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Undeniably, every trial taker had grown stronger through each stage of Aletro’s trial.

What a Pathseeker needed to grow was more than cultivation resources and good books. It could be argued that hardships were the most important factor to grow as a Pathseeker in the Path of Power. The Trial of Fire facilitated their growth. While their cultivation level was suppressed and stalled, their foundation became more firm and their power grew.

Aravin’s light blast made Jaime jump backward but he threw the Spear of Leonidas at the ground near Aravin’s feet. Tendrils of darkness bloomed like petals of a flower. Sensing the threat, it was Aravin’s turn to jump back. Jaime pursued, grabbing the short spear on the way. Aravin let loose tens of homing light arrows in a blink of an eye. The darkness-user swatted them all down. Aravin had closed the distance while he was busy. First, came the searing sword of light, dodged. Second, came the other hand, a fist. Too late to react, body posture was bad. Jaime gritted his teeth and tightened his stomach for the inevitable. The pain came, then passed. Unwilling to keep a debt, he returned the favor.



The two’s battle became hotter and more visceral with each injury they inflicted on each other.

A voice was sounding in Aravin’s mind. It was unusual for her to do so.

“This is bad, Stupidvin. He’s now utilizing the Dao of Destruction! Only a little fragment of it but it is unmistakable. I thought he was trash of trash but to think he can go this far against someone with a True Yang Constitution… Was it that soul trash’s doing? You’re in deep trouble, womanizer. Told you you’ll die because of a woman someday.”

Harsh words as usual but Aravin knew the truth. Despite her spicy mouth, she was really kind. Even now she was trying to help him, even after her great sacrifice which made him into the man he was now.

Aravin glanced at the poisoned Sabine and Naya, at the villain that stood near them before replying with conviction.

“Don't worry. I will not die here. I’ll save Naya, and Sabine, and you too! I will not fail!”

Aravin made a circular motion with his sword of light.

“True Yang Secret Art - Sun Wheel Burning Shine!”

A sun was born and it scoured the eight directions.

“Hmph… Stupidvin.”

Unlike her sharp tone before, there was a touch of fondness.


Viers watched and paid great attention to detail, intending to record the fight as pristinely as possible, for posterity.

Hm, they seem even. Which is bad because Aravin definitely still has several hidden cards left while Jaime’s are running out. Their power is similar to my state when I defeated Alan.

Using his super eyes, Viers saw that Aravin’s sword was actually better than his Spear of Leonidas. Aletro had said that the Crystal Trident that he gave up on was better. It made sense if the sword was on the same level. And yet Aravin and Jaime were even in terms of weapon quality. This was caused by Aravin's inability to make full use of his weapon’s divinity and Aletro’s suppression. The sword’s divine energy -energy beyond Level 5- was suppressed because of the trial. The broken spear that had nothing left beside the material it was made of, could hold on despite not possessing a speck of divinity left. The Spear of Leonidas was made from some good metal that Viers was unable to recognize. It was able to take a hit from the sword of light without breaking.

Then Aravin made an impromptu sun.

Viers tsked, shielding his eyes with his hand. Freya, Aravin, Anne, and even Clarissa, their fire or light Artes had many characteristics of the sun.

I suppose ‘the sun is the king of torches’ saying is correct.

It was a fearsome Arte. Viers wasn't affected other than the brightness but the Xerg all around him were screaming in pain, skin scalded. Jaime was bearing the brunt of it.

The light only damaged what the user chose, Viers realized after seeing himself and the poisoned duo were unaffected.

Aravin’s harem members no longer grunted in pain, they had lost consciousness, but the poison was still coursing through their bloodstreams. It had almost spread throughout their bodies. Time was running out.

With the way Aravin was, the Sun Wheel Burning Shine was extraordinary. Furthermore, in that moment of crisis, Aravin unconsciously infused his Arte with a strand of the Dao of Creation! The Dao Fragment he gained by eating the World Tree’s fruit in Stage 4 was pulsing despite its inertness all this time.

It would be a mighty blow that easily snuffed out the flickering life of Jaime, like a candle before a storm.

Metaphorically speaking, Viers was watching at the edge of his seat. Clenching his hands at the heart-pounding moment.

Now, you son of a gun! Prove to the world that even a cannon fodder like you can defeat the main character!

Behind a dissipating egg of darkness, Jaime thought the same thing.

“Victa Overload!”

A pained wail resounded immediately and the light gradually faded as Aravin was consumed with a ferocious backlash. Aravin was in his limit-break state, using a finishing move that he rarely used because using it was difficult. It was the perfect target for Victa Overload which disrupted the flow of the opponent’s Victa.

A winning move overturned. This was his strategy. Viers made a fist pump. He was feeling like a football coach watching his team score a goal in a World Cup’s final.

But as expected from an MC, despite his injuries, Aravin persisted. No doubt the lives of Naya and Sabine which hung in the balance contributed to his worthy struggle somehow.

No, Aravin went beyond that. He was having a breakthrough!

“Unstoppable Fighting Asura!”

The backlash covered him in blood. His clothes and hair were dyed red, but the aura he emitted was even greater than before.

This is Aravin’s equivalent of Super Saiyan 2!

Viers shouted urgently.

“Go now, War! Unleash your all or you will lose!”

Jaime had begun his final act before hearing his coach’s instruction. He drew on the essence of the Demise Fruit, as much as he could, suffusing every corner of his body with it, dangerously so. Like turning one’s own blood into liquid fire, Jaime was trying to make use of something that was beyond his ability to contain.

