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Viers, Paina, and Clarissa gave the two sisters space to reconnect. Although the White Flowers Meadow was the main area for his tenants, Viers’ abilities had grown. He had created a private space for when the girls wanted time by themselves. It was very useful when Paina practiced her piano and the like.

There was already so much to do even before this event came into play. What bad luck.

Viers grumbled as he was preparing to attend the invitation to the trial takers in the palace.


It was Viers’ second time visiting the residence of the Governor-King of Regidana, a grand palace. Now that he was no longer the top dog around, humility and subterfuge came into play once again. Word on the street was all the trial takers were invited for celebration and camaraderie but Viers didn't buy that donkey dung. The city wanted to bind the youths that had survived, they had reaped benefits from a super-unique opportunity in the city. Some were outsiders and not citizens of Regidana, which was not ideal.

The event also served as a partition between those who were ‘clean’ from those who were ‘dirty’. People that belonged to the underworld or had things to hide.

His house was being watched since he returned from the Book World, no doubt informants for the city. They hid well but Viers was not an ordinary Pathseeker. He found them out but acted as if he was oblivious. With Arsene acting as his double in the house, Viers managed to slip in and out without problem yesterday.

Avel was a reputable adventurer, it would make him suspicious if he didn’t attend. Whatever the case, showing his helmeted face would make people less suspicious of him.

Because according to common sense, ‘Tanael’ who was sought after high and low by many people including an enraged Level 5, wouldn't come to the enemy’s den. If Viers didn't have the Mystic Star Shroud that cost three and a half million shards, he too wouldn't come.

“Avel the Slayer and Boram Rockboa.”

The attendant at the entrance to the banquet venue declared loudly to the other guests.

The hall was decorated nicely to match the status of the high society people that would inevitably come. While some of the trial takers were wearing nice clothes too, the difference was clear between the commoners and true aristocrats. The highborn were wearing nice clothes and jewelry, elegantly talking with brandy and cigars, and showed a sense of superiority to most of the trial takers despite them being the main stars of this event.

As Viers expected, the appearance of one of the final rankers was big. Which was not him but Boram.

While Boram was swamped by people that introduced themselves one after another to the poor kid, Viers slid into the corner and observed, opening his sharp ears to the gossips.

382 individuals went into the Book World, 176 chose white, 206 chose black. According to the conversations, only 70 survived. From that number, only about half of them came. And yet there were more than 100 people in the venue, guests that joined in for the fun.

The nine people that went through Stage 5 easily became the center of attention. Khalmar and Squire were already there. Boram joined the ranks followed by Fithel the elf that came afterward.

People coined them Aletro Nine Stars.

These four were the only ones from the nine that came. All four were white spark holders. While there were other black spark holders in the venue, none of the blacks in the final ranking came. Which made the Gloomsiders subjects of wild speculations.

Viers mingled with the rest of the small fries, gathering information. Most of them survived because they opted out of the trial During Stage 2. Stage 3 was the bloodbath which culled the participants significantly. It seemed there would be another service at a different time for those who fell in the trial, wakes and funerals. For better or worse, these people died in Regidana and the head of the city had some responsibility.

The mood wasn't really a happy one, especially for the trial takers. Khalmar and the others felt defeated. Many were dead and the biggest gains went to Tanael.

One of the reasons for my success in Stage 5 was the white spark holders’ disunity. A part of that blame lies with Aravin and Anne. From the soul search of Aravin, I know a lot of things. They just don't have chemistry with each other. Perhaps the storyline clashed between an old-school harem MC and a Mary Sue who was too good for any male to get?

The purging that Viers did yesterday night didn't go unnoticed. Investigators connected that the victims were people that Tanael killed and pinned the blame on Tanael despite the lack of evidence. Tanael’s cruelty angered more than a few people.

“So you’re Master Avel. Boram always spoke so highly of you.”

“I only bring forth what he already has. A pleasure to meet you, Squire Eugene.”

Boram introduced Squire and Viers. They made some small talk, such as what it was like in Latias, the kingdom of knights which Eugene hailed from.

Fithel was stoic along with a few elven elders with him. He didn't partake in the festivities, coming here because it was a duty.

Very few actually want to be here but they had no choice. When a king invites you, could you actually say no? Even more so if you live in the king’s territory. Viers thought as he answered mundane questions from others.

There was also something odd, a contingent of priests from the Church; they were asking the trial takers about Tanael. They put great importance on Tanael’s references, matters that people of this world wouldn’t understand. The Church recorded every single detail.

Avel gave false testimony and did not invoke the lie detection artifact on the priest's person. It seemed Tanael was not only wanted by the authorities of Regidana but the Church also put a stake on the bounty.

According to whispers from the nobles, a big shot Level 5 from the Church was dispatched here to investigate, Inquisitor Ronberry… So, they realized Tanael is an otherworlder and they seem to place great importance on the guests from a world far, far away. Why?

The plot thickened but that was not really relevant to Viers right now so he put the matter to the back of his mind.

While the social gathering was in full swing, the Governor-King himself made an appearance. He congratulated the successful trial takers and lamented the loss of life that occurred, although he didn't blame the trial itself or Aletro. The Santa-like Governor also briefly explained what happened in the trial and how the trial came to be. Lastly, he gave rewards to the trial takers that came here, with the big names getting bigger rewards and praises.

“As I explained before, the Book of Aletro became active because one brave youth risked his life to save innocent lives, foiling the dark intention of a devil cult. To Adventurer Avel, who lent a helping hand to my son for the second time, I gift him this: Duel With Honor Arte.”

