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After the green flash broke the phoenix-made sun, Viers fell to the earth. His body was like a charred corpse. Every inch of his skin was burnt. His silver hair, which should have returned to its normal color by now, was completely gone. The luxurious looking Blithe Lich Robe had been reduced to rags.

Three specters slowed Viers’ descent until he landed softly on the ground. They were following the protocols Viers laid out for this kind of eventuality.

Farley opened Viers’ storage item -with permission gained in advance- and fed him a medicinal pill. It was from the same woman that Viers got his Spear of Leonidas. The pill had saved Viers from a grievous injury in the past. With this use, there was only one super healing pill left.

A short while later, Viers’ body had mended miraculously. His hair had grown back, skin no longer showing any degree of burns. Behind the unexpectedly enduring Impersonator mask, Viers’ real face -which he had disfigured with his own hands- was completely restored.

“He isn't waking up,” Paina was worried sick. “Is he okay?”

“Give it time,” Clarissa said. “The medicine is working.”

Farley was also agitated. If Viers died, they would die too, including her sister, and she wouldn't let that happen. Farley was as vigilant as a hawk. Fajrin and Fithel were still around. They might get ideas.

Viers opened his eyes soon enough, greeted by the smiling and relieved faces of his tenants.

“Good morning Angels,” he said.

“Phew… Thank the Goddess you’re alright,” Paina said.

“I’m not sure she approves of me. What did I miss? Anne?”

“Nothing much. Congratulations on your victory, Lord Viers,” Farley pointed to a nearby burning flame. “That is all that remains of Anne. There was no body.”

Or soul, Viers added. His senses couldn't pick up any presence of her soul. Soul Snake’s Disintegration Decree deletes the souls of those struck. Of course there’s no soul for me to collect. It’s in the name.

Viers touched his face.

The mask seems fine. Good thing I upgraded it as Stage 3’s top 10 reward. The robe is a mess though. It can self-repair but how long it will take, I have no idea. Anguish is… done. Thanks, Jaime.

Viers remembered his conversation with Anne in the white realm of the In-Between. His head was clear but his body was not doing so great. His injuries might have healed but there were still after-effects from the fight, such as his wounded soul from the soul-finisher Arte and stamina cost. But this was not the time to relax. There were still things to be done.

Viers donned a new set of clothes and walked to the burning flame.

He felt it was a shame he didn't get Anne's soul, or belongings, or even anything. All was gone with her death. Expect this very flame itself.

Since Viers’ tenet was to always gain benefits from a fight…

Well~ since I cannot eat your soul, I’ll take this flame with a golden core instead. I’ll call it Phoenix End Fire. I’m sure I can make something extraordinarily good with this.

During the shopping before Stage 3 began, Viers bought items to store exotic materials such as flames and clouds. There were treasures to be found and he would be crying tears of blood if he could not obtain priceless items by the dint of not having a suitable container. Viers was glad he bought them.

And so things are settled between us, Viers thought as he took the still burning fire. Rest in peace.

Next, Viers went to the smoking ruins of the Nest, some distance away. He was experiencing physical and magical muscle pain but moved as fast as he was able. Someone was waiting for him and he had a promise to keep.

Not only was there smoke from the explosion, there were also deadly acidic mists that covered the area. Viers applied a barrier on himself before searching the rubble with Euryale Sight.

He found Zerrigan’s soul but not her body.

“Overlord, is it done? Did you win?” Zerrigan asked. She was not aware of her surroundings, not before Viers touched her soul with his own.

“Yes, Zerri. Thanks to you,” Viers said fondly.

“Then I can die without regrets. It was a life worth living, Lord Tanael.”

“There may be hope for you yet. Don't give up,” Viers took out an egg, a Xerg Queen’s egg. It was a special egg Viers told her to make, the very last egg she’d laid.

“...Will the creator allow it?” She hesitantly asked.

“I’ll ask him. When a sacrifice was asked of you, you gave it without hesitation. I will not allow such loyalty to go unrewarded. Now come with me, Queen of Living Blades.”

“Glady, Overlord Tanael.”

Viers smiled while gently putting Zerrigan’s soul into the egg.

“My real name is Viers Isuel. You’re one of the few I trust to know of it. Now sleep, noble queen. We’ll meet again.”

