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“All the hostile parties in the Blacklands have been subdued. Their crystals, destroyed. This great feat has been achieved in one day. Long may you reign, Master Chief Tanael.”

Zerrigan informed the guy who sat on the throne made of flesh. Viers wanted skulls but the orcs hadn’t been processed yet so he’d have to do with what he had on hand.

“And so the land is united under a single leader. I crown myself the first Emperor of the Blacklands, Vi Shi Huang! Shower me with praises, my loyal subjects.”

Zerrigan bowed her big alien body while Sakuya’s awkward clap echoed in the silent chamber. Izabella and Jaime didn't know how to react.

Unlike the trio inside his head, the Gloomsiders experienced Viers’ antics for the first time.

“We should burn books, bury scholars, and raise a great wall to protect our domain!” Emperor Vi Shi Huang proposed.

The others became more and more confused. Even Zerrigan didn't know what to do.

“As you command, but where are the books and scholars?” The Queen of a new species telepathically conversed.

“Ehem, I couldn't resist. Apologies. That’s enough tomfoolery from me. Let’s get to work. To the command room.”

There were many rooms in the Nest, a particular room was chosen by Viers to put his operational affairs to play. The other three followed him but Zerrigan remained in the chamber. Xel Doggo followed the Gloomsiders in her stead, which didn't make much difference for Zerrigan.

Inside the command room, there was a big map carved on the fleshy floor, a map of Stage 5. Using her children, Zerrigan had unraveled the empty areas and filled the map with points of interest.

“Firstly, my gratitude for all of your aid, horsemen. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

That’s not true but hearing it will make them feel good.

“As you can see, we have no enemy factions left in our sphere of influence. That means we can gather resources aggressively and focus on building our bases for the month. You three have experienced something similar in Stage 3 so you already know what to do.”

Viers began explaining while the three examined the map with interest.

“I killed Airmaster and Dark Zero. Outcast got outed by Oscar so he’s not on the board anymore. Oscar is incarcerated. That leaves one: Green Scorpion Fajrin. He has no base but the person himself is still lurking somewhere. Guard your bases and always have protection while traveling. Don't underestimate what a single person can do to sabotage your base. He’s a mind-earth dual affinity Pathseeker and a cultist of the Seven Devils.”

“I’m sure you’re restless after leaving your bases bare of protection. I’m pleased to tell you that Zerrigan’s scouts reported they’re still fine, be at ease.”

“As you can see on the map, the aberrants lie to our north and our competitors are to our west. I believe we should establish a line of defense at our borders but that is a matter for the future.”

Perhaps building a great wall isn't really a jest.

“When you go home, a Xerg will accompany you so we can communicate easily, since Zerrigan has superior range compared to Iz’s device. I believe this is it for the time being. Let’s schedule the next meeting in three days. If there’s nothing else-”

“Emperor Huang,” someone spoke up.

“Stop it, I was just joking earlier. What is it, J?”

“I don't care if you’re emperor or devil or whatever. As long as you help me kill Aravin. I want to stay here. To train with that.”

Ah, Viers smiled in his mind. Hooked up with my Grid game/training regimen, are you?

“What about your faction?”

“You can take over. I don't care about shards. My skills are more important.” Jaime gripped the handle of his sword.

“Very well. Is there anything else? …See you next time then. Conquest, Famine, I’ll see you off.”

The boys and girls of the Gloomsiders said their goodbyes at the main gate of the Nest that Oscar broke. The signs of battle were still fresh. The Shredders were carrying the orc corpses for processing.

“This is my token of thanks for having my back.”

Viers sent Sakuya some of his spark shards, half of Oscar’s shards. In the war against Oscar, her efforts were not small and Viers acknowledged that. But because Viers hadn't extorted Oscar for his shards yet, this came out of his own pocket.

Oscar had defeated Outcast and took his shards so his count was at 600,000-ish.

A part of Sakuya wanted to refuse but she also desperately needed shards for the curse-breaking method. With Oscar’s share, she had already gathered around 400,000 shards. Only 100,000 more before she amassed the necessary amount.