A crier explained the Arte effect to the masses.

The user and the target of this Arte would be forced to battle in a boundary. They would then battle until one side won. The winner received the loser’s Victa in a one to five ratio. The pretense was the two people must battle in a one-on-one bout without outside help or special items. Pure contest of skill and Artes. Should any mishap happen, the invoker of the Arte would get the zero reward and backlash as penalty.

Victa was precious. An Arte that took Victa from the enemy and made it into one’s own? Marvelous. The gallery was stirred. Even Viers didn't expect such a great gift.

Viers read the details written in the scroll that he got.

But anything that disturbs the duel. Even minor things such as another person stepping into the boundaries, I get blamed. For such a technique, there's always a risk.

Suddenly, the hustle-bustle of the venue was silenced by the master of ceremonies who announced the newest guest.

“The Soul Tyrant, Tanael.”

As bold as brass, a man walked in from the main entrance. He was a youth wearing a plain but confident face. As to why the master of ceremonies said he was Tanael, it was because he wore a mantle made of souls and the youth identify himself as so.

The youth’s movement was a bit rigid but he spoke clearly. The guy with more than a dozen accounts of muder, who was at most a Level 3, strutted into a hostile place with dozens of Level 4s and a couple of Level 5s.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My thanks to the benevolent and just Governor-King Craig for his hospi-”


“Brother, wait. Something is strange.”

Marlin appeared with a flash of lightning, choking Tanael by the neck and lifting him above the ground. ‘Tanael’ became as limp as a wilted vegetable.

It was a trap!

Viers wasn't surprised but the people gasped. Was that it? Was Tanael dead? A Level 5 killing a Level 3 or 4 Pathseeker was as easy as a pie.

“Brother, that is not him,” Craig said.

“Of course, I know that. He’s not dead. Inquisitor, activate the barriers.”

Two barriers came into being in that instant. One was covering the whole palace, the other was covering the entire city.

Tanael, who couldn't even move a muscle, was thrown into the ground like a piece of dirty cloth.

“Even though this is not your real body. Be it possession or something else, there will be a connection!” Marlin spoke with the venom of a father who’d lost his son. “We will find you.”

The gallery was silent, no one dared to move or make a sound.

A Level 5 Inquisitor appeared soon after to the scene. Thin in stature but firm in gait, reflecting his experience. His robe was dull gray with cyan striped cloth.

“Inquisitor Ronberry. How is it?” Craig asked.

“No soul or magic can escape the isolation barrier without breaking it first. So far, there’s been no attempt to trespass,” the Church’s enforcer said.

“Controlling from afar?” Marlin asked.

“Seems likely, considering the puppet’s limp. If Tanael is that much of a fool, this would be easier. The strings from the puppeteer must have been cut by the barrier. If he’s in Regidana, we will catch him.”

Marlin nodded to the inquisitor's confident reassurance. “Good. If you would, inquisitor.”

The thin and oval-faced Inquisitor Ronberry examined the body of the youth that named himself Tanael.

A Soul method! Viers realized this from the peanut gallery. Using a soul-user to catch a soul-user, eh?

Before long, the inquisitor's confident face began to frown.

“This is not a possession. The man was simply soul-compelled by Tanael to come here and deliver a message. There was no trace of Tanael himself, not even a piece of soul,” Ronberry concluded. “But he should be nearby-”

“If you’re hearing this, that means I was interrupted. I was right to say that I was dealing with rude barbarians,” Tanael’s mocking voice came out from the body. Ronberry found a magic device that emitted a recorded sound. “Should this message be interrupted again, I’ll give Oscar’s soul to a devil. For free! How d’ya like that?”

Even with three Level 5s in the room, they could only let the recording play out, forced by a Level 2.

The puppet was not Arsene, Viers would not risk his other self's exposure to a bunch of Level 5s. He was not crazy from overconfidence. Instead, he was just some random Joe on the road that Viers borrowed for a wee bit while. Viers had erased all clues of his involvement so thoroughly even Sherlock Holmes would find it impossible to trace him from the puppet. The soul mantle was easy to make.

Viers’ prudence in using simple manipulation of the puppet that couldn't be traced back to him paid off too. Mystic Star Shroud would be useless if there was a string that connected him to the puppet.

The recording conveyed with the voice of Tanael demanded Marlin to swear an oath upon his Intio, publicly. To erase all enmity to Tanael, he wouldn't try to search or harm Tanael in any way, and neither would he let others do so in Regidana. Making use of loopholes that betrayed the spirit of the oath would count as breaking the oath and he would lose his cultivation Level. In return, Tanael would tell the Level 5 where to find the soul of Oscar so they could resurrect the intact soul.

The time limit was five minutes, at high noon. Viers preferred less time but it couldn't be helped. If Tanael didn't hear the declaration from Marlin, Oscar’s soul would be permanently expired.

Using Oscar’s soul, Viers meant to barter for his safety in Regidana by making the father of said soul his bouncer. It was one of the reasons why Viers concocted this scenario.

Time was short, the three Level 5s argued. As a concession, The Governor and his brother gave the Inquisitor three minutes to find Tanael.

The Inquisitor went to work, scanning the venue lightly before casting a wide net for Tanael in the city. Viers with the Mystic Star Shroud didn't fear intense examination from a Level 5, let alone a light one.

Three minutes passed and Tanael was nowhere to be found. In the end, the father's love for his son won out, giving a vow with his cultivation as a guarantee for his son.

The father found the soul of Oscar in a tree on the city’s outskirts.

Tanael was now infamous for making a Level 5 submit.


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