Viers gently stowed the egg into the casket like tucking a baby to sleep. There might come a time where the Tyra Xerg rose to glory once more, and it excited Viers.

The area was not safe and Viers could only hold his breath for so long, so Viers left. There were two people waiting for him some distance away.

“Time for Stage 5 to end,” black Aletro said. The white one was silent.

“Kind of you to wait,” Viers turned to the one that intervened during his fight with Anne. “So what’s the big idea?”

The sage-like bearing that white Aletro had since the start crumbled as he began to prattle. Still, Viers hadn't forgotten or forgiven the guy who had tried to get him killed.

“This wasn't supposed to be. There was a prophecy. She was not meant to die. You were all supposed to work together! Aberrants will keep getting stronger so you’ll learn that cooperation is the path forward for the good of all. You could’ve stayed for years, with more shards for all. But you selfishly choose your own benefits over the greater good.”

White Aletro huffed, showing more human emotion than he had ever before. The other one was content in letting things play out, the popcorn he stuffed into his mouth made it clear.

Toward the accusation, Viers replied calmly. “It is my nature.”

“The ripple caused by Anne’s death will spread to the whole world and will reach into the far future. You have no idea what disasters you have created. This-”

Viers cut Good Aletro off, grinning wide and devilishly vicious.

“Tremble then, o ye mighty,” Viers coldly replied, “for a new age is upon you.”

Viers spoke to a shade of god-like being and did not flinch.

“And you think,” a colossal pressure had fallen on the area. Viers had to struggle to keep standing. “You’re capable of that?”

“Fate is a cruel mistress, other me. You should have known this by now,” the evil Aletro said with a devil’s smile, relishing every moment of it.

“If God wanted her to live, He would not have created me,” Viers pressed.

“Look around you, otherworlder. The world bled, civilizations splintered because of your ambitions. The same thing will happen on the outside.”

Viers looked all around him. Corpses by the millions, rivers of blood, smoking ruins, not a single living soul in sight.

This might be what Kratos felt after he killed all the Greek gods in GOW3.

Viers soaked in all the destruction and carved the final scenery of the Book World, of what he had wrought into his heart, to never forget it.

But it’s okay. I can go to ancient Scandinavia and reboot the franchise with a Norse theme instead. It worked well for the other guy. If I learned one thing from the destruction of Olympus, it is that even if the ‘world’ is destroyed, there are other worlds, other gods.

I just need to carve my place in the world… Oops? The mind reader looks even angrier now.

White-clothed Aletro wasn't pleased by what Viers was thinking. Viers’ train of thought was so foreign to Aletro that he was taken aback. Not only Viers had no regrets for killing Anne, he treated what might come as no big deal. He had an unfaltering conviction he would survive and thrive no matter what may come.

“Your trust in yourself is strong. So strong until there’s no room for trusting others. This is your flaw. He who trusts no one finds only enemies. You see other people as enemies or enemies to be. Have you learned nothing from those Fables you’re so proud of? You’ve soaked in all the wrong teachings!”

I’m an individualistic guy. Sure, I know loads of stories that championed unity and cooperation but that’s not how I roll. Maybe later in the future. He who trusts no one cannot be betrayed.

Viers almost blurted out his response, but since the girls were watching and listening, he picked a more… diplomatic answer.

“Self-trust is the essence of heroism.”

Viers forgot who said that on Earth but he liked the quote. Trust and relying on others could make one soft, dependent on others. When things went to shit and he had to face tribulations, Viers didn't want to depend on others to endure through them.

That was not the man he wanted to become. He would make his own path if he had to.

“All right, I'm stopping you both before this becomes a pissing contest,” the evil Aletro said.

“...Young otherworlder, your arrogance will be your downfall. As someone who has seen the summit of that path, I know this with certainty.”

White Aletro was gone after saying the cryptic warning. Viers and the black-clothed Aletro watched each other in silence until Viers broke the silence.


“The three crystals that remained have no owner and the surviving spark holders hold no crystals. Therefore the final Stage is now over. Congratulations on your victory,” Aletro said with joviality, transporting him to a beautiful space-like environment. Viers saw no other people but he guessed the other trial takers were also undergoing the same procedure.