Then it was Izabella’s turn.

“Here’s your share.”

A fourth of Oscar’s shards, 200,000. If Jaime didn't forgo his share, Viers would have ended up with a deficiency. And yet it was a price he gladly paid for uniting the whole Blacklands in one day.

“This is a lot of shards…” Iz muttered.

Similar to Sakuya, she also wanted shards, badly. The more she had, the better things she would be able to get from Aletro in the end, which would increase the chance to rescue her sister from Azkaban.

“It’s fine. I’ve plundered all of Airmaster and Dark Zero’s. Still have more than 500,000. When the war against the aberrants begins, my army will be ready to devour them. Fresh meat and shards.”

Besides, there were still fat targets among the white spark holders.

While looking at Sakuya and Jaime saying goodbyes, Izabella spoke softly.

“Jaime’s not planning to live through this trial, is he?”

Anyone that had future plans would not let go of the chance to gain something from Aletro. Since Jaime seemed unconcerned about his spark shards since Stage 4, she put the two and two together.

“I made it clear to him his chance of survival would be one in a million,” Viers replied with a whisper.

If he’s a hero it means certain success but he’s a villain. He will probably die while fighting the Harem MC.

“It is disheartening. I consider him a friend, you know. He took some time to get used to, but he’s growing on me.”

“So do I, but it’s what he wants. You’ll also wager your life for your sister, will you not?”

“Yes,” Izabella said without hesitation.

A few meters away, Jaime said something and Sakuya laughed.

“Sakuya would be sad,” Iz had become fond of the younger girl after their time together. “Can we help?”

“That one in a million is already factoring in our help. Aravin is that much of a threat. Even I don't have a 100% chance of survival.”

“I don't think Aravin is that much of a big deal though. I’ve seen him fight with my own eyes. Are you not making a mountain out of an anthill?” Izabella was skeptical.

“Ah, famous last words from those who met their demise fighting Aravin’s archetype. What you have seen is his surface strength. Who knows what kind of things are hidden underneath… And that firebird’s strength is greater still. If I don't have Jaime at my side, I won’t mess with Aravin and only focus on Anne. I won't survive them both. I’m sure of this.”

The two fell into a short silence.

“I’ll need to borrow your needle to bleed Oscar’s Victa dry once it is available,” Viers broke the ice.

“Got it. Take care of yourself, Tanael,” Izabella mounted a Shredder. “Sakuya, let’s go.”

Haiii~ Tanael-sama, Jaime-sama, until we meet again,” Sakuya waved with a big smile plastered on her face.

The two boys remained until the girls and their armies went quite far before going back into the Nest.

“Alright Jaime, ready to fight Simulacrum Oscar one on one?”

“Bring it!”


Because he chose to go on a slaughtering spree, Viers missed the opportunity of base building in Stage 3. He didn't think he would get a second chance to experience that.

“The main gatherable resources are gold, lumber, ore, and rich gas.”

“Mm-hmm… But why do we need them again?” Viers asked Zerrigan who resumed giving him the interrupted tutorial.

“For raising specific buildings. Those buildings in turn improve my children. They provide upgrades such as having metal fitted onto my children’s claws, reinforcing their bones, and so on.”

“I see… So how do we get different types of Tyra Xergs? Shredders are great but they are basic units. I want more diversity, like bone shooters or acid spitters.”

“Once those buildings are built, I can start giving birth to them. That’s what the information in my head tells me.”

“Those buildings are fleshy and organic-like, right? Take this particular building, ‘spawning pool’… What’s the use of wood and gold in the building process?”

“...Apologies. I am not clear.”

“It’s fine, I’m not blaming you.”

Let’s just say Aletro’s game design is not perfect.

“Because of my condition, I need biomass to birth more children. There’s a type of structure that Chief can build to turn inorganic resources into food.”

“Doesn't seem worrying. From our scouting, we know there are monster nests in the area that continually produce monsters where we can farm for food. All in all, everything is pretty on track and stable. Follow the building queue I gave you for now.”

“Yes, Master Chief.”

