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[And this is the last of the interludes. Hope you enjoy the chapter.]

“One thing that I like about being a ghost is that I can eat delicious food as much as I want without getting fat,” Farley said before putting a spoon in her mouth. “How is it, Gwen? You like it?”

“Mmm!” Gwen nodded with her mouth full. “Incredibly tasty!”

“I’ve never been a gourmet but Viers might turn me into one if he keeps giving us food this delicious,” Clarissa added.

The egg dish was only given a minimum spice but the exceptional ingredient was more than enough for a splendid taste.

The ingredient Viers got from a person that he'd looted. That person found some mysterious egg in the Book World and her soul bonded with it. With the death of said woman, the life in the egg died too. Viers couldn't recognize the origin of the beast that laid the egg but it still contained an incredible amount of vitality. Therefore, Viers made an omelet with it and ate it.

The egg was big enough for a human child to fit inside while in a fetal position so Viers shared it with others. The outrageous thing was, Viers used the flat side of the divine sword he pried from Aravin’s dead hands to cook it.

It automatically heated itself when Viers touched it. The blinding light was an obstruction too. It wasn't easy but Viers did it anyway. ‘For being a cheeky sword’, he said. The divine sword became oily and smeared with gunk.

“I could eat this every day!” Luca happily said.

“Kin gives me delicious things again. I love it!” Dia ate beside her.

“I made some for Arim and Susan too. Bring it home, okay?” Viers said.

The one century of lifeforce that he sacrificed to Aletro had been replenished after all the monsters and vitality food he ingested.

As usual when there was amazing food, Viers conjured it in his soul space for his tenants to eat. However, despite seeing her friends' happy faces and eating an amazing mysterious omelet, the pang of worry inside Paina didn't go away.

That little detail didn't escape Farley’s attention.

That night, when Viers was asleep.

“The day we go to Valkut city is getting close. You’ll be able to meet your father, fulfilling your goal. And yet, you don't seem thrilled,” the petite short-haired brunette said. “Talk to me, friend.”

Paina stopped playing her flute. Her long black hair swayed as she shook her head.

“I really can't hide anything from you, can I… Things are progressing well. Viers keeps getting stronger and his double has restored Avel’s reputation.”

“Hehe, Lord Viers’ said his double thinks like him, didn't he? I wonder how he felt fighting in the coliseum. Ironically, one-on-one battles there are perfect for his Duel With Honor Arte.”

“What Viers hates most is tournaments, public matches he can endure. His double also only fights a match one or two times a week. It won't be long until people stop calling him spineless. We'll depart soon.”

“Level 3 battles… I want to see them too. I bet Viers’ double won without using his full strength,” Farley said.

“It’s because he’s so powerful now… In the end, it’s about power,” Paina looked down with melancholy.


“I can't do it, Farley. I cannot stop Viers from killing people. Worse, I cannot stop him from killing innocents! Why would he? When he could eat their souls to get stronger?”

The events in the Book World left a deep mark on Paina’s mind. If she knew about the Night of Bloodless Murders she would be even more shaken.

“...Lord Viers explained it to us and the necessities of such drastic actions,” Farley said.

“But where is the line drawn? Would you do it if it was you?” Paina accosted.

“If it is for protecting the ones I love, yes.”

Farley replied with hard eyes. Paina was taken aback.

“I can't do it. I can't accept it… I just can't, Farley. I helped Viers in battle. My hands are as red as his own. Every Pathseeker climbs the Path of Power by stepping over skeletons. I understand that… but at some point, he will go down a path I refuse to follow. That would be the end of me… Viers doesn't leave loose ends. He knows it too, so before that happens, he will leave me in Valkut.”

“You don't know that.”

“Viers gave the fetus to me! For my use, not you or Gwen… because he's going to drop me off at Valkut and cut his ties. His debt to me, paid.”

“Wouldn't you want to stay in Valkut with your father?” Farley asked.

“Does it matter? It’s Viers’ call to make.”

Paina sat down on the field of flowers, watching helplessly at the starry sky above. After a short while, Farley sat beside her.

“Seek strength. The rest will follow,” Farley began. “When we first arrived at Luca’s village, you adopted this principle. I’ve seen you put your heart and soul into training your Artes and music. We’ve fought side by side against the fearsome monsters and super strong Pathseekers in the Grid; through the blood, through the pain. I can say with utmost certainty that you’re not all talk.”

Farley grabbed Paina’s hand.

“...Thank you, Farley. I’m glad you’re my friend.”

“You’re welcome.”

The two stayed together until they drowsed into sleep.


Viers was flying alone on his magic carpet.

“You should use this method of travel all the time,” Clarissa said.

“Out of the question,” Farley sternly said. “Flying items are very rare. Even Level 4s might rob Lord Viers if they saw him riding one.”

“That’s why I only use this in remote areas and the less I use it the better. But it is very hard to reach our destination on foot, so, yeah.”

“And where are we going, exactly?” Paina asked.