With Aletro’s declaration, a ranking list appeared before Viers.

Tanael - 7,061,260 spark shards. Rank 1

Fithel - 1,815,380 spark shards. Rank 2

Noble Tiger - 1,764,000 spark shards. Rank 3

Ivory Flame - 1,597,900 spark shards. Rank 4

Black Cat - 1,305,240 spark shards. Rank 5

Night Bloom - 1,220,060 spark shards. Rank 6

Squire - 1,138,710 spark shards. Rank 7

Boram - 742,580 spark shards. Rank 8

Green Scorpion - 436,300 spark shards. Rank 9

If I didn't kill any of them, first place would definitely be Anne. The second and third places would be between me and Aravin. The fourth and fifth between Troy and Oscar… But I’ve changed that reality.

“No tenth place?”

“You killed the tenth and below. Nine out of seventeen survived.”

“...Seven mill. Is it good or bad?”

“Mehhh, decent, I suppose,” Aletro replied lazily.

Iz and Sakuya are quite well. Boram’s score is quite low, reflecting his ability. This kind of trial is too early for him anyway, but he survived. It will be a good experience for his growth. Then there’s Fajrin. Boram got his soldiers while the cultist was alone. He still got four hundred thousand? This guy is truly a cockroach at surviving.

Viers was actually commending Fajrin’s judgment. He made the call that he was no match for Viers so he hid. Viers had standing orders to kill him on sight but the guy was slippery and didn't take any risk. Viers was prepared to sally out and kill Fajrin if he had the opportunity, but there was none. The result of his cowardice was survival until the end. If their positions were reversed, Viers might have done the same thing.

Which means he’s dangerous. Fajrin of the Teorph cult… I’ll remember you.

“What now?” Viers asked.

“Reward time! Aletro has wares, if you have shards. Hahahah!”

“...Skyrim reference? Really?”

“You’ve had your fun. ‘Sides, I can see the appeal. Now, I can make a list of what’s available but you already have a wishlist ready, right?”

Viers nodded. “I’ve been thinking about what I lack and what to get best for a long time. First, I’ve made enemies, especially in this trial. Those of the same generation don't really worry me but their dada or granda are another story. I need something that hides me from them. No tracking me from some shit like divination either.”

“Mhmm. Your options are…”

“There’s also the matter of the phoenix mama and the pursuers from other continents seeking the remains of the Rank 7 bull that I possess. So far, those above Level 5 have been able to see my origin as an otherworlder. This obscuration has to work on those above Level 5. Give me the best that you got.”

“The highest I can give you is obscuration from Level 8 and below. Permanent effects are impossible though.”

“...How much?”

“Ten years of effect costs one million shards.”

“Does it work against you too?”

“Hah! Mistrust even to me, hm? I can respect that. Relax, it will work. We’re just programs, tool spirits. We work on the established parameters. If you meet the real Aletro face to face, he might recognize his technique on you though.”

“Good… I’ll pay four- no, three million shards. So no divine sense, abnormality detection, mind-reading, etcetera, etcetera work on me from those below Level 8, yeah?”

“Yep. But active investigation from a Level 8 will spend energy, lessening the time my obscuration would be active. It might end up with less than three decades of operating time. Level 9 will pierce the veil directly. Three million can buy you pretty nice stuff though, boosting your growth considerably. Buy or no buy?”

Viers couldn't afford to not have obscuration from the powerful ones. He had to hide in the burrows while he was small and growing. If predators had eyes on him, not only would he be unable to grow, they might eat him if he was fat and juicy.

“Go for it. Kinda steep for a price…”

“Meh, it's your fault for not getting more shards. There, Mystic Star Shroud.”

Viers saw he had a shroud woven by starlight on his body. It disappeared after a few moments but he could feel it inside him. It was linked to his soul and Intio.

“If a Level 5 sees you and senses nothing at all, it will set off a different kind of alarm. You can adjust how much you’ll let others sense. The shroud is great that way. It lets me roam the world freely. What’s next?”

“That’s easy,” Viers replied. “I want permanent water 5 affinity. God, you really don't understand the value of something until it is gone. Affinity 3 sucks.”

“No shit,” Aletro scoffed. “When your temp affinity boost ends, your water affinity is 1. Not a bad choice. Permanent water 5 affinity will cost five hundred thousand shards.”