Viers and Xel Doggo were walking in a corridor, entering a chamber directly below Zerrigan’s main body.

“There they are…”

Viers watched the one hundred eggs of Tyra Xerg, each as big as a man’s torso, with emotion. From the time Zerrigan laid them, a day would be needed for them to hatch and two more days until they were fully grown.

In three days, Viers would have a hundred new combat-ready Shredders. Given enough biomass, Zerrigan could lay more than a hundred eggs each day.

Got to keep an eye on the food upkeep though. Don't want my Xerg to die of starvation.

Viers browsed the ‘units’ of Tyra Xerg that he could have in the future. There were about fifteen types of them.

“Zerri, I have monster corpses, a lot of them. If you eat them, can you use the genetic materials you gather to create custom Xerg or improve these ones? For example, can you give them stronger muscles or wings?”

“...I believe not. At least the current me can't do it. My children’s improvement is limited by the buildings and upgrades. Perhaps it is because we are in the Book World? But I don't want to give you false hope. It is… unlikely, Chief.”

“I see…” Viers felt a bit disappointed.

“I-I am truly sorry for my lack of ability!” Zerrigan sensed her master’s dissatisfaction.

“No, don't be. You’ve done nothing wrong. We’ll do something about it in the future. Let’s focus on the now. Once we have some leeway on units, I want some eyes on the Whitelands. Let's find out how our seventeen competitors are holding up.”

“As you command, Master Chief.”

“Ehh, let’s change that calling. At first it was just a flight of fancy but after thinking about it, it doesn't really fit me. Master Chief is a soldier and I’m not.”

“I understand. What new title would you like me to address you with?”

“You can just call me Tanael, Zerri. I already consider you an important person. If it all goes well, I’m planning to bring you out of the Book World with me.”

Zerrigan’s fluster reached Viers even through telepathy.

“T-truly a great kindness, O Great One! I thought my service to you would end alongside the trial. I want nothing more than to provide you with my continued service. Your benevolence toward this servant is overwhelming. How could I address you so informally? Please do not make me commit such disrespect.”

“No need to be so uptight. You’re a Queen, remember?”

“And you’re above myself… Should I call you Emperor?”

Viers’ mind was going places.

Should I go all in and call myself God-Emperor of Xergkind? The Emperor protects!

Viers dispersed the thought almost immediately.

Before I have the power of a God, I shouldn't crown myself as one. Too many villains died because of having a God complex. Even if I did, Godhood is best done with prudence. Besides, I have no intention of rotting on a throne for 10,000 years. No matter how golden the throne may be.

“No no no, let's go with a more suitable one since I don't have an empire…”

He suddenly changed his mind and asked a really important question.

“You really don't mind following me? Putting yourself under me? Your potential is limitless, you know. I’m just a man while you are something else entirely. I have seen what you could have become, a Super-Organism, the Great Maw of Hunger, Devourer of Stars.”

Zerrigan’s reply was as gentle as silk.

“...Lord Tanael. I exist because of you. Lord Aletro provided the clay but it was you who molded me into what I am now. I don't know what the future might bring but for now, my only wish is to help you against your enemies in this place.”

It was pure loyalty.

“Zerrigan… with those words you honor me more than you know. Very well! This Mantle of Responsibility you have given me, I accept. As the one elevated by the Queen of Living Blades herself, my title can not bring shame to the entire Tyra Xerg species,” Viers put some real thought into this one.

“Overlord,” the word whispered out from his mouth after some time. “Call me Overlord.”

“Overlord it shall be.”

Viers could not see Zerrigan’s face from the telepathy nor could Zerrigan’s alien face do so but he somehow knew the Queen of the Tyra Xerg was smiling.

“Your sleeping chamber is ready, Overlord. It’s been a long day. You must be tired. Please don't worry about the Nest and have a good rest. When the time comes, whether it is your rivals or the aberrants, all shall be crushed by the overwhelming force and numbers of the Xerg.”

“Thank you. I am a bit tired indeed. But speaking of overwhelming force, before I go to bed, tell me about our superweapon.”


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