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Since Viers was on a tight schedule, he didn't stay long in Dia’s Biome. He took what he needed and left. Viers placated his familiar by giving her lots of souvenirs. There were many knick-knacks from the people he killed.

Izabella didn't come to Viers’ house so she could be molested. She was the sole survivor of the Blood Church’s group and had a hand in the group’s demise. She would be under suspicion, rightly so. She needed Viers’ help so the higher-ups couldn't take the truth of her betrayal from the brain directly. Even then, she reckoned she would be busy and watched afterward. She wouldn't have many opportunities to contact Viers for a while, so the only time she could do this was now, before returning to the cult. This was planned even before they left the Book World.

Come morning, while Viers was checking on Boram’s growth in the front yard, a trio of kids visited with much clamor. They were the ones that he ‘saved’, or at least they thought of Viers as their savior. Viers berated the younglings for not caring enough about the neighbors. Unlike houses in the countryside, the distance to the next residence was not far.

“Mister Knight, you’re alive! Thank the Goddess. Boram too. When I heard only so few returned I was so afraid! I wanted to come yesterday night but Mom said I should wait.”

The Governor-King’s son, Harry, was a blabbering machine-gun style child. Marc and Milly were quieter but since Viers had saved them twice, they too were quite excited to meet their ‘hero’.

“Hahaha, I’m also glad you three are fine. I had trouble sleeping in the Book World since I didn't know your condition,” Viers lied as easily as he breathed. Having people in high places owing you was useful.

Besides the usual chaperone, there was one more guest among their group. The man gave off the air of a detective.

“Good morning to you, Adventurer Avel. I’m Mehdi from the city guards. I would like to ask some questions about the woman bound in your basement, your involvement with the young lord’s friends and their kidnapping, along with your experience in the Trial of Aletro. Since your slave is also involved, I would like to obtain his testimony too.”

“Of course, officer. I’m happy to contribute to the law and order of Regidana. We adventurers often get labeled as a lawless bunch but this is simply not true. Boram, go play with those three for now. It might take some time. Let's begin, about the woman, I suspect she was from a devil cult. Reason being-”

Arsene, who was posing as Viers, went along with the time-consuming process. He hated the time-wasting wastrel but he knew he couldn't evade it, so he prepared himself for the wringer. The Level 3 officer right in front of him didn't sense that anything was amiss.

Meanwhile, Arsene's other self was standing in front of a newly made grave outside of the city. There was no name on the tombstone but there was a sentence. Viers carved it himself.

‘The Arrogant Young Master That Killed The Main Character’

The funeral ceremony was very simple and attended by only three people. Jaime’s body turned to dust in the end, Viers had gathered the remains and buried them here, on a beautiful hill facing the ocean, away from prying eyes. Izabella and Sakuya put items that signified their bonds with Jaime into the grave: a wood carving from Izabella and an origami for Sakuya while Viers buried a broken black sword with its original owner.

The three Gloomsiders said their goodbyes to a fallen member in their own ways.

“And so this is where we close the last chapter of the Gloomsiders,” Viers said. ”Carry our good wishes with you to the afterlife, Jaime.”

The remaining three chatted for a while but one of them had to leave soon.

“It was fun… I would like to stay longer but I must go,” Sakuya said, her eyes already red.

“Good luck. Go save your father and tell your family the good news, no more curse,” Izabella said compassionately.

“Yes, Izabella-neesama… But it’s cruel. To think you never told me your face was a fake all this time. Your real face is so much more beautiful.”

Sakuya sulked a bit. She just saw Izabella's undisguised form after they met up on this hill.

“Well sorry,” Iz scratched her cheek. “Both of us have good reasons to hide our faces. Besides, isn't this guy more insufferable? Even now I don't know his real face… or name. What should I call you, by the way? People are searching for Tanael intensely, you know?”

Viers only smiled. He was currently wearing the face and form of someone else entirely different’. Viers’ face was wanted, Tanael’s face was risky to wear near the city, and Avel’s face should not be used for insidious purposes, so he chose an ordinary-looking face using his Impersonator mask.

“Umm… Nnn… C-can I, May I… know Tanael-sama’s real name?” Sakuya asked Viers with the same bashfulness of a middle schooler asking their first love’s contact number.

“You both can just call me V. My identity is a bit complex, so the less you know the better. There might come a day when I tell you my real name. I’m looking forward to that day. You’re leaving today?” Viers asked Sakuya.

Sakuya was a bit disappointed that her request was rejected.

“In a few hours, Tan… V-sama. I talked to the ship’s captain yesterday. I can now save Father because of you, but I have to give it to him before it’s too late. Ten days have passed already… Including the time it takes for me to return, I should be barely in time. It will be close but I’ll make it.”

“Mmm,” Viers gave a confident nod. “You’ve gone through a lot. Your clan is uncursed now. Congrats. Before we go our separate ways, I’ve-”

“Uhh, V, you might want to see this.”