Aletro showered Viers with a light drizzle. Viers’ felt as if he was a dried-up desert before and now had become a sea.

“Ohhh… This is the stuff,” Viers shivered from the exquisite sensation.


Viers had spent half of his spark shards so far.

“You know, there’s a lot I want to ask, such as the mysterious flower inside of me. I suppose you won't tell me for free?”

“Knowledge is power, you know this.”

“How much for the info on the flower?”

“Complete package? Three mill. That’s with a discount.”

“Rip off. What about just its name?”

“I’m feeling generous so fifty thousand shards.”

“Deal. Tell me.”

“Everlife Goldbloom Flower.”

Viers committed it to his memory. Now that he got the name, he had clues about how to find out its origins.

“What's next?”

Viers had a lot of wants but the thing he said next took priority. It encompassed many things and was very versatile. It would be his next big jump in cultivation progress.

“I want to spend the rest of my shards, three million and a half, to gain as much soul attainment as possible. No wait, ten thousand shards for upgrading the mask further then use the rest on attainment.”

Prior inquiry about the face-changing mask told Viers that it was not an issue. Still, the star shroud was not for disguise. He depended on the mask for putting up a front.

“The mask is easy… Done. By attainment you mean-”

“I’m a Soul 5 affinity Pathseeker with a Grand Soul. My hardware is great but my software is not. I lack the skills and understanding of the soul. With the lack of a teacher and sect to join, I’ve made improvements based on trial and error thus far. Sure, I could learn and train but it takes time. It’s like a supercar with an incompetent driver. If I have your soul attainment, I bet I can drive the car like Dominic Toretto. So, I want enlightenment about the soul.”

“Hou,” Aletro eyed him curiously.

“Cultivation is hard. At times, one must trailblaze their own path, but there’s no need to reinvent the wheel millions of times over, is there? One can also stand on the shoulders of giants.”

Viers was aware of his weak point in his soul aspect for a long time. In other Fables, soul element was very versatile but when he tried to mimic those feats, things often didn't go as he hoped. Now was the time to rectify it.

“Hmmm… With the rest of your shards, I can give you enlightenment up to Level 5 with bits and pieces of level 6 knowledge. Are you sure about this?”

Viers’ palm was sweating from the excitement. “Damn yes! Wait, this isn't gonna harm me or anything, right? Asking for knowledge usually doesn't end well for villains in the stories.”

“Probably some headaches,” Aletro gave Viers a globe of light that sunk into his chest. “Absorb the knowledge at your own pace. I’m not here to do you dirty… That's that then. You’re out of shards.”

“This is the time where you’re telling me why you want to make powerhouses or at least give hints about it, right?”

“He he he,” Aletro chuckled. “Nah, you’ll know in time. So, soul attainment. You’re mimicking what that Fang Yuan fellow gained from that Lang Ya person... Hmn, Spectral Soul Demonic Venerable... So that's your aim. Quite the scheme. Your first request about hiding from others and the mask also used his Fable as inspiration. Kid, you realized his story is fiction right?”

“Doesn’t prevent me from learning from him,” Viers replied with a smile. There was a hint of pride inside.

“Hah! You treat your life as a game, enjoying it to the fullest. In some ways, that makes you a madman. Others certainly think so of you.”

“It is a game. But that doesn't mean I can't be serious about it. Cultivation, becoming a superhuman is so exciting, isn't it? How can you truly master something without liking it?”

A pillar of light fell from the heavens, Viers was floating upwards.

“You’ll be teleported out to a remote enough place nearby the city so you can reorganize. Same with other people. This is it, Viers Isuel. You’ve done what I thought was impossible. Go and live your life, madman.”

“You’re not so bad, Aletro. I’m thankful for the great opportunity and want to pay you back. If your secret agenda harms me though, I might revise my opinion. I have a feeling we will meet again. Somewhere, somewhen. Farewell.”

Aletro watched Viers until he got teleported out.

Otherworlders... I thought it was a massive waste of potential but perhaps the actions of Estelle’s Church about neutralizing otherworlders are correct. Too many people like him and the world will burn… A new age, hm? Cheeky brat. He has no idea.


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