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“Wendy and I ran a background check on him. After Luxore, he reappeared as Cain. In some town, he killed a guy in broad daylight and killed the rest of his pursuers. He’s a cold-blooded murderer. Freya almost got him but he escaped and stayed in the shadows ever since… until now. Viers Isuel should be apprehended immediately!”

Bryan smacked the wanted poster of Viers on the table.

“Ah, so that’s why I thought this guy looks familiar. To think he’s the kid from back then,” Ciel took the poster and examined it, color had returned to her face.

“There’s also the Farley girl. She’s a true cultist. A devil worshiper! Viers who also colluded with her resulted in Luxore’s destruction. They must answer for their crimes,” Wendy said. Her tone was pretty strong.

“Seeing the two ghosts, I thought he was a death affinity Pathseeker but I was wrong. Doesn't make him less dangerous than a necromancer though. There have been catastrophic disasters caused by soul affinity criminals: making armies of thralls, brainwashing other people without them knowing, making people compliant in blood rituals… Hell, he might have done so already. He’s very strong. His strength must be caused by some unorthodox or forbidden methods,” Damon grunted.

The group of five had been reunited after they were ambushed by assassins a week ago. They had told the poisoned member Viers’ story and were now discussing what it entailed.

“As long as that strength helps us and does not hurt us, I don't really care,” Rachel said.

“Aren't you suspicious how easily he agreed with Abbess Unem to find the Fullcure Lily? And why is he even here in the first place!? Nine Hells. What is the Vestal thinking, bringing an enemy into our midst like that…” Bryan was borderline shouting.

“There’s one more thing I’m suspicious of. Do you remember Tanael? The soul user that suddenly appeared and made waves somewhere on the east side of the Coalition? Turns out Viers is a soul user too. What are the odds that two users of a very rare affinity appeared at the same time?” Wendy said.

“Their Level is also similar… Perhaps Viers is-”

“No,” Ciel interrupted Damon’s thought train. Her friends were looking at her.

“Viers is not Tanael. Also, I think he’s not as bad as you think he is. You can trust him.”

“Ciel?” Bryan frowned.

“...Is it ‘that’?” Damon asked.

Ciel nodded. “His aura is not dirty so he cannot be the heinous criminal Tanael. I’m not saying Viers is innocent but there might be some special circumstances that forced him to behave the way he did? At any rate, I don't believe he’s a bad guy.”

“...If you say so, it must be true,” Wendy sighed.

“Well, Ciel’s never wrong,” Rachel said.

“B-b-but… Aaargh! I still won't accept it!” Bryan furiously scratched his head.

With Ciel’s words, her friends’ impression of Viers was starting to change, except for one. After being a team for so long, they trusted Ciel’s judgment.

“At least it shouldn't be false that he wanted to help Ciel. He did spend his life force to defeat that headless thing,” Wendy added.

The Legionaries were not blind. Veirs reduced his lifespan to save Ciel and it wasn't a small feat.

“Vestal Mita might have seen the same thing as Ciel. That’s why she wagered her life to invite Viers here,” Damon was in a thinking pose. “I think I can see her aim now.”

“Out with it. Don't keep us in suspense,” Rachel crossed her arms.

“She wants to make Viers join the Penitent Corps.”

It was Wendy who answered. Damon grunted in agreement.

“Ah, that’s one way for a sinner to make absolution,” Rachel said.

“Hmph! Mark my words… There’s no way the guy would turn over a new leaf. He’ll become a detestable villain and we’ll all regret we didn't kill him right here, right now,” Bryan made an ugly expression.

“We don't do that. That's what separates us from them,” Damon said. “Not to mention the Vestal has given her oath.”

“Anyway, we’re going tomorrow, right? Better get some rest.”

Rachel raised an eyebrow at Ciel’s suggestion.

“Did you say, ‘we’?”

“Yeah, I’m coming too,” Ciel said as if it was a natural thing. “I feel better now.”

“Are you an idiot?”


“Not happening.”

“A wounded, Victaless soldier should stay in bed.”

Ciel’s expression turned sour as if she had eaten a pickled plum.

“No… No no no! You all won’t be so cruel as to make me wait here like a damsel in distress while you’re all risking your life, right?”

“Oh yeah, you hate being a damsel in distress… but the answer is still no. Give it up,” the group leader said.

Ciel looked pleadingly after her friends unanimously shot her down.


Damon and the others did the sensible thing and still refused her. They were accustomed to Ciel’s stubbornness. Tomorrow, she would try to follow them so they would chain her to the bed before the trip.


What a nice sunny morning… despite the wrongness in the air.

The undisguised Viers stretched his hands while he sat on a stone fence that separated the church’s compound from the city proper. The compound was very spacious considering Valkut was like a dense metropolitan. The Church was truly an organization that gained respect in all cities.

Above the fence, Viers lounged, seemingly without a care in the world.

The reason Viers was in such an easy-to-spot place was to fish the assassins’ response. He wanted to know if they would attack him now that he seemed to have joined the Church?

But there was no response, the remaining fish might be uninterested in the bait. Pity, Viers thought. Level 3s’ souls would be quite filling for his soul stomach and he needed the soul nutrients.

“How are you feeling, Paina?” He started a telecall, telepathy-plus-call.

