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“Got him!” Bryan shouted while a stream of blood sprayed from Viers’ neck.

Viers hated the boisterous youth the most out of his four opponents but the guy's attack power was certainly top-tier. He reacted in time to not have his entire neck cut but the dual-wielder managed to cut an artery, despite the protection from the Unreality Field and Farley-Viers’ combined defenses.

The Silver Legion’s joy was short-lived.

“He’s healing!”

“A regenerator!”

“Damn it, we don't have anti-regen agents!”

Viers’ unique Healing Factor that became even more potent after he became Level 3 and his Water Regen Arte made short work of such injury. The four had done a fantastic job -an annoying job, from Viers’ perspective- of keeping their target from escaping but as they suffered more and more injuries, the scales were tipping to Viers’ side.

Then the unexpected happened. Assassins rose from the Legionaries’ shadows and started attacking them.

“Gkh!? They are-”

“Since when? Kyah!!”

“Rachel, aid Wendy!”

Wendy, who was pinned to the wall because Viers stabbed a sword through her shoulder like a nail, was in the direst situation. Rachel had already moved before Damon gave the order and managed to save Wendy from certain death.

It was then that Damon felt a chill traveling through his spine from a realization. Not only him, the same thought occurred to all the battle-hardened combatants.

Ciel was now unguarded!

It’s a diversion!

Not only that, everything became pitch black as Lykin ‘ate’ the light in the area, adding to the confusion.

Viers, who used his soul sense and some others that had the means, sensed that the assassins were converging on Ciel.

After darkness came light!

“Hehe,” Ciel said weakly with a pale face. “You’re all too noisy… near an injured person.”


Ciel's left hand was raised high, shining like a torch in the dark while her right was holding the blanket that Rachel gave her earlier so it didn't fall off. The initial light blast knocked back the assassins who her teammates kept busy in turn.

It was still dark but Ciel provided some illumination to see.

That guy didn't attack, Damon thought of Viers. But the assassins did not attack him either. Is he or is he not with the Ravens?

But the crisis was not over. A headless knight phantom materialized behind Ciel whilst giving off a sense of dread. The knight was not a person, it was some sort of malevolent spirit. Lightning-quick, it made a slashing motion at Ciel’s neck.

Sensing the incoming death, Ciel invoked her Unreality Field but the phantom was not deterred. The sword would land!

Ciel, feeling her end was near, was seeing her life flash in front of her like pictures from a revolving lantern. First came the regret… before it turned into peace. Ciel had done all she could and she had lived a life she was not ashamed of. She would go to the Goddess’ side with her head held high.

Ciel’s friends were kept busy by the other assassins. Mita and Lykin prevent each other from interrupting.

Viers’ body moved before his mind.

His foot cracked the ground from the step-in, he pivoted his weight with teeth clenched, right fist glowing ghostly green.

And there was something more.

Viers made a karate punch from where he was standing, hitting empty air but a projectile of energy shook the air and struck the headless knight with a terrifying force, reducing it to mists in a deafening boom.

There was a silence on the battlefield after Viers’ show of force. That Arte’s destructive force was far above what he used when battling Damon and the others.

The phantom was no ordinary being, it possessed the strength of a Level 3 peak!

A Level 3 low Pathseeker defeated that?


Ahhh… I did it without thinking. I even spent three years of lifespan on top of Horizon to make sure it was powerful enough… They’re looking at me with weird looks. What now?

The Arte was Vengeful Spirit, one of Tanael’s three staple Artes. Viers had changed how it looked so the people seeing it wouldn’t connect it with Tanael’s Arte. Since energy projectile Artes were so common, it should be safe.

The combatants separated into three groups, keeping their guard up. The Level 4s had ceased fighting and jumped to join their respective groups. Five assassins, nine Silver Legions, and Viers by his lonesome.

The illumination returned to normal after Lykin stopped whatever she was doing.

Wendy tended to Ciel who was too weak to stand.

“What a terrible fever,” Wendy whispered. “You pushed yourself too hard. Drink this, you’ll need the rest.”

“Nonsense,” Ciel refused the offered vial. “I can still fight. This is the important part. How can I sleep through it?”

