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This is why I fear going to places with high-level Pathseekers. To be implicated in their fights. I was like a bird in a hurricane.

That was what Viers thought when he opened his eyes and saw the ceiling of his safe house.

This was Viers’ Picture Room. People in this world categorized this kind of item as Pocket Habitats. The principle was the same as inventory items. Pathseekers used those as camps and safe houses.

It was crazy rare and expensive.

Viers bought this in Golding city, the closest city from Luca’s village. While Arsène was busy in Regidana, Viers wasn't only cooping up in the Biome. He flew a few hours using the flying carpet and went into the city incognito. He visited the place and had a shopping cultivation resources spree.

The space was small, just three square meters. Even though it cost about half of his total wealth, Viers didn't hesitate to buy the habitat. Viers sorely needed this item for times like this and during the nights when he was powerless.

There was a mini-arc befitting a rare item, Viers tussled with a competitor force that also wanted to buy the item. It was too generic so Viers leaned on his Fables to easily resolve it.

…I think my luck has gotten worse as of late.

While recovering Viers had too much time to think and he got suspicious. After the Book World, there were many instances where he found himself in an unfavorable situation. There was this hit-and-run, merfolk’s assault during his moment of weakness, and many more.

Is this because I killed Anne? Like, a curse or karma? Or is it because I killed MCs in general?

Viers came to a horrifying conclusion.

This might be bad…

Unfortunately, no solution presented itself.

The familiars and the tenants were glad Viers woke up. Viers thanked them, especially Farley. The disaster drills that they trained for were useful. Viers rested for another two days before leaving. It was thanks to his healing factor, which had become even more potent as he reached Level 3.

Space twisted and Viers emerged from it. After making sure it was safe, Viers recovered the Picture Room and stored it.

Viers walked back to the scene of the unfortunate encounter. There were no bodies there but the ruined cart and some belongings were still on the side of the road.

Viers saw ghosts. That family of five that was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The father was despairing, blaming himself. The mother was searching for her children even though they were close. The children were afraid and lonely.

“This is so sad,” Paina saw the scene through Viers’ eyes.

“They… can’t see each other?” Farley concluded.

“They have difficulties moving on to the next world. I think it is their circumstances of death,” Clarissa said.

Viers approached them and he made a sweeping motion with his hand. There was a wave, a flicker. So soft and ethereal that it was undetectable to most. Suddenly, the family found each other. They broke into tears and hugged. Their negative emotions melted like ice under summer’s sun.

Viers walked past them as if nothing happened and the spirits similarly didn't seem to realize the presence of Viers.

“...Thank you,” Paina said. She had seen that before. Now their passing would be easier.

“It was nothing,” Viers replied.

The journey to Valkut city continued. A slightly chilly autumn wind blew from the mountain range.


The majority of Valkut’s territory was barren earth, vegetation was sparse. Strong mana region meant stronger monsters but this area had peculiarities, the monsters were even stronger than they should be. Despite the inhospitable region, Pathseekers flocked to this land.

The reason was the abundance of ruins from the Coriz Empire era.

After the previous experience, Viers doubled his alertness while on the road. He felt he was visiting a dried-up wasteland. It felt… off. The land and the air felt wrong. Dia didn't like being here, though it didn't seem like the dryad was in any danger.

I feel like I’m in Caelid. Enemies are stronger… totally not a newbie area. Welp, I’m a Level 3 now so by the law of power fantasy, my enemies must be stronger too. My guess is I’ll be tangling with other Level 3 folks in this arc with a Level 4 as the big bad. It has been proven that I’m no match for Level 4s so I must be careful.

There were also a lot of ghosts and spirits.

Since his early days as a soul Pathseeker, Viers could sense souls. There were many souls of the deceased in the places he traveled. Too many. Viers simply got used to them and let them be.

He was no longer a fledgling soul Pathseeker so he could help them when he wanted to, like the unfortunate man’s family that gave him the elf friendship token, but if he tried to help every soul of the dead he visited, he would be out of Victa in no time. That was why he let them be. It seemed it was the job of the Church anyway. They should be grateful Viers didn't simply eat them.

But sometimes, very occasionally, on a whim, he did help the souls out of their misery, just like that family earlier.

In his travels, no great misfortune fell upon him.


Small misfortunes, however, were plenty.

Besides the usual monster-attacking-travelers problem, one out of four Pathseekers were hostile.

As usual, Viers posed as a Level 2 to hide his strength but it made other Pathseekers treat him like an easy mark and want to rob him. After the third robbery attempt, Viers no longer hid his Level 3 aura. The robbery attempt was reduced significantly.

Viers outrun the daring ones. Ordinary Level 3s couldn't match Viers speed. Not with his Horizon Aspect bolstering his Arte. What was the point of fighting them? His Victa had better use.