“Good. Thank you for asking.”

“Well, how’s it going with you and Rose? What did you talk about last night?”

“Stuff. I asked what she had been doing and she asked me. I didn't say anything that might have been disadvantageous to you. You’ve made sure of that. She’s very understanding.”


“Lord Viers. I still don't get it,” Farley said. “Why did you tell them about Luxore?”

“I am wondering about that too,” Paina said.

“When Rose saw you two, she was already 80% sure of my identity.”

“I’m sorry,” Farley looked very apologetic.

“Don't be. The fault is mine. Hmph. This is what I get by trying to be a decent man. I should have changed Ciel’s clothes myself.”

“There’s a hidden intention in that sentence, right? Right?”

Viers ignored Clarissa’s remark.

“But if you did, wouldn't it be worse when they saw you in the middle of the action?” Paina said.

“Yeah, there’s that too. So the moral lesson is this: saving people is a pain in the ass! The people you saved might be grateful and give your ass a gentle honeyed caress at a later date, but you must suffer the butt pain first!”

“I don't think kids should hear this,” Paina retorted.

“Anyway, back to Rose. Since she has already found out, if I just leave, who knows what kind of narrative she would spin from there? So I thought: why not steer the narrative myself? Rather than some half-assed lies that might reduce my credibility when exposed, I gave them the truth. The truth suits my needs just fine.”

“Although you said the townsfolk were already dead, you still used their souls to become a Soul Pathseeker. I don't think they’ll treat you as innocent,” Clarissa warned.

“If Lord Viers didn't secure the oath of the Level 4, I don't think he would have gone to their stronghold, Rissa.”

“Farley’s right. I’ve always thought I would tell the Church someday but it was supposed to be until much later. Until I'm Level 4 at least. As a wise man once said: no plan survives first contact with the enemy… so there we go. Thankfully, Rose as a Blessed backs me up on account of our past. She also isn't the type to strike me down after I nicely cooperate so I took the opportunity to tell them about Luxore.”

Ah yes… Maybe I can even pose for my wanted poster.

“I still think the risks are too high,” Farley replied.

Well, for her, the Church is basically the Enemy with a capital e. Can't blame her.

“Since I’m a villain, chances are the Church that symbolizes the big good will become my enemy. Therefore this is also a great opportunity to observe the inner workings of the Estellian Church and the Church’s sword, the Silver Legion.”

“The Church… They didn’t exist in my time so I don't know anything about them,” Clarissa said.

“Another benefit is I can use them as shields,” Viers said while making a villain’s face.

“Ah… the assassins? The Wrights too.” Farley realized.

“They have Level 4s after all. I’m not their match. I have a secret weapon for last resort but I’d rather not use it. Better get the business with Paina’s twin and the Wrights sorted out then leave Valkut.”

With Level 4s in play, he was feeling too vulnerable. Viers wasn’t a fan of fighting people above his weight class.

“You say that but you easily accept that you’ll help them to get the flower. What gives?”

“Can't be helped, Clarissa. If I refuse and Ciel dies, I lose all benefits. If I refuse and Ciel does not die, I also lose benefits. I have to ensure that the act of saving Ciel previously isn't diluted. I wasn't particularly happy about it but it can't be helped. In business terms, this is called doubling down.”

“I don't want Ciel to die too so I’m glad you agree,” Paina said. “But aren't you worried about the Level 4 revenant there?”

“Hehehe. What is a single revenant against me, the one that has absorbed Aletro’s soul attainment? The ghostly mongrel needs to learn his place.”

In terms of soul mastery, Viers was above most Level 5s. His boast was not without basis.

“Wow, that’s an evil smirk. Are you planning something bad?”

Rose approached Viers with light steps, fingers touching another behind her back. Because Viers was sitting on the fence, she looked up at him.

“Morning,” Viers greeted. “So are you all ready?”

“Ready for what?”

“The swamp trip. Even if we find the flower immediately, the traveling time to get there and back should take about five days. Who knows if Ciel’s condition might worsen. The faster we go, the better.”

“Hoh-hoo… You’re eager. Are you that worried about Ciel?” Rose tried to stir Viers up.

“After all the trouble I took to save her? I won't accept any other result than complete recovery.”

“I see… Sorry to rain on your parade but we won't be going today.”

“Um? Why not?”

“Master Mita’s preparations won't be done until tomorrow. A day off for senior Damon and the others would do them good. They have pushed themselves pretty hard and that’s before you-”

Rose bit her tongue and stopped herself from talking further to the man responsible. Viers simply looked at her amusedly.

“A-anyway… Master Mita gave us a… task. My two friends and Damon’s group will also join.”

“An errand? Sounds like a hassle. I might pass on that.”

“Well, don't say that. Master Mita wants us to have fun in the city. Get to know each other.”

“Oh my,” Viers looked surprised. “Saintess Rose, are you inviting a villain like me on a date?”

“D-d-date?” Rose's face turned peach-red. “It’s not a date! Everyone is also coming. Anyway, get ready!”

Rose speed-walked a few steps then turned around, facing Viers again.

“Also, you’re not a villain,” Rose informed.

“Oh? What makes you say that?”

“Because you’re better than you think you are.”

Rose continued to walk away. Viers watched her back in silence until she was out of view.

…Oh you sweet summer child.


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