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Council of Elrond’s equivalent was being held in the Whitelands.

“-about Tanael’s army, the Tyra Xerg are actually much more numerous than he shows you. At least twice as much as what he fielded during the waves.”

“Twice!? Impossible!” Khalmar shouted.

“What’s impossible about it? We know he’s been turning his whole territory into some sort of insect-spouting colony and greedily extracting its resources like an insatiable glutton,” Squire Eugene said grimly. “Long have I wondered why we haven't been drowned by the Xergs already.”

Troy resumed the talk after an uncomfortable silence. “And you’re absolutely sure his superweapon is ready, Scorpion?”

“Positive. The thirty-meter tall beast is unlike any Xerg I have ever seen. He has at least two of those monsters.”

Green Scorpion Fajrin, who managed to elude Tanael’s hunt by the virtue of cowardice, had been living like a mole these past few months. At first, he had been sabotaging Tanael’s structures, destroying them when he was trying to expand and hunting the small number of Aberrants that trickled from the north for the few shards he could actually gain.

As an earth 5 affinity Pathseeker, Fajrin swam in the dirt as if it was water and continuously evaded capture. But lately, a new type of enemy emerged from Tanael’s nest of horrors. Because of the relentless earth-burrowing Xerg, he couldn't even stay within viewing range of Tanael’s castle anymore. The Tyra Xerg littered the air, land, and underground.

Fajrin had already accomplished his primary objective in Stage 4 so his only priority was now survival, but Tanael and his army didn't make it easy.

Fajrin wanted revenge so he did what he could, such as informing the white spark holders of Tanael’s circumstances. By proxy, of course. Fajrin didn't want to expose himself to seventeen white spark holders but they needed his information more than he did. Tanael guarded the border heavily, so information about the Blacklands was scarce. Fajrin’s report shed light on what the Soul Tyrant was doing in these past months.

The Whitelands didn't possess a superweapon because they weren't united under a single leader. They were too busy doing their own thing. Since there wasn't a need for their superweapon, the matter was put on the shelf. They knew Tanael might possess a superweapon months ago but since there wasn't even a shadow of the thing all this time, these good people simply prayed and hoped that Tanael didn't have a working superweapon.

Because what else could they do? Political matters and human circumstances smothered the issue of unification and the voices that advocated for it were silenced.

Without a sufficient threat of extinction, people won't unite. Viers understood this, so he let the Whitelands be. But with Aletro’s announcement about Aberrant Hulks and the importance of the superweapon’s existence next month, the need emerged abruptly.

Fajrin’s report on Tanael’s military realized their greatest fear that they had tried to deny by closing their eyes.

“Why hasn’t Tanael attacked us?”

“Perhaps he wants to gain shards in peace?”

“Fool. WE are the greatest shard prizes. I bet Tanael held back so we could grow fat before he swallowed us in one big gulp!”

“...That fits him quite well,” Fithel muttered.

“So what can we do? Even if we unite now and halt the next big wave of Aberrants, Tanael could destroy us whenever he wishes.”

“No,” Aravin interrupted. “If we unite. I reckon we can defend against either the full force of the Aberrants or Tanael… but if we get attacked simultaneously, we’re dead.”

“We know it and I bet my ass Tanael also knows this… How does he achieve this? Even with all his land’s resources, he fought no less intense battles than us. No, it should be even harder on his armies since he hasn't lifted a finger to help them during the waves.”

The casualties on the Tyra Xerg were indeed less than the white spark holders, ensuring the numbers of the swarm kept increasing each month.

“...The sacrifice,” Max said. The word felt like a blade on their neck. “Tanael’s sacrifice at the start of Stage 5 must be greater than anyone. Or perhaps,” Max’s eyes trailed to the girl who hadn’t spoken a word.

The discussion about what to do about the Soul Tyrant was a maze. When they realized the deep pit they were in, there was no good solution left.

“We should make peace.”

Every eye in the room turned towards the one who spoke.

“And why would he accept, Child of the Holy Phoenix?” Khalmar said dubiously.

“We give him incentives, such as giving him a portion of our shard gains or real-world benefits or favors.”

“That is no different from capitulation and vassalage,” the bull beastfolk Ubah growled angrily.

“At the end of the day. We are in this together. I’ll speak with him directly.”

“No! It’s too dangerous!” Troy shouted.

“Troy’s right, Anne,” Max gave his opinion. “You’ll be walking into the lair of the beast. He most likely will kill you then and there.”

“I believe we can make peace, even with those who we dislike,” Anne said serenely, with a gaze not containing any falsehood. “We have to.”

After more discussion, a company of messengers -all NPCs- were sent to the Blacklands under the banner of truce. Because of sixteen votes against one, Anne didn't go with them.

The players waited at the border for the result. The start was promising, the Tyra Xerg did not attack them on sight, even making way for them to the heart of the Blacklands.

A few hours later, a single Shredder came towards them.

“Greetings. My liege said he would show you his answer. Please follow me,” Zerrigan conveyed.

There was some resistance at first but the seventeen followed the Shredder. Zerrigan led them to an open field where the tip of the Nest could be seen. Throngs of the Tyra Xerg stood before them, land and air units both. Clearly indicating they would not be permitted going further into the heartlands.

“Those who possess the means of farsight. Please look at the top of the Nest.”

