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Stage 4 was the grandest Stage thus far. The sight of a towering tree appeared before the trial takers, its trunk larger than a city, reaching far above the clouds and into the heavens took everyone’s breath away, including Viers’.

Out of 226 people that entered Stage 3, only 65 people made their way to Stage 4 of Aletro’s trial.

Stage 4 was a 1-month-long marathon race. Inside the World Tree’s trunk was full of uncountable maze-like paths, where they had to trek upward. They were free to quit anytime but only those who reached the top would be qualified to enter Stage 5.

The place was treasure-laden not unlike Stage 2 but the goods’ quality was far higher. To take them, Viers and the others had to satisfy the item’s ‘request’. It could be winning a fight, solving a riddle, having a specific item, so on and so forth. And similar to Stage 2, the treasures could be turned into spark shards.

The Gloomsiders climbed together, deepening their bond and cooperation. It was a Stage that emphasizes teamwork because of the request’s variety. Stage 3 had laid the groundwork for this. For example, the item that Jaime needed, requested to witness a beautiful dance.

After realizing the higher one went the better the treasures became, the team mostly ignored the usual treasures in favor of speed.

In the matter of rankings, Viers and the gang also managed to get into the top 10. Interestingly, Sakuya’s black spark became a white spark. Viers transferred the leadership to her so she got extra shards that were reserved for the white. Because the other three were black spark holders only Sakuya got the reward but she insisted on sharing four ways.

The reward for the top 10 this time was a magical-infusion to an item of theirs. Viers picked his Impersonator mask. Jaime his heirloom sword. Izabella upgraded her red needle. Sakuya chose her tantou, a short sword that she received in Stage 2.

The paths inside the trunk were very complex and intertwining but there were many intersections with other paths. Time-consuming roadblocks usually exist at the choke points so the trial takers had a tendency to meet up.

Conflicts usually ensued.

Under Viers’ leadership, the Gloomsiders bulldozed through the weaker groups. They let the strong ones be and robbed, threatened, or killed the rest.

However, the incompetents were not able to reach Stage 4 thanks to natural selection. Viers’ adversaries were people of real abilities. Even though they were weaker than him, killing them proved troublesome. Viers' kill count was only four people.

It wasn't long until only groups with powerful battle strength competed for the top spot in the race. The weaker ones competed for scraps that the strong groups didn't take.

Because of the group’s bad behavior, Sakuya’s spark returned to black. She didn't mind. The reason she picked the black spark in the first place was because of her upbringing as a kunoichi. It wasn't about right or wrong, only the mission.

Viers was not hiding the fact that the group took the four horsemen of the apocalypse as inspiration to the others. Actually, he had been giving quite a lot of signals since Stage 1.

He threw references left and right as a probe, a bait for the ones that understand. He was in an isolated world where no other people were significantly stronger than him, except one; Where else would be better to find out how much this world’s people knew about the otherworld’s existence?

Doing that outside the Book World was courting death. And his Horizon increased drastically while he was indulging his fancy.

If he found a person that realized he was from another world, Viers planned to soul-search that person. Most likely without asking their permission first.

Alas, not a single one showed signs that they knew what Viers was on about. Either they were uncultured people or they really were no other world travellers than him.

Four days before the one month deadline, the Gloomsiders finally reached the uppermost area of the World Tree.

A few days after Stage 4 began, they already reached the elevation where there were clouds. Viers wondered why they hadn't reached outer space by now. Breathing wasn't an issue because the World Tree had a lot of vegetation.

The look from the top was magnificent, flying islands floating in the cloud sea. Aletro congratulated them. Those who reached the finish line early got the benefit of having time to treasure hunt the flying islands.

Anne’s group was the first to reach the top. The Gloomsiders were second but the difference with third place, Aravin and his harem, was only minutes away.

Aravin and Jaime exchanged a deep-meaningful look but Viers explicitly forbade Jaime to even say a word to Aravin. They went their separate ways, for now.

Viers and the others gained many valuable treasures. Their storage items were a lot fuller than before. Iz’s storage item was the smallest among them and was filled to overcapacity. Viers gave her a storage ring from someone that he killed. The skilled enchanter claimed ownership of the ring without breaking it.

