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At the late phase of Stage 3, a gigantic war broke out.

The start was a three-sided conflict between Noble Tiger, Dark Zero, and Oscar. At first, it was just the first two but Oscar joined to reap some benefits. From that, the powder keg blew up. Many more trial takers dipped their toes in that troubled waters.

The trial takers’ Ranking for Stage 3 would be based on how many NPCs they had under their command. Strictly speaking, a war between settlements where the NPCs were dying in droves was counterproductive to that end.

However, these people were aiming for something else: shards. By killing fellow trial takers, they would get a substantial amount of shards. Aletro repeatedly made it clear that the ultimate reward of this trial would be based on how many spark shards one had.

The hostilities there were a bloody one with a high death rate. But not all trial takers took part in that crucible of death.


The perpetrator of this violent altercation was chilling in his home. Viers was watching his enemies kill each other with the same delight as a stock trader seeing the stock prices go up.

He did this to reduce the prosperity of their settlements. Those people had so many NPCs under them so if Viers wanted to get a spot in the top 10 rankings of Stage 3, he must reduce their numbers.

It wasn't too hard. Using fake banners and disguises, he attacked a beastfolk and put the blame on Dark Zero. Khalmar retaliated and then Viers kited the ambitious Oscar to further muddy the waters. From there, the conflict spread like a forest fire.

Meanwhile, Viers was practicing his Profound Codex, sharpening his skills, and improving his power. His Level was stuck at Level 2 middle in the Book World but Viers had many, many ways of increasing his strength.

But today, he wanted to try something different.

“You called for me, Chief?” Kaari, his beautiful and loyal assistant NPC, opened the door after knocking.

“Kaari, you’ve been a valuable and dependable ally,” he gave praise and meant every word. “I have a question for you.”

“Please ask me anything, Chief.”

“Would you be willing to undergo soul experimentation?” Viers said something absurd.

“Certainly, Chief. I live to serve,” Kaari replied without missing a heartbeat.

Astounding loyalty. Or is it slavery? I don't know but damn I want an A+ assistant like her.

“Kaari, you have a real flesh and blood body. You breathe, you can eat, biological speaking you’re alive. You just lack one thing from a true human: a soul.”

Viers conjured a wispy ball of white into his hand.

“This is the soul of a human. Through unfortunate circumstances in life, she ended up getting killed by me. But she’s a good girl in life and nothing vile. Normally I let these people's true souls go after I absorb their soul power painlessly but maybe I can do something better.”

Viers offered the soul to Kaari. ‘She’ was someone Viers killed during his DOTA killing spree a long time ago, during the chase because of the killing of Sigma.

“My previous experience of stuffing people’s souls into corpses and objects was disappointing. But if it is you, perhaps… I have erased the soul’s memories so she should be a blank slate but I don't know what will happen should you accept the soul. Are you still willing even then?”

She looked at the white sphere intently.

“If I have this, I will be able to serve you better, Chief?”

“Perhaps you’ll die, or we won't meet again. Two days left until Stage 3 is over so maybe I won't be able to see the end result. But if we meet again at Stage 4 or 5 then it might have interesting consequences.”

Viers didn't do this experiment earlier because Kaari’s presence was a useful one. Only now near the end, he had the courage to do this. Because should it fail, his loss would be kept minimal.

“Chief Tanael,” Kaari saw straight into his eyes. “It would be my pleasure to accompany you in your endeavors,” she smiled gently.

Viers gave a nod of great approval and a pat to the head.

Good girl… both of them.

With the consent of Kaari and not the consent of the original owner of the soul, Viers proceeded with the amoral human experimentation. It could be argued what he was doing was worse than vivisecting someone alive because he was playing with a persons’ soul.


Those two words were enough excuse for Viers to assuage the infinitesimal moral he had left.

After a long and difficult procedure on par with the surgery to transplant a vital organ, Kaari fell into a comatose state despite the procedure’s success. Unfortunately, Kaari didn't wake up before Viers’ time in Stage 3 ended.


Viers was sliding his finger across the blade of a sword around a fire under the open night sky. It looked like the Sword of Gryffindor but with a black blade. The sword seemed to drink the light from the fire because not a single spark from the fire was reflected on the black metal.

“A fine blade… Sigley’s house heirloom you say?” Viers returned the sword to Jaime. “I’m surprised they let you keep it. Didn't you get disowned?”

“They will want it back for sure. It’s just this whole Aletro thing happened before they got the chance.”

Viers, Jaime, and Izabella sat beside a fire in the settlement borders for a round of bonding. This was the last night for Stage 3.

“Your equipment is good but Aravin’s might be better. Perhaps he kept a godly weapon hidden, you never know. Always assuming Aravin has something in his sleeves,” Viers progressed Jaime's education. “Iz, what is your opinion about how to kill someone stronger than you? You’ve just succeeded in killing your bitter enemy, right? Share your thoughts with Jaime.”

Izabella was twirling the Staff of Pestilence in her hands before Viers called her. She seemed fond of the pretty staff, carrying it in hand most of the time. With her signature pointy hat, she looked more and more like a witch.

“Let’s see… the first strike is crucial. Ambush them, make them unable to use their greater strength against you,” Iz said.

“Hmph, I have done that already. You said nothing special, woman,” Jaime scoffed.

Viers thwacked him in the head.

“She killed her target. You didn't! Clearly you were doing something wrong. Admit it! And why are you antagonizing her? What do you get from it? We are your allies, Jaime. She’s also gonna help you kill Aravin. Get along with her, you doofus!”

Viers berated him harshly.

“When you’ve done something wrong, even a kid knows what to do… Well?”

“...I’m sorry. I mean no harm,” Jaime reluctantly apologized but it seemed he realized the truth in Viers’ words.

Hmph… daddy and mommy didn't raise their child with enough attention. Now that burden falls to me.

“It is okay,” Iz replied. “We’ll be a team. Let’s work together cordially to achieve our objectives.”

“Umm… may I join you three as well?”

Sakuya walked dithering to the people who were circling the fire.

After she gave instructions to the NPCs in her settlement to come here, her admission to the team was already decided but this was the first official greet and meet that Sakuya had with Izabella and Jaime.

Clarissa’s attack that destroyed her illusion world damaged her quite a bit. At that time, Viers only told Clarissa not to kill her so the lamia princess should have held back quite a bