mystery is thick. We need to investigate House Wright more.”

“...Paina, what are your plans after this? After Valkut?” Rose’s tone turned a little bit serious.

“Unknown at this time. I told you yesterday that Viers has prepared a body for me. He foresaw there would be complications in Valkut so my soul didn't fuse with the fetus yet. I’ll have to cultivate from the beginning again, you see. I admit I haven't decided.”

“...How about you come with me?” She said wistfully.

“...I don't think I’m good enough to enter the Silver Legion, Rose.”

“I’ll do something about it! If not, come to Sephoria. I’ll get a house. We can live together!”

Paina was moved by her kindness.

“I… Thank you. It sounds lovely,” Paina clutched her hand. “But let me think about it, okay?”

“Umn,” Rose nodded.

The two walked with a bit of awkward air between them until they saw Viers and an old woman on the side of the road. He was giving her something.

“Viers and… who’s that?” Rose asked her friend.

“Oh, she’s the blind woman from the park. Viers liked her music so he bought her food. This time he’s giving her a musical instrument?” Paina was also confused.

Viers said his goodbye and the old lady thanked Viers. Afterward, she started playing a tune skillfully. Rose thought it was a nice melody.

“Her instrument is already worn out. So I gave her a new one,” Viers said to Rose when asked.

“That looks like an expensive antique,” Rose was seeing the instrument in the blind lady’s hands.

“The instrument is better in the hands of the one that appreciates it.”

“The music… There’s something…” Paina muttered.

Looking at Paina who seemed to be grasping something that eluded him, Viers smiled.

Rose gave Viers an ice cream which he accepted. He then created the same ice cream for Paina before separating from the two ladies. Rose resolved herself to ask a difficult question.

“Paina… You have been with Viers all this time so please tell me honestly… Is Viers a bad guy?”

Paina didn't answer immediately. She took her time before saying her reply.

“...Rose, you’re one of my few precious friends so please heed my advice… Don't fight him. Ever.”

Paina gripped Rose’s hand even tighter.

Simultaneous with the answer, a wind of autumn was blowing. Her friend’s answer made her sad.

It was not the answer she hoped to hear.


Day turned to night. The party had gone to a lot of places during their day off. They had geared up, bought the necessary supplies, and all the preparations were ready.

After a homely dinner with a warm atmosphere, Viers went out to experience the night air. He was still inside the church’s border, therefore, protected. He was wary of the assassins. They didn't show their tails today.

“Taking a walk, ladies?” Viers said while looking at the crescent moons. Dia was on his shoulder.

“Ever since we met, you’ve never let your guard down. Impressive vigilance. I didn't reach your state until twenty.”

“Hehehe. Little Viers is too tense. Little Dia too~”

Mita and Unem approached.

“Two Level 4s coming for me? This cowardly Level 3 is getting worried. Should I be worried?” Viers faced them.

“There’s no need for you to be worried. We’re not here to fight.”

“We want to talk with you. Or rather, you have questions for us, right~? Before the expedition tomorrow, we want to clear the bad air between us.”

“...I suppose. I’ll not mince words then. Newborn Blessing ceremony, what is it?”

“Initiative of the governor of Valkut. The secret is well kept but I suspect it is an effect of a unique treasure. It gives health benefits to the people. I have been here for ten years and there's no negative effect. I can vouch that it does not pose a danger to the masses,” Abbess Unem answered.

“But you don't understand it.”

“That is so. I guess your next inquiry is about the odd feeling in the air~? It’s the Governor-King’s Profound Practice, I’m told. The isolation barrier is his work. It is harmless and you’ll get used to it.”

Viers sought signs if she was lying and found none.

“Your turn to ask the question,” Viers said.

“How did you find your day?” Mita asked.

Viers felt like a child finding a question test that he memorized and so he replied with a smile.

“Miss Mita, I know what you’re trying to do. You showed me the warmth of the other side. What makes you think I’ll turn to the side of good?”

“Because this is a life that could be yours.”

“...It is nice, I admit. Surrounded by friends, walking towards the same goal, supporting each other… A very different life than what I had. Skulking in the shadows, fearing hidden threats in every unfamiliar face, homeless…”

Viers spoke with heavy emotion.

“But I have chosen the other path. As you all suspect, I have done bad things. I am a villain. The Church is the pillar of absolute good in the eyes of the many. Shouldn't you crush me while you still have the chance?”

“We don't win by erasing all that is bad, Mr. Viers,” Mita replied with the compassion of a mother. “There are those that think so within the Church but I disagree. I find it is a greater win by making those who are lost in the darkness return to the light. We’ve observed you, Viers. You’re not the irredeemable kind of person.”

“One day is hardly an accurate measure of someone,” Viers replied.

“Maybe so,” Unem said. “But we want to believe.”

The rustling of leaves filled the silence. The three were aware that Rose, Ciel, Damon, and the rest were eavesdropping but they let them be.

“My turn,” Viers began. “My position puts me at odds with the Church before so I never had the chance to ask. I’d appreciate a real answer. What is the Estellian Church’s objective?”

Mita and Unem looked at each other for a second before answering together.

“Safety, prosperity, and peace for everyone.”

“...People are too greedy and selfish to allow that kind of world to come.”

“We of the Church believe on the contrary, that there is good in the hearts of the people, no matter their race. As long as there is one person working wholeheartedly towards that goal, others will join. One day, that world will be created.”

Viers kept his mouth shut for some time.

“...That world is too blinding for me to imagine. I have no more questions.”

“Neither do we. We’ll depart at the morning bell. Good night, Mr. Viers,” Mita said politely.

“Night. Sleep well~” Unem waved her hand playfully.

Viers was alone under the night sky once again.

“That kind of world sounds nice. Would you like to live in that world, Viers?” Clarissa asked.

“No,” he answered.

“And why?” the lamia narrowed her eyes.

“Too much light.”


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