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Aravin wanted to end his fight as soon as possible. He wanted to jump in and close the distance immediately but his instinct gave him pause.


Aravin couldn't find any opening in Jaime’s stance.

The now white-haired Jaime showed no emotion, only a calculating mind and formidable battle spirit. It was then Aravin realized that Jaime had changed.

The last time they fought was during Stage 3, where Jaime burned his life force for a great boost of power but got defeated in the end. Since then Aravin had grown exponentially while Jaime went under Tanael’s wing.

What happened to him during these past few months?

The sound of Naya’s battle with Tanael reminded him of the urgency of his situation.

“Womanizer, be careful.”

A female voice resounded in his mind. “Milady?”

“I have a bad feeling.”

Milady seldom cautioned him before a battle. Aravin realized this whole thing was more serious than he initially thought. “I understand.”

Aravin made his move. Jaime mirrored it. The two locked swords. Aravin used his swordsmanship, using his most compact attack. In a flash, blood splattered in the air.

His own.

Jaime read his move perfectly and landed a counter. The laceration on his right arm dyed his white robe red. Aravin saw there was no joy in his long time nemesis’ face. The darkness in Jaime’s eyes only deepened.

Aravin attacked again a few times using a different technique every instance. The result was the same. Aravin was heavily pressured by Jaime’s fighting prowess.

Something’s wrong! He’s reading me like a book, anticipating my every move. How?

Jaime was too familiar with Aravin’s moves. Unlike a certain black spark holder, Aravin’s troops were not so numerous. To gain shards he often sallied forth and battled against the Aberrants on the frontline. These battles were spied on by Zerrigan and shown to the Overlord. Tanael then updated the Virtual Aravin’s specs and let Jaime spar against it day after day.

Then I simply need to change my fighting style.

Aravin stowed his sword and took up a big broadsword. It was a slab of iron as tall as himself and almost as wide. He could have used it as a shield if he wanted to. With a very different weapon, Aravin changed his style, turning the battle flow.

In the edge of his vision he saw Sabine arrive, helping Naya and Gulzul fight Tanael, but the guy was not fighting alone. Various kinds of Xerg gave him support. The giant worm that Tanael brought went straight at the Giant of Light and the Aberrant Hulk, moving terribly fast all of a sudden, starting a three-way battle.

The scene was very chaotic.


Zerrigan was having millions of battles at once.

Her main body remained in the heart of the Blacklands and yet she was everywhere, seeing everything.

She didn't invest herself in every child, only the crucial ones or when the need arose. Such as having a Harpy jump into the enemy’s Arte before it hit Izabella.

The situation of the three theaters of war was completely laid bare before her mind. The Blacklands Northern Battlefront was of the least concern. There were two Kaijus while the Aberrants had only one Hulk. Her children would hold.

The Whitelands Northern Battlefront was where her liege was. Seeing these trial takers gang up upon her lord, buzzing all around him like flies made her red with rage. She wanted to come crashing down upon these annoyances like a rain of acid but her lord forbade it. She was to break the Whitelands army and let the Aberrants spread like poison afterwards. Her lord’s order was absolute but she wasn't happy. It wasn't that she didn't have faith in the Overlord but saying he was fighting with both hands tied behind his back was being generous. What if something happened?

The irritation she felt was poured onto the Whitelands Eastern Battlefront. It was the most intense theater of the three. One that was a blazing inferno. Flame wielding crusaders and the fire elementals were holding off her children’s advance with a wall of fire. Other than the Xerg charging on an entrenched ground which was filled with defensive structures, the opposition soldiers were using what her lord called War Formations. It made units of humans, beastfolks, and others able to fight as more than the sum of their number. For example, there were a hundred mages using a War Formation that allowed them to shoot potent exploding fireballs like a contingent of artillery, protected behind another one hundred units in an interlocking phalanx War Formation.

The Tyra Xerg didn't have them, War Formations or magic-wielding units, but so what?

Zerrigan moved a company of Shredders to take the hill the artillery mages were on. They were burned to cinders before reaching halfway. The second company was close behind. It was a mix of Shredders and other types such as the Spikers. They also failed to reach the top. The humans were cheering.

Then the third attack came.

The fourth.

Even after the tenth, the Xerg weren’t stopping! They wanted that hill and they were not going to stop.

The mages and defenders were eventually surrounded. Shredders were attacking the walls, the Spikers shot spikes of bone, every mage fallen meant a greater burden for the rest. Winged Harpies swooped down taking unsuspecting combatants into the sky, where they were ripped apart; Moles dug a hole underground, passing their fortification and emerged smack dab in the middle, messing up their formation.

The defenders were slain to the last and the Xerg had taken the hill. Understandable since they were outnumbered by an estimate of twenty to one.

Then the hill was torched by Ivory Flame Max. Some of the Xerg managed to survive and evacuate, especially the sturdy types. The weaker ones were burned to a crisp.

It was a frequent occurrence all across the battlefield.