Most of them followed Zerrigan’s instructions. Sadly, Boram’s time as a Pathseeker was too short to be more versatile. The white spark holders saw Tanael for the first time in months. He was talking with messengers on the rooftop. He was wearing a strange garb: crimson cloak, shirtless, and short pants.

Then Tanael turned his head towards them and waved.

Tanael looked to be inhaling a deep breath.


Along with a shout so loud it might spread to the entire Blacklands, Tanael kicked the lead messenger square in the chest, felling the poor man from the tall structure.


“Damn him!”

The white spark holders received Tanael’s message loud and clear. They were burning with fury.

“...Tanael! I will defeat you. I promise!”

Anne clenched her fist hard. There was no talk to be had with a man so far gone to evil.

Her flames shall purify it.


Tanael had declared war with the white spark holders and the Gloomsiders were summoned.

“Izabella-sama!” Sakuya called her fellow horsemen from behind.

“Oh geez, how many times do I have to tell you there’s no need for adding sama with me. Anyway, it’s good to see you. Are you well?”

They both were on their way to the throne room.

“Un!” She nodded. “It’s finally happening, isn't it?” Sakuya looked half-eager half-nervous.

“It’s been a long time coming,” Izabella said pensively.

The gate to the throne room opened grandly. Jaime was already there, giving the newcomers a nod as a greeting which they returned in kind. The other occupant in the room had a monstrous shape, Zerrigan’s real body. It was rare she left her egg-laying chamber. If Tanael wanted her to be present it must be really important, Iz thought.

Tanael himself was sitting on a throne wearing regal garb. The savage throne, the special clothes, the slouching posture, everything about this sight screamed villainous.

“Overlord Tanael,” Zerrigan informed with a bow. Making her glossy dark-obsidian, slick skin more pronounced. “Everyone has arrived.”

In that lazy lounge and gaze, Tanael started soliloquizing.

“I never thought people essential.”
“They're crude and could be a pain.”
“But turned out they've a wealth of potential.”
“When allied to my vision and brain.”

Tanael stood from his throne, with each step green smoke arose from the ground. Illusion, Sakuya gleaned. The throne room became shaded with green.


“I know that your powers of retention.”
“Are as wet as a warthog's buttside.”

“Excuse me!?” Izabella was appalled. Tanael had a grin on his face, circling them with the grace of a predator.

“But thick as you are, pay attention.”
“My words are not unimportant.”

Tanael moved his hand up and down in front of Jaime’s face. There was background music in the air.

“It's clear from your vacant expressions.”
“Your brain is falling behind.”

“Huh?” Jaime was genuinely confused.

“But we're talking kings and rankings.”
“Even you can't be caught unawares.”

Tanael pounced closer, Sakuya’s face was only an inch in distance. The girl reddened like a tomato.

“So prepare for a chance of a lifetime.”
“Be prepared for sensational news.”

There was writing in the air, right in front of Izabella. Everything paused. Tanael pointed repeatedly at the writing.

“...Oh, you want me to read this? Er… And where do we feature?”

The music resumed. Tanael pulled Izabella’s closer. Never once did that grin of confidence waver. If anything, it suited him more and more.

“Just listen to the master.”

Tanael was like a happy hamster with too much caffeine.

“It’s a feast of delicious injustice!”
“Be prepared~”

The backsound was perfect, fittingly following the lyrics without an inch of error. One factor after another and the Gloomsiders were pulled into the rhythm. Another writing appeared in front of Zerrigan.

“Yeah, Be prepared. Yeah. We'll be prepared… For what?”

“For the death of King Anne!” Tanael replied.

Sakuya seemed like she was enjoying it, eagerly participating. “Why? Is she sick?”

“No, girl--we're going to kill her. And Aravin too.”

“Tch, why do I have to put up with this…” Jaime complained. “Great idea! Who needs a king? No king! No king! la-la-la-laa!”

Tanael thundered. “Fools! There will be a king!”

Izabella said her line without a pause. “Hey, but you said, uh-”

“You’re already a king! I’ll eat anyone who disagrees!”

Tanael appreciated Zerrigan’s voice of support but the show must go on so he ignored her after giving a nod.

I will be king! ...Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again!”

The rhythm became more energetic. From God knows where, sounds were coming from all around them.

“It's great that we'll soon be connected.”
“With a king who's on a track of success.”

The voices weren't the Gloomsiders or Zerrigan’s. It was not even Tanael's voice. It nonetheless came as if there were a hundred people behind an invisible curtain. Added the visual illusion effects on top of that, this was truly a stage.

The music reached a crescendo. Tanael moved around the stage like an expert performer. Surprisingly, his singing was good; the result of his practice. He had rehearsed for this moment for quite some time.

“So prepare for the coup of the century!”
“Be prepared for a Sue’s murder!”

Tanael’s pitch rose higher and higher as he sang the aspirations in his heart.

“Yes, my fangs and ambitions are bared!”
“Be prepared!”

Tanael’s companions joined. Feeling that rising fervor in the pit of their stomach.

“Yes, our fangs and ambitions are bared!”
Be prepared!

The song ended with a slowly fading laughter that reverberated to the soul.

From this point on, it was the final stretch of the Book World. Tanael would realize his ambitions with fangs bared, no more reason to hold back. He’d either reach the highest summit or crash and burn.


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