The most notable of the natural treasures that Viers obtained was a white cloud. It had a trace of divinity in it. The original cloud was as big as a hill, Viers only managed to carve a piece the size of a melon.

He hoped to be able to ride the cloud like Sun Wukong or Chinese Immortals one day, showing disdain to the rest of the world. He didn't know if it was still possible with such a little cloud but Viers dreamed big.

The Gloomsiders also went after a loose end, Green Scorpion. Viers soul-searched the other Gardeners of Perfection that were killed so he knew the inside of their heads and their aim.

They were after the World Tree’s Essense Sap.

Apparently, that was why they wanted to get Aletro’s book in the first place. The Gardeners’ higher-ups had some understating of Aletro’s many past trials and the world tree always appeared. The Essence Sap was a crucial component for a big evil plot of theirs.

Although, getting it was not easy. The crucial sap only existed at the top part of the World Tree and needed a special method to extract it.

Viers let Fajrin -Scorpion’s real name- extract the sap before ambushing him. Viers gathered a bunch for himself and the other horsemen. He figured it would make a nice present for his dryad familiar.

Yet he failed to kill Fajrin yet again. The cockroach villain’s tenancy and preparations were astounding.

When the 1-month time limit ended, about 30 trial takers remained.

Then Aletro unveiled Stage 4’s reward.

From the World Tree’s center, branches grew as broad as a highway. At each end of the branches was a fruit containing enormous profundities. In total, there were twenty branches and twenty fruits.

Aletro labeled the branches with simple terms and told them to choose one.

The labels were Elemental, Martial, Bloodline, Awakening, Unlock Potential, Creation, Metamorphosis, Curse, Honor, Inner Demon, Redemption, Death, and so on.

But the reward was fewer than the participants.

When two people or more picked the same fruit, they must fight. The winner obtained the fruit and the loser didn't get any fruit at all. That was why those with a weaker battle strength let the strong ones pick first.

Viers picked the one that resonated the most with himself, True Self.

Jaime picked Demise, Izabella chose Enchantment, and Unlock Potential for Sakuya.

Sakuya actually only had wood 3 affinity. She hoped to become wood 4 or 5 with this.

Boram chose Strength. Khalmar went for Bloodline. Airmaster selected Elemental.

Anne claimed the Awakening fruit.

No one else picked it despite some people clearly desiring it. Viers didn't blame them but it wasn't the time to concern himself with others.

Troy, the Blade of Justice, one of the strongest trial takers picked the same fruit as Viers.

Not only him, Jaime and Sakuya had to fight for their choices.

One by one they fought in a battle festival with both Aletro as the judges and the participants as spectators. This was too similar to a tournament for Viers’ tastes. Thankfully, it was only one battle for him so Viers could still stomach it.

It wasn't forbidden to kill one’s opponent. Oscar killed Divine Punishment at the battle for Inner Demon fruit.

Naturally, not killing was acceptable as well. Aravin defeated Squire at the Honor fruit battle. White spark holders now didn't need to kill to gain shards. Squire was defeated but lost no shards while Aravin gained shards depending on how many Squired had. They forged a friendship after the battle and parted ways cordially.

Unfortunately, Boram lost the battle for Strength fruit. Viers’ little disciple fought well; he used a new Arte that turned himself into a giant rock serpent but was still defeated despite his admirable efforts. Boram was almost at the bottom in terms of ability among the remaining participants. While the opponent did try to kill him, the boy survived, as per his master’s instructions. Viers was proud of his growth.

Conquest didn't need to fight and the other two horsemen, War and Famine emerged victorious.

As if done intentionally, the most anticipated fight was the last. Death Horsemen Tanael versus Blade of Justice Troy.

The two fought, showing their exceptional fighting skills.

Viers won.

It was a hard fight.

After an exchange of normal Artes, it was decided by their specialties. Besides the usual three, Vengeful Spirit, Desolate Dive, and Howling Wraiths, Viers had shown a new Arte of his called Spirit Ally.

Farley’s soul body was unaffected by the frighteningly lethal spatial slash of Troy and he was defeated.

The two thought of each other was an eye-sore. Troy hated Viers' callousness and Viers hated Troy because he was a good guy template that got in his way.