The assassins had casualties during the battle. Overall, the legionaries were better fighters. Though, compared to the assassins, their HP bars were pretty low after fighting Viers and fending off the ambush.

Of the two Level 4, the one from the cult was still in tip-top condition while one from the church was visibly injured. There were black marks on her left arm. It was because she protected the greener legionaries during the blackout ambush. Lykin hadn't missed her chance to inflict the wounds.

After a look of worry to her master, Rose’s eyes went towards Viers. Confusion and certainty were battling in her mind but the person himself didn't have the luxury to give her further attention.

He was in a three-way deadlock and the opposition had two Level 4. Outnumbered and outgunned. It wasn't the most dangerous situation he had ever been in but it was still very dangerous.

As per common sense, Viers was not using his real face. Just another disguise but Rose’s sight seemed to penetrate his Impersonator mask somehow. Viers tuned her out because his brain cells had other priority tasks.

“I offer my thanks for saving one of us,” Mita began.

Viers didn't reply, only sighed.

“Yes, bravo,” Lykin clapped her hands. “Very impressive indeed, but why interfere? These people are your enemy, are they not?”

“Reflex,” Viers raised his hands. “I wasn't thinking. Really, it just happened.”

Lykin scrutinized Viers with her vixen eyes.

“Then you don't mind if we kill the girl? Would you kindly let us do our job, water-soul boy?” The woman with the air of a femme fatale smiled most seductively.

The Church group tensed up.

Rachel and Bryan moved slightly, preparing to bring out the big moves against both parties but Damon stopped them using eye contact.

“While I very much want to say yes, it appears I somewhat do mind. This truly troubles me.”

Viers touched his forehead with his fingers and shook his head.

“Ah, but everything has a price. Simply stay your hand while we're doing some cleaning and you’ll be compensated handsomely.”

Unlike a hero, Viers was a sucker for treasures and valuables. In this world, those things could become his power. Therefore, Viers was showing a tiny bit of interest which he quickly suppressed.

But not fast enough for the experienced Mita to miss.

“We’ve gotten off on the wrong foot, stranger, but turning enmity into friendship is the way to a harmonious world. We apologize for our hastiness earlier. Shamefully, I humbly ask for your help once again, against them. The Church will not forget those that offered their help in time of need. We have ten thousand years of history to back up that statement.”

“How the mighty have fallen,” Lykin chided. “To ask an outsider for help… Though I admit, this one is able to tip the scales either way in this situation. Boy, fight with us and I’ll give you a drop of Bane Cobra. For a soul user such as yourself, the benefits should be exceptional.”

“Three hundred grams of Zinkdrite,” Mita gave a counteroffer. “And our thanks.”

“Make your choice quickly, boy. Party-crashers are coming,” Lykin said confidently, her offer was more valuable.

Viers’ mind worked so smoothly that he experienced bullet time. Viers recognized the crossroad.

This is a major story choice! My answer will determine if I go with the light route or the dark one!

A small Viers with devil wings appeared on his shoulder.

“Fish for more benefits! Make them do an auction for you! Whether the church or the cult, they are both rich organizations! Wear down their pockets!”

On another shoulder, mini-Viers with angel wings spoke.

“No! You should go with the church on this one. You don't want Ciel to die right?”

“Well~” Viers trailed. “There’s the Overlord list 68: I will spare someone who saved my life sometime in the past. This is only reasonable as it encourages others to do so. However, the offer is good one time only. If they want me to spare them again, they'd better save my life again.”

“Yep, there’s that,” Angel Viers nodded. “But most importantly! You’ll cheapen Ciel’s debt!”

“Oh? Clarify, angel on my shoulder.”

“You saved Ciel!” Angel Viers spoke passionately. “A member of the Silver Legion! That makes her owe you a life debt which she will pay you back many times over. You know these lawful good, joy to the world, types. Not paying a life debt is out of the question for them. Also, we’ll get plus points with the Church too if we side with them. If we auction our service, it might give us a short-term benefit while the other option is a long-term one and more promising.”

Small Devil Viers looked impressed.

“My my, Angel Viers, sir. What a fantastic idea. Despite the angel wings, you’re quite the evil one, aren't you?”

“Oh no, no, Mister Devil Viers. Not as much as you. Mwuhuhuhu…”

Well whaddya know, these are the angel and devil on my shoulders? I like it!

