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While Boram was meeting the doc -or healer- Arsène met up with the gang.

“Ahaha, you really saved us,” Bruce was in a bed and his head was bandaged but he greeted Arsène with a light mood. The other members had briefed him about what happened. “We won't forget this favor.”

“...Thanks,” Will the skinny scout who was also on a bed beside Bruce thanked the knight-helmeted Arsène. Although he seemed a bit down.

“It’s fine. As fellow adventurers, helping each other is only proper,” Arsène said something corny because his status demanded it.

“How are they doing and where are the others?” Arsène turned to Sandra who was keeping an eye on the patients.

“They need about a week of rest. There are other ways for faster recovery but they are too expensive. Norman’s taking care of some stuff while Irene-”

“Irene asked you to meet her. She wants to talk privately, uggghh…” Will started sobbing, to Arsène’s surprise.

“...What was that about?” He asked Sandra in a whisper.

“Don't think much about it. He’s got a thing for Irene. She asked for you. It was a bit of a shock for him,” she used her hand to cover her mouth.

“Oh… Well don't worry about it, smoke guy. It’s probably nothing. So what are your plans now?”

“About that, Irene said she wants to stay in the city. We also need to recover. I think we’ll operate from here for a while and see how things go,” Bruce said.

Arsène talked with them for a bit longer before going to meet Irene. Sandra said she was on the roof.

The fort was the highest structure on the water-surrounded island so the roof was really high up. Though, it wasn't particularly hard for Level 2s to climb up to the roof from the highest floor.

Arsène was greeted by a strong wind. He found Irene standing like a solitary owl. Her back was to him and the wound from yesterday had healed. The scenes of fort repair and battlefield clean-up were in full swing far downstairs. The late morning was very sunny. Usually, it was a bit unpleasant because of the hotness but because it was raining heavily yesterday night, courtesy of the Sea Witches, the air was now quite cool and pleasant.

Arsène stood next to her and watched the view and waited… and waited.

Army of Rank 3 monsters, huh? Were there Rank 4s? I heard from Boram that some breeds of those three-eyed wolves are even able to fight and breathe underwater… fascinating. Where are they kept, I wonder… Underground? Do they have an underground prairie under the city? Nah, a Biome seems more likely.

“Brooding?” Since she didn't seem to be starting, Arsène said something first.

“It’s just as you said,” Irene’s ponytail swayed in the wind. She had calmed down considerably compared to before.

“What did I say again?” Arsène was confused.

“In your letter,” Irene gave Arsène the bomb.

“Letter? What letter?”

Arsène’s response was flawless but inside he was raising his guard. Of course he knew the letter. The letter he sent was the reason Irene was here in the first place.

How did she know I’m Cain of Ur? Did I mess up somewhere?

“The three-eyed wolves are the hidden force of this city… I thought the one I’m after is just a monster. Seeing there were hundreds of them was a shock. I thought killing the monster was enough but now I have to aim for the ones responsible.”

“Wait wait. Before you start narrating things that I don't understand, why don't you go waaaay back.”

Irene didn't care and kept talking.

“The waters are deep… The Level 5 Governor-King definitely has a hand in this. Still, you've given me a choice. I’m grateful you led me here. And also thank you for last night. Your advice, being prepared for close quarters saved me in the past too… Oh, and the guys from before are doing fine. Lena and Paul have married, Oliver keeps his adventuring near Mokash town. They want you to visit if you can and send their greetings.”

“Girl, I think you have terribly mistaken me for someone else,” Arsène didn't break his cover.

“Like me, they don't care about your wanted poster or whatever… My debt is gradually increasing. If there’s something you need me for, let me know. I probably can't do much but I’ll do what I can. I will probably stay in the city for quite a while so you can find me easily. I don't want to involve Bruce and the others because it seems dangerous but they’re too loyal for their own good. I’ll give some explanation, hope they see sense and don't concern themselves with me.”

Irene walked away, hoisting her bow over her shoulder. Her expression was slightly dark. She had a faint feeling of envy.

“I’ve disturbed the wind so none heard our conversation. You’ve become strong… or perhaps you’ve always been. Good day and farewell.”

For the first time in a long while, Arsène didn't know how to respond. He stayed on the roof for a while, contemplating various things.

…Should I silence her with extreme prejudice?


Irene didn't have any proof that Avel of Javia was the same person as Cain of Ur. She’d seen his face and it was nothing similar, the body structure such as his height was different too. Even the names weren't terribly unique; she’d found quite a few people with similar naming styles. In fact, Norman from the Rising Fortune’s full name was Norman of Beyex.

She just found Avel and Cain similar, their way of talking, how he walked, his habit of keeping his sword within an arm's reach, how he chewed food using the right side of his mouth, and other small things. The ten days they were together let Irene pick up these similarities. Irene was the daughter of just an ordinary hunter but she was taught useful things, such as paying attention to details. It was really useful during hunts.

Cain and Avel both had water elements, they both used swords, they both were at similar Level as Pathseekers. Those were the most common similarities. Of course, Viers himself realized this. He wanted to test how extreme the people that were after him would go; there were quite a few going after his multiple identities. That was why it was Arsène and not Viers who was walking around as Avel.

He was worried if the Church would suddenly kidnap him and hold him against his will. They were certainly capable of doing so. That was what Viers would have done if he was in their shoes.

But the Church were the good guys. At least, their front appearance was lawful good so forceful hypnotism was the farthest they were willing to go.