Viers had left Pecan Village and went to the closest city. He had many things he wanted to do that he couldn't do in Regidana. After a few days, he went deep into the wilderness where dangerous monsters roamed free.

“There, Yellowrock Valley,” Viers pointed with his fingers.

“It smells funny,” Farley pinched her nose. Viers conveyed his sense of smell to the girls. “What is this?”

“Sulfur,” Viers said. “Get used to it cause the valley is full of it.”

“We don't have to get used to it. Turn it off!” Clarissa shouted. “Wait, you just don't want to suffer alone, do you?”

Clarissa hit the nail in the head so Viers whistled deceptively. “I don't know what you’re talking about.”

After observing the area from above for a while, Viers found his target. It was a Rank 2 gorilla-like monster that walked on all fours. Even hunched, its height reached two meters. Its skin was craggy and there were yellow rocks growing out of it. The monster had a long tail like a crocodile.

“The yellow rocks are worth a lot. It will be useful for Boram’s Profound Practice.”

“That’s-” Paina was shaking.

“Similar, isn't it? To the monster that killed you,” Viers answered.

“Eh? Kyaaaa!?”

Suddenly, Paina was conjured in the outside world and she fell down to the ground. Viers rose the carpet again after dropping her off.

“I made your soul corporeal, with the same endurance as a normal human. If you never died, your cultivation should be Level 2 and that’s what you are right now. You can use Arte normally using my Victa but the boost from my Aspect is unavailable.”

“Viers, what are you-”

“The monster is called Boroscanan, quite a strong monster. According to the guild’s recommendation, to hunt a Rank 2, a Level 3 adventurer is needed. I want you to defeat it, alone.”

“I-I can’t-”

During the destruction of Luxore town, Paina was killed by a human-turned-monster that looked similar to this one. Seeing the Boroscanan reminded Paina of her trauma.

“I don't know what will happen to you if your soul gets broken but I doubt it is anything good. Know that death is possible. Good luck.”

Viers shot a water attack at the Rank 2 Boroscanan to gain its attention. In the area, there was only a single monster and Paina.

Paina’s body was stiff. She couldn't fly. She couldn't escape. The monster got angry due to Viers' attack and set its sight on Paina. The fearsome roar turned Paina as white as a sheet.

“Paina, fight!” Farley shouted.

“Go! You can do it!” Clarissa cheered.

The Boroscanan leaped from twenty meters afar, intent on crushing Paina with its body weight.


Paina yelped and dived to the side. She felt a smidgen of relief and let her guard down. The Boroscanan’s tail swung at her right after it landed.


The Water Shield Arte was constructed by the skin of her teeth. The force of the blow sent her flying.

Being immobile when defenseless was dangerous. She’d gotten used to the pain after so much training in the Grid, so she gritted her teeth and got back up. Paina glanced at Viers and he showed no sign of interfering.


The Boroscanan snarled. Its bottom fangs grew out from its mouth like an inverted sabertooth tiger.

Move, damnit, move!

Paina was frozen in fear. Her body wasn't listening to her. The memories of the time she was killed emerged one after another. Of the time when she was ripped apart then eaten.

She dodged another attack and tried to run away but got suddenly pulled back in. Viers didn’t let her run. Left with no choice, she was forced to fight back for her life.

“Water Pillar!”

She opened with a powerful Arte but was easy to dodge. The jet of water that emerged upward like a geyser was easily evaded by the monster.

“What’s with that pathetic display?” Viers shouted. “Easily seen through moves like that need setting up before use! Have you learned nothing?”

The Boroscanan opened his mouth wide for a devastating chomp.



Paina switched to fast to cast but low power Artes as she kept her distance. The Boroscanan paid little heed to the peashooters and continued to attack aggressively.

The battle went on. Monsters had hardy bodies in the first place. Even though Viers’ Victa was in no danger of running out soon, Paina’s stamina was dropping fast. Viers made her current form as close to a flesh and blood human as possible.

Meanwhile, Paina’s battle was messy, unfocused. Her agitation led to her Artes losing power and her judgment dulled. The tide of the battle was against her.

Is this it?

Paina’s will to live was fading.

“PAINA! You’re not this weak!” Farley screamed worriedly.

“Focus! You’re better than that ape!” Clarissa clenched her fists.

In the middle of the two, Paina saw Viers’ lips move.

“Find yourself.”

It was as if something clicked inside Paina.

Boroscanan’s clawed hand was closing in.

“Water Pillar!”

A sprout of water carried Paina upwards. Different from before, she used the water's propulsion to evade the monster’s attack.

When she landed, the brutish monster was throwing a big lump of rock at her.

Water Shield… No. Must make it softer, like in the Grid!

The rock hit the pane of water and similar to a trampoline, it reflected the projectile right back.


It didn't expect that, and the stone to the face stunned the crocodile-tailed gorilla monster.

From then on, Paina’s movements became more refined.

“Looks like the clichéd plot of pushing her to the brink works,” Viers commented while watching Paina use all kinds of Artes to gain the upper hand against the Boroscanan.

“So did she awaken her hidden power or something? I’ve seen many similar things during the war,” Clarissa asked.