“Assassin lady, your offer is more valuable-”

The people on both sides had the opposite reactions to Viers’ words.

“But I refuse!” Viers said menacingly, powerfully, in Jojo style. If Viers could bend reality to change how his art style looked at this moment, he would.

“My, my, my, my, my,” Lykin looked not the tiniest bit surprised and replied with more ‘my’s than necessary. “What a shame. Ahh, what a tragedy. Now there’s no other course for us but retreat.”

“Retreat, chief?” An assassin asked.

“Our ambush failed and the odds are stacked against us. With how determined the doves are, they’ll sacrifice themselves and leave the half-dead Lady Ciel as the very last survivor. That’s just how their defective brain works. And then there’s him. Yeah, the target is out of reach for now. There will be another chance since they cannot leave Valkut. Let us regroup for now.”

The assassins bowed and slipped into the shadows until there was only the Level 4 left.

“I’m Lykin, some call me the Lighteater. Until we meet again, water-soul boy.”

She blew Viers a kiss before she made a stylish villainous exit.

“...They are gone,” Mita confirmed after a few seconds. The Legionaries sighed in relief.

“Vestal Mita, what should we do about him?” Damon asked.

“Protocol dictates that unregistered and unsanctioned people with dangerous affinities be brought into custody so the Church can guide them,” Bryan said.

“I haven't forgotten the directive, Legionnaire Bryan.”

“Uph… I beg your forgiveness. I misspoke.”

“He's okay,” said someone unexpected.


“We can trust him. We… can…” Ciel collapsed before she finished.

“Oh no!” Wendy was aghast. “Her condition is really bad. She needs immediate medical attention. At least Level 4 medicine.”

“Take her to the Church. Abbess Unem can help her. I’ll explain the matter here to the city. Go with haste but be careful on the way.”

“Yes, Lady Vestal.”

Damon and the other three carried Ciel and left. Before they went out of view, all except Rachel gave Viers a second look. Viers waved his hand as a response. He lost a sword today, the one he used to stab Wendy, but it wasn't his favorite katana and easily replaceable so it was no skin off his nose.

Mita approached.

“Once again, on behalf of the Estellian Church, and personally as well, I give my thanks. This is the promised reward and something extra.”

Mita offered Viers a Zinkdrite gem and a few other precious things too.

Viers’ instinct was to take them. An honest compensation for his contribution. But inside his mind, he chanted long-term benefits, long-term benefits, over and over.

“It’s fine. Just make sure that lass is okay.”

And so Viers didn't take a single thing from the Church people. A favor was more precious anyway.

“...Very well,” Mita saw through him completely but so what? “If you’re willing, please accompany us to the Church. We have many things to discuss. I swear to the Goddess and by my Intio that you’ll not be harmed in any way.”

June and Conn looked a bit surprised by the invitation and tried to keep their expression neutral.

“...Thanks for the offer but I'm afraid the Church and I don't get along.”

A response that Mita expected.

“I understand. May the Goddess be with you, stranger,” Mita gave the customary blessing.

“Oh, gods no. Anything but that.”

Viers turned around, slowly walking away from the Level 4. He didn't let down his guard, it was foolish to do so when the opponent was stronger than him. Since the three-way deadlock, his left hand never left his pocket. If he felt his life threatened, he would immediately unleash his trump card for Level 4s.


Yet Rose managed to grab his hand, preventing him from leaving. There was no killing intent, no malice. Viers was slightly surprised and met her gaze.

Viers admitted her pure eyes combined with a pleading expression charmed him. Her eyes pierced Viers’ veil of disguise as she peeked through the window to his soul.

“We… Haven’t we met?”

The word ‘no’ stopped at the edge of Viers’ tongue. It was the way she looked at him. No matter what he said, Rose’s certainty would not change. Yet she still asked. She wanted to hear it from Viers’ mouth.

“What is-”

Viers’ pupils underwent dilation.

“-your name?”

Hearing those words, the memory of that movie flashed in his mind like a parade of fireworks.

Most exquisite, sparkling, memory.

Chapter 230 - Your Name


[To those who don't understand the reference, I feel sorry for you. You don't know what you missed. But it’s not too late to start.]


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