The trial takers, these hero units -as her lord called them- were able to defeat her children easily. Too easily despite her children not being much weaker compared to Level 2 monsters. The Overlord suspected Creator Aletro put a finger on the scale. Changed the parameters somehow.

And yet the Swarm was dominant.

Shredders ambushed a marauding band of beastfolk after burrowing underground. Bloaters waded deep into the enemy's formation in a suicidal manner, exploding with potent acid bursts. The air was a battlefield too, where Harpies and other fliers fought Griffin Riders, Pegasus Knights, and Fire Djinns.

Zerrigan sent many of her children to die in droves but they traded casualties with the enemy’s soldiers. Fighting the Tyra Xerg in terms of numbers was the worst idea.

Still, the most crucial task her lord gave to her was about Anne.

Wreathed in fire, Anne resembled a Goddess of Fire holding her own against not one but two kaijus. She wielded the fires of destruction as easily as she breathed. If the kaijus weren't made with fire resistance and regeneration, they would have been defeated already.

It wasn't for nothing though. Every drop of Victa she used here meant one less drop to use against her Lord later. It was a worthwhile trade.

Lord Tanael’s voice and taunts were coming from above one of the kaiju but it seemed the Child of the Holy Phoenix was starting to feel something was wrong. The ‘Tanael’ in front of her had not yet made a move so far. She started using various investigative methods to check on Lord Tanael but it seemed that she was still unsure.

It was time to inform the Overlord.



Viers watched Aravin as he was hit by a strike of darkness.

“You absorbed my light!” He gasped.

“Arte - Light Drain,” Jaime approached. Composed and menacing. The Arrogant Young Master of the past had matured splendidly. “The Dark Side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.”

Viers snickered. Heh, he is stealing my line which I stole from another.

“No way… Aravin is losing?” Sabine, the other member of Aravin's harem, looked horrified.

“Sabine! Focus on the enemy before you!” Naya, now in her wolf form, was in the middle of combat. Viers dodged her glowing claws and hit her stomach.

She yelped, pain spread out from the core of her being. Gulzul took her place while she fell back. Every time she was hit, she felt her innards were about to turn to mush. Sabine applied healing immediately.

“It damages the soul directly… How horrible,” Sabine grimaced.

Viers glanced at Aravin in the middle of combat. The guy looked aghast seeing his woman injured. Then it turned to determination.

Time for his super mode.

“Tanael! What kind of man are you to lay your hands on a girl!?” He screamed.

“I’m not a sexist,” Viers replied very naturally. “If you want me to stop, make me.”

Aravin ducked a slash to the throat before he could reply.

“How many times do I have to tell you? Your opponent is me!” Jaime continued his attacks.

A single push more.

Viers started gathering power flashily and attempted to strike Sabine, Aravin’s precious companion. She tried to defend but it was futile. Jaws of death were closing in on her.


There was a blast of light. A form was intruding between Tanael and Sabine. Aravin had transformed into his super state; emitting a mighty aura of light.

“True Yang Asura!”

Aravin punched Tanael back with great speed and power after speaking the name of the technique. Tanael already jumped backward to diminish the blow.

True Yang? That clinches it. Aravin is a xianxia harem hero! His roots are from a Chinese cultivation origin. I’ve found it odd since Aravin’s troops and buildings have a resemblance to Earth’s eastern culture, especially Chinese. There are Japanese elements trickling into this world so it’s not impossible for others to exist but how did he get it? Guo Song, that Level 7 bull spoke of a continent in the east. Sakuya’s ancestor also came from the east. Is it the same continent? Does that continent have Japanese and Chinese cultures?

Anyway, Aravin’s trump card must be… I better prepare for the common clichés.

Rather than pressing the attack, Aravin gave aid to his girlfriends. Then he felt another surge of power. Tanael, he thought at first, but it was Jaime.

Just like Aravin, Jaime invoked his own super mode. Something he learned from Tanael. The man was coated in darkness and power. It was Jaime's wrath and indignation made manifest, an avatar of vengeance.

“Chaos Form - Missionary of Darkness.”

Aravin gauged their strength was about equal. Jaime burned a majority of his life force in the past to corner him, a desperate last hurrah. Now, he felt Jaime was still hiding threats.

The spoiled brat had become a truly formidable opponent. Aravin felt some regret that he didn't finish Jaime when he had the chance.

…Sorry Piera. I have to kill your childhood friend.

The aura of the two pushed everything outward like a whirlwind. Naya and Sabine raised themselves back up. Tanael could have ended the fight right then and there but he didn't. He pretended the young but bearded dwarf was keeping him busy. To be fair, the dwarf was not weak and very steadfastly fought Viers with all he had, but Viers was simply in another league.

Now they are both in their super mode, the battle will be even more intense and faster to end. Come on Jaime. We’re on the clock.

There was a communication signal from Zerrigan. Viers permitted it to go through. He heard Anne’s incensed voice.

“Tanael, where are you?”

Viers smiled.

“I’m in your base, killing your dudes.”


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