“No, Rissa,” Farley answered. “She could do this from the start. Her hesitation, doubt, and trauma made her unable to do her best. Now she’s broken free of the chain she imposed on herself.”

“But her power output is lacking,” analyzed the lamia. “It will turn into a battle of attrition at this point. Oh?”


Paina extended her hand and a blue magic circle appeared. The blue light on her body signified the massive use of Victa.

Clarissa raised her eyebrow. The complexity of the Arte might be on par with Viers’ Vortex Nova. She didn't expect  Paina to have something like this in her arsenal.

“Water Is Unbreakable!”

The massive Boroscanan was imprisoned in a body of water.

Finding itself submerged in water, the monster tried to break free. However, the water had the texture of jelly. It stretched as the monster tried to claw its way out but contracted back when the pushing force was gone. Naturally, the monster could not breathe inside the Arte.

“Bwahahaha! Now THAT’s what I call a JoJo reference!”

Water Is Unbreakable Arte was an evolution of Viers’ Almost Heaven Arte. The technique he used to drown opponents weaker than him. However, the true essence of Water Is Unbreakable was its defensive properties.

For months, Viers and Paina had collaborated to create the most defensive Arte that they could make. The Arte was successfully created after many ups and downs. However, the Arte wasn't suited for Farley. She could still use it but the effect was not as strong. Farley’s nature was to attack but the Arte was very suitable for Paina.

It could be used to protect one’s body, considerably reducing the force of all physical attacks. Depending on the situation, the caster could change the water’s viscosity, making it hard like a solid object. The drawback of being unable to breath was easily solved when water Pathseekers learned Water Breathing Arte.

Pathseekers of other elements could have something to disable their need to breathe, but unintelligent monsters were doomed.

If it was that easy to entrap one’s opponent in water, every water Pathseeker would have done so but Water Is Unbreakable’s effectiveness lay in its complexity.

The more complex the Arte, the more powerful it was. The drawback was that it would be difficult to deploy it in real battles. Enemies wouldn't wait until the cast was done.

Viers could use Overclock Mode and other methods to cast it in a reasonable time but Paina didn't have those.

So she constructed a magic circle beforehand. The formula was already partially done and Paina filled in the blanks to complete the Arte. The disadvantage of such a method was that the Arte’s parameter was fixed to the magic circle’s formula, the dimension, the rate of power, and so on. Making alterations would mean remaking the magic circle from scratch. Still, the object that Paina took three weeks to create splendidly made Paina victorious.

Paina was watching the drowned monster in the sphere of water with an expression of disbelief while Viers landed next to her.

“Congratulations on your victory.”

“Paina. Nice fight!” Farley said.

“Mmm,” Clarissa nodded. “A victory worth celebrating for.”

“...I’ve won against stronger monsters before. But that was using your Level 3 cultivation and your mysterious Aspect boost. I never thought-”

“That you can defeat it using purely your own strength? It’s called growth,” Viers said while examining the yellow rocks on the monster’s body.

“In the future, when your sound affinity awakens, you can attack the enemy trapped inside using sound. Sound travels easier in the water than in the air. It would be a synergy.”

“How can you be so sure?” Paina doubted.

“Looking at your expertise with music in general, it is pretty much a surety at this point. The reason it has not awakened yet is caused by the lack of body. Because your existence is not complete. Another congratulation, you’re a rare dual affinity Pathseeker.”

Farley and Clarissa said their congratulations. Viers gave them some time before he talked again.

“Farley told me your worries.”

Paina was frozen like a deer in headlights. The Arte had been dispelled and Viers was taking the rocks from the monster's skin.

“Seek strength. The rest will follow… Do you remember that you said you wanted to become strong? Haven't you made true of your words from back then?”

“...What is my strength compared to yours?”

“Hehehe. Using me as a measurement for your strength is highly daring of you. True, among my inner circle, your power is the least. The weakest, below Boram and Farley. Dia will exceed you in a short while.”

Paina knew that but hearing it spoken still felt hurt.

“Yet you can contribute something incredible like the Anima Symphony Arte. Viers Corporation has greatly benefited from it. There are many other things too. As CEO, I’ll say this, your work has been more than satisfactory.”

Paina didn't speak so Viers continued.

“Whatever happens in Valkut, I do not decide your future. You yourself must decide what you want to be. That is true for you, for Farley, for Clarissa, Boram, even me.”

“My music… my power has not saved anyone yet.”

“Because you have not tapped on the true power of music. Once spoke the legendary Beethoven: Music is… a higher revelation than all wisdom & philosophy.”

“Wow,” Clarissa said after a period of silence. “Just, wow.”

“And music is not all you have. Look at your current skill with water. Ordinary Pathseeker will not be able to win against Boroscanan. Let me be honest, your starting point is far lower than Boram. Have you realized that by journeying with me, you’re no longer a small fish in a small pond? You’re now a small fish in a biiiig ocean!”

Viers spread his arms wide.

“Whether you grow into something or not is up to you.”


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