He would die, the clarity dawned on him.

But Jaime had lived for this moment. He’d cast aside all thoughts of what would happen to him after this. His heart, body, and soul were lit aflame!

Full commitment!

“Final Glory!”

Black, jagged cracks appeared all over his body. The Spear of Leonidas in hand, he unleashed a thrust as if he was one with the spear. Aravin was also in an attacking motion but he was faster.

Jaime’s eyes were bloodshot, seeing the tip of the spear go deeper, inch by inch into Aravin’s chest. It was a moment that stretched into a crawl. Then half of his arm was buried in his hateful foe’s chest; Aravin’s heart, expunged.

A breath was exhaled, his last.

In his last moment, Jamie thought of the good times. Of the happiest months of his life. Of the enchantress dressing like a witch who shared a rare peeled fruit with him, of the foreigner assassin covering him with a blanket after he was too tired to return to this bed.

Lastly, of his enigma of a friend-slash-mentor, of the time where they sharpened each other’s skill for a common cause. Jaime knew Tanael was using him, the guy told him straight to his face.

But Jaime didn't mind. He would die as something, not as an insignificant speck in Aravin’s long history.

And so, with the last embers of his life, Jaime thought-

I’m satisfied… Go achieve your dreams, my fellow Horsemen.


Viers saw Jaime’s smile before the light faded from his eyes. Jaime’s body turned to white chalk and crumbled to dust, but he was smiling.

Let the beings of Heaven and Hell bear witness, that you have done what countless Arrogant Young Masters could not. Stand proud, War, a Horseman of the Apocalypse… It was a most magnificent end.

Viers’ parting eulogy took but a second.

Aravin was dead, Viers was sure of this. He saw with his own Euryale Sight that his heart was destroyed by Jaime.

But he didn't care.

Viers dashed like lightning, intending to behead Aravin, absorb his soul, and then separate his body into eight parts before he froze the pieces for future use.

Viers had seen too many instances where the hero was revived after death. By making a body unwhole and taking the soul, Viers might prevent it.

His soul blade was two inches away from Aravin’s neck before he got blown away by some mysterious force.

The hole on Aravin’s chest rapidly closed. A mountain goat's shade was cast beside Aravin as the MC came back to life!

“You? It was you who brought me back?” Aravin looked as confused as Viers was.

Fuck this shit.

Viers didn't know and didn't care. Must be some plot device or power that Aravin got in the past. Whatever it was, the result was a revived Aravin.

And he became stronger to boot! The remnant power of the goat made Aravin as powerful as his Unstoppable Fighting Asura state if not stronger.

Aravin gathered his bearings in an instant. The spectral goat faded after he’d done the part. His precious companions were still poisoned so he flexed an aura of intimidation at Viers.


Viers threw the antidote vial at Aravin, turned a hundred and eighty degrees, and ran away as fast as he could. He reached a sea of Tyra Xerg in moments; Aravin couldn't see his figure any longer.


Aravin was stunned. A thousand grass mud horses ran through his mind but he scattered them shortly. Every second was precious.

“Naya! Sabine!”

Aravin fed the antidote to Sabine first. She couldn't swallow so Aravin put some in his mouth before administering it to the unconscious blonde priestess orally. He did the same to Naya then cradled their upper bodies. Seeing their violet-colored arteries return to a normal color was a weight off his shoulders.

The Xerg also started retreating. It was over, Aravin thought.

Naya regained consciousness first. “...Ary?”

“I’m here. Don't worry, you’re safe now,” Aravin caressed her cheek.

“Thank… goodness,” Naya smiled back.

Aravin turned to Sabine because she showed signs of waking up.


Aravin felt a prick.

A red needle was inserted into his chest. Naya had stabbed him, still smiling with that familiar smile.

Aravin felt his Victa leaking out like a punctured water bucket.

“Naya?” Aravin said confusedly. Milady shouted something in his mind but he didn’t hear it.

“Ary,” Aravin turned to Sabine who pulled his face so they could be faced each other.

“I love you.”

The priestesses’ smiled most brightly and then she blew up.


Ha! That’s my second contingency! Fool, I know your kind’s existential flaw! A Harem MC’s weakness… is women!!!

The Soul Hack was a success. Just in case this happened, Viers had prepared a dastardly devious plan. He gave Izabella’s Needle of Conquest -he named it- to the wolf beastfolk and gave the deadliest bomb in his inventory to the blonde priestess.

Time was of the essence. Viers saw Aravin survive while the dust had yet to settle. Heavily injured but his eyes were hollow, it was as if he’d lost the will to live. He was slumping on the ground, on his knees, looking at the pieces of flesh that were Naya and Sabine scattered all around him and all over him.

His head was in chaos and his heart was on the verge of breaking. He was in no state to defend himself. Viers swooped in like a lion aiming for the jugular without delay, killing intent soaring. He wouldn't let the life work of Jaime be unfinished.

“You dare!?”

A woman’s voice. A weight fell upon Viers like a mountain. His resolve wavered. Reflex froze his body. He felt very, very small.

But it was not enough.

Arte - The Bravery of Dune.

“Why wouldn't I dare!!”

Undaunted, Viers roared and struck with Vengeful Spirit Arte. The Hollow Knight inspired spell went straight at Aravin without any trace of mercy.

Chapter 197 - You Dare!?


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