Of course, not every problem could be avoided.

On his second day of travel after his recovery, Viers spotted five cloaked people chasing a young woman. Lethal Artes were cast so it was not the romantic kind of courtship.

Viers gave her an eight out of ten on the beauty scale so she was really pretty and she was about his age. Her condition looked bad though. They came out of a nearby sunken ruin and went towards the road, towards him.

The young woman’s expression brightened up when she saw Viers. His expression was the exact opposite, darkened. Trouble incoming.

“Noble traveler, please-”

“Not interested. Leave me alone.” Viers replied to the spam call from an unknown number.

“Sir, I’m Candice of House Chevry,” the young woman approached. “If you could delay the brigands but a moment-”

“Approach one step more and I’ll treat you as hostile and respond accordingly,” Viers showed his hostility that made the woman pause her steps.

The five caught up and surrounded Viers and the woman. Viers sensed that they were all Level 3 but at mid or high cultivation stage. Candice was at Level 3 low, the same as him.

“Lady Chevry, give us the Ice Lightning and we’ll let you go.”

“You’re surrounded. Be smart and give it to us.”

“You,” one of the five called out to Viers. “Assist her and-”

“I’m unrelated to this matter. Whoever approaches me I’ll fight as an enemy,” Viers assumed a fighting stance. His fighting spirit was real.

“Brothers, attack Candice!” the gang leader said.


Candice fought hard. She tried to get Viers involved but Viers stood by his word and attacked her. Candice didn't expect Viers to really attack and by dodging Viers’ water blade she made an opening for the other attackers.


Candice was hurt but not lethal. She held on and struggled as long as she could but she was outnumbered and outpowered. The five were all stronger Pathseekers than her. Meanwhile, Viers just watched. He didn't try to run away because the five were watching his movements and it might provoke them. He evaded splash damage coming his way but that was it.

The gang leader’s blade was at Candice’s throat.

“Last warning. Give us the treasure or I’ll take it from your corpse. You have three seconds. Your teleportation item won't activate in time.”

Candice was unwilling but she surrendered the treasure in the end. It was lightning in a bottle that emitted frost energy.

“Good. Now blood doesn't have to be spilled. This is just a job. If your hatred fades, you’re welcome to hire us and we’ll do the job as professionals,” the leader chuckled. “Brothers, disperse.”

“Big bro. How about we get an extra meal?” One of them grinned at Viers.

Viers was calm and ready to battle. He didn't make a move and his Victa was stable.

“We’re not petty thieves. Giving the item to the client is the highest priority. Disperse.”

The gang leader gave Viers one last look.

“Smart kid.”

The five ran very fast. Viers suspected it was about the same as his top speed. Now there was only Candice and Viers.

Viers turned around and walked away. He only made it to the fourth step before Candice spoke.

“You could have helped.”

“Why should I?”

“I only needed you to stall them until the teleportation-”

“So in that scenario, you flew out and left me alone facing five wolves, right? Shit deal.”

“I could bring you with me!”

“How do I know that is the truth? Can't you see those people are stronger than me? Look lady, I don't know you. Would you risk your life for someone you just met?”

From her clothes, her mannerism, and naming her family, Viers could guess she was from a well-off family. This Candice was too used to getting what she wanted and having people cater to her orders.

“...House Chevry will not forget gratitude nor enmity.”

What? Now she blames me? What a bit-

Candice was enveloped by bright light and she was gone before Viers could answer. Viers was considering killing her after the threat but he’d missed his chance.

It was her teleportation item. Viers knew she was carrying an active magical item before she approached Viers but it needed time before the teleportation happened.

“...Well, shit.”

What else could Viers do but curse? File a complaint to Estelle?


Viers arrived in Valkut city. It was even bigger than Regidana. If Regidana was a port city, this was a stack city. Houses were packed together for less space. Four or five floored houses were normal here. The city was far older than Regidana and like big old cities, that kept growing with poor planning, it was a bit of a mess.

However, despite the other travelers being able to freely enter the city, Viers was barred from entry. Two Level 3 high Pathseekers with guard uniforms approached him.

“Is that him?”

“The arrow pointed at him so yeah.”

“Ahem, you’re under arrest. Suspicion of working with the Five Gentleman Thieves.”

“What? I don't know them. What are you talking about?” Viers said.

“Playing the fool is useless. Lady Chevry recorded your Victa signature with this item so you’re definitely the guy. Cooperate with investigation obediently or we’ll use force.”

Viers had seen this cliché development. He already had a suspicion something like this would happen. Therefore Viers had changed his clothes, his weapon, even his face. He even used perfume to change his bodily scent but it was still not enough!

The first thing Viers visited in Valkut city was the slammer.


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