In Irene’s case, she only had a gut feeling that Avel and Cain were one and the same so she treated them as such. She didn't need to think too hard about it, second guessing herself was not in her nature. She wanted to repay her debt, she needed him to know she wanted to pay her debts. If it was indeed a different person and he used her for unearned favors, then so be it. At least she was doing good deeds for others.

This time, Irene’s gut feeling hit the bull’s eye.


“We will now proceed to the award ceremony. These are the people who have distinguished themselves in the defense of Regidana. For their exemplary service in the face of danger and for upholding their duty to protect innocent lives… Those of you whose name is called, step forward. First, Iron ranked adventurer, Adriana Hops.

The female Level 3 adventurer stepped forward in front of the Guildmaster. Arsène recognized the guy, he was Peanut’s uncle. The man then spoke of Adriana’s battle achievements during the battle with the merfolk invaders.

“Lady Adriana!”


“So cool!”

“Marry me!”

People cheered and clapped their hands.

“The guild thanks you for your exemplary service. You’re now a Bronze ranked adventurer.”

The Guildmaster hung a necklace -guild tag- on her neck personally. Peanut was standing next to her uncle with a tray of new tags that would be given in this ceremony.

The sight reminded Arsène about the Olympics medal ceremony.

Even after the cessation of hostilities between Regidana and the fish kingdom, Arsène and the other adventurers were not immediately sent back home. They maintained vigilance and there were still things to be done such as repairing all three forts which suffered quite a lot of damage during the final battle.

For two days there was no sighting of a single merfolk; the peace seemed to hold. Since Regidana was now ready and able to muster the wolves, emergency conscription like what Arsène was subjected to, was no longer mandatory. Of course, those who stayed were welcomed and would be compensated.

Before the adventurers were released to the wilds, so to speak, the Adventurer’s Guild conducted the award ceremony in Fort Mercator because it was the most intact. Adventures from the other forts gathered. There were about a hundred adventurers in total when they first arrived, now it seemed around thirty people had lost their lives.

The ceremony began with the speech from the Guildmaster himself, Bert who had the title of Big Bison Berserker when he was still active as an adventurer in his younger days. Following that were the condolences and honors to the ones that fell defending the city. Lastly, the award-giving.

Haha, Peanut looks bored as hell.

Arsène’s mind wandered as the ceremony went on. First were the Level 3s before the Level 2s. Hierarchy of strength among Pathseekers was important. The strong deserved respect.

Then it was Khalmar’s turn.

The Noble Tiger looked dignified, stronger, and more determined than when Viers defeated him in Stage 5. He seemed to have grown as a person. Beastfolks were not really different from humans except for some animal anatomies, usually ears and tails.

Khalmar was just promoted to an Iron ranked adventurer, it was too soon for him to be a Bronze so the guild gave him gifts instead. Looking at the beastfolk’s face, he had no complaints. The gifts were fitting for him and really valuable. He had just got the benefits from the Book World but there were never enough resources for a Pathseeker to grow.

The reception was incredible.

“So that’s Noble Tiger, one of Aletro Nine Stars. The Rookie Adventurer Award should be his. Another award back-to-back, hm? This tiger beastfolk seems promising. If he wins the U18 tournament after that, wouldn't it be a triple award ceremony for him?”

“That’s a legendary feat. Who knows how long it's been since a rookie was able to win the tournament? About the Rookie Award, Khalmar is practically assured since the Ivory Flame is nowhere to be found. He’s not dead, is he?”

“Probably just left. Adventurers are a wandering bunch after all… Hmmm, according to my memory, isn't there one more candidate?”

“Lastly, Obsidian ranked adventurer, Avel of Javia,” Guildmaster Bert called with a stoney expression, as if he was making an effort to show as neutral a face as possible.

Very contrasting to the previous people, Arsène’s ascension to the stage was only accompanied by a light handful of claps, mostly Boram and the Rising Fortune. Which turned awkward in an instant.

“Why is he there?”

“It’s his slave. Boram was incredible out there.”

“Then it should be Boram who got the award.”

“According to the law, a slave is no different than a sword on your hip or a bonded beast, the credit went to the owner. Boram is not even an adventurer.”

“Still, this doesn't sit right with me.”

The hushed whispers of derision stank like rotten fish but Arsène was as cool as ice. His helmet was tucked on his arm but his face was covered with bandages.

“For your… and your companion’s contribution to the city. The guild elevated you to the Iron rank adventurer. The guild thanks you for your service,” Bert said.

After receiving the adventurer tag that signified his promotion, Arsène stood down from the stage where his path was barred by an injured man. His arm was in a sling and he walked with a limp.

“You don't deserve it,” the guy said.

Arsène’s response was swift.

“Tell that to the guild that gave me this. Lodge your complaint to them.”

Arsène wasn't blind. He knew the guild’s side also had reservations but he fulfilled the criteria that they set themselves. The Free People Coalition legalized slavery. While people's personal strength could be as different as heaven and earth, equality was a difficult matter.

The matter of Boram’s slavery was legal but unethical. It always was.

Arsène intended to pass the guy without batting an eye because he didn't have to entertain this one jealous guy but he paused before at the last second.

“Don't you worry, friend. If my power is too weak for this position, I will die soon enough.”

Avel was not Tanael. He should keep up his appearances. That was the most diplomatic answer that emerged from Arsène's mind.

The Guildmaster gave a short closing speech and Arsène was soon on a boat returning to Regidana.

He looked forward to syncing with his other self.


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