After his defeat, Troy was about to speak something profound about morality but before the first sentence was uttered Viers threw Troy off the tree.

In the movies, good guys always survive a sharp fall. Viers wondered if Troy would actually survive. If there was an actual cosmic force at work, Viers must know now so he could counter it in the future.

And Viers indeed beheld a cosmic force at work, although, not in the form he expected.

A streak of red flashed, diving after Troy into the sea of clouds. Three breaths later, Anne with a blazing pair of splendid wings on her back, carried Troy in her arms.

“You have the fires of the phoenix. You can fight the best of us toe-to-toe using Level 1 cultivation. Your skills with a sword are higher than a swordmaster. A divine weapon came to you like a lost puppy. People by the throngs adore you. You are even younger than me and beautiful like a fairy. Now you can fly. Is there anything that you cannot do or do not have, Anne?”

It was the first conversation between Viers and Anne.

“Tanael, Mother taught me to get along with everyone… But I don't think I want to get along with you. I don't like you.”

Even her angry face was cute.

“I feel the same, Anne. I also don't like you.”

You are too perfect.



Viers was greeted by a twin of his.

“Figured I would find you. This is a journey to the soul after all. What else is ‘True Self’ supposed to mean?” Viers smiled.

After eating the True Self fruit, he found himself in a dark space of nothing. Only a single light illuminated his body from above as if this was an opera stage. When another stage light lit up showing his twin, Viers had anticipated the cliched development.

“In every other story, this is the time where I show you your ugly deeds, tell you about regrets inside your subconscious, give cryptic warnings, and plead you to change your ways isn't it?” Other-Viers showed the all-familiar sneer, because it was his own.

“Or you telling me to fully embrace the Dark Side. Blabbering about all the things I could do, to let go of self-restraint and discipline, to indulge in power and authority, probably something about the growing number of girls around me, amirite?” Viers chuckled.

“Kishishishi~” Other-Viers snickered. “Yeah, you don't need that.”

“I don't need that. I already know my true self,” Viers fondly smiled.

Facing his true self, Viers wasn't confused or shown some erudite revelation.

Ever since Viers got reincarnated into this world, he was always embracing his true self.

He did evil because he was Viers.

He did good because he was Viers.

Viers didn't feel ashamed of what he had done. He had no intention of changing his beliefs and way of thinking because of some outside influence.

The chains of society that strangled him until he was choking was no more.

Viers was true to himself. In this, he had no doubt.

“So,” Viers extended a hand to his other self. “Shall we?”

“About time. It’s getting boring in here anyway,” Other-Viers smiled mischievously. “I need a name though. Shall I choose a mythological one? Wait, don't answer that. You already planned to forge me since you took the alias Tanael.”

“Correct,” Viers nodded. “Speak the words, please. My Horizon demands it.”

“Then here goes…”

Other-Viers disappeared. The dark world turned into a blue sea with a green sky.

"I am thou…”

A deep voice resounded. Viers’ heart leapt with ebullience.

“Thou art I…”

A pillar of water rose from the sky as something emerged from the sea.

“From the sea of thy soul, I come..."

The curtain of water was expelled with a blast of force, showing the form of a humanoid thing. Viers let out long, unbridled laughter.

‘He’ was dressed in a water blue–soul green tuxedo, the colors evenly split in the middle of the suit. Under the tuxedo was a white shirt and red tie. His face was covered with a mask styled after a grinning demon, along with a jet-black top hat on the top of his head. Red gloves covered both hands and modern formal black shoes under his feet.

Viers basked in the pressure of power his other self emitted and it was powerful.

“I am the Heavenly Thief, Arsene. All the wonders of this world are ours for the taking. Those who resist, we’ll crush them underfoot!”

“Arsene S. Tanael… I thought it would take far longer to be able to meet you, the other half of my name. Let’s raise hell together, partner,” Viers raised his hand.

“Even with all the allies you’ve gathered, what you trust the most is still yourself. I know you all too well. We’ll reach the apex of existence together, partner.”

The high-five between Arsene and Tanael crumbled the mysterious space.

“Now wake up, get up, get out there!” Arsene roared.

“Of course!!”

Stage 5 awaits.


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