“Hm? Oh… Well shit. That looks like trouble.”

Iz interrupted Viers and pointed to the ocean, especially near Regidana’s harbor.

From afar, the three saw hundreds of merfolk and oceanic monsters coming from the water and attacking the city. The harbor was a mess, many of the ships were wrecked by the mermen forces.

“No!” Sakuya grimaced. How could she return to her village if the ships were destroyed?

“Beast Tide? Biome Outbreak? Merfolk raid? What is this?” Izabella listed the possibilities.

“I’ve heard Regidana gets attacked by sea monsters every three to five years…” Viers muttered.

“Yes, but it shouldn’t be for another year at the earliest. And the quality of the forces… Those merfolk are veteran warriors, there are even several Level 4s. This isn't a simple raid,” Izabella replied.

They could see that the city guards and other Pathseekers were mounting a defense and starting to fight back. However, there were already a lot of civilian casualties. The scene reminded the three of Stage 5 that they’d just left behind, the scene of war.

“No, no, no. What should I do, Father is-”

Sakuya was panicking. She didn't have time for delays. Izabella looked at her friend with worry. She was thinking of ways to help Sakuya. Viers on the other hand…

This happens after we just left. Coincidence? What the hell, man. Do I have Detective Conan’s curse now? Incidents and corpses wherever I go? I swear I have nothing to do with the invasion this time…

Viers shook his head. No matter the reason, Sakuya came first.

“I have your back. Relax, Sakuya.”


I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, Princess
Now when did you last let your heart decide?

I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride

A whole new world~

If Viers was still in the Book World then he would have sung his heart out but he must be content with humming the lyrics right now. The frowns on Izabella and Sakuya’s faces were transformed into smiles and excitement as they experienced the joy of flying on Viers’ magical carpet. Izabella didn't have to come, but she wanted to and Viers had no reason to refuse.

Who didn't want to fly on a magic carpet?

All that effort of stealing from the Marakkus’ vault in the last city was worth it. Viers had tried to use this magic item before in the Book World for various advantages but the carpet was banned by Aletro.

The first time it was used was now, for the Gloomsiders’ last ride.

They went over the ocean, making the merfolk attack on the harbor insignificant to Sakuya’s departure. The carpet was fast, faster than ships. It consumed a lot of mana crystals to operate but Viers had plenty. The trip went on for a few hours until Viers landed on a ship sailing to the Zamrud Archipelago, where Sakuya needed to go. The people needed some convincing but they agreed to let Sakuya on board. It was good that they were a reasonable bunch. Viers was glad he didn't have to Soul Hack them or raise them as skeletons.

Viers couldn't send Sakuya all the way to her village because it was too far and he had things to do in the city.

“This is where we part,” Viers said without sadness. “I have two things for you. The first is this: a plant seed. Plant this in a hidden but protected place near your village. Keep it safe and secret from others if you can. The other is this.”

“...A white card?”

“Give it a drop of your blood, then it will be bound to you. It is a new invention of mine. A special communication method. For now, it is only one way, from me to you but one day I’ll make it better. Careful though, if there’s any tampering then it will break. We might be separated but the bond between us is not so easily cut. Keep growing as a Pathseeker, Sakuya, and we will meet again. Sayonara, kunoichi-san.”

The soul-bound card also serves as a tracking device and can also tell me when your life is in danger. But you don't need to know that.

While Viers was thinking that, Izabella also gave her goodbyes to her fellow horseman. The two girls were tearing up because of the separation.

On the deck of the ship, Sakuya clutched what Viers and Izabella gave her dearly as the magic carpet became smaller and smaller on the horizon. Like a tree awaiting the coming of spring, she held tight the hope for a reunion.

When Viers and Izabella returned to the vicinity of Regidana, the sun was setting.

“All right. Let’s separate here,” Viers stowed the carpet away. They landed in a remote place without people. “Remember the plan. See ya.”

“Actually, I want to ask for something.”


“Spar with me. After the boons from Aletro, I want to test myself against the much-feared Tanael.”

Viers could sense her determination and expectation. It seemed she gained quite a bit from the Stage 5 rewards.


The two sparred in Viers’ virtual space, then went into the city separately. It was already night.

Viers changed his appearance and walked stealthily. Unseen due to the Fade in Shadow Arte. The destination was not his own house. The merfolk attack had stopped, but people were still talking about it in the taverns and streets.

It was a modest house on the city's outskirts. There were three people inside, a father, a mother, and their cute daughter, about ten years old. They weren't starving but neither were they rich. They looked sad, it showed in their expressions and gait. The mother told the daughter a bedtime story until she fell asleep. The father and mother talked for a while before sleepiness took them.

Rest in peace.

The next morning, Aravin’s parents and little sister were no longer breathing.

They didn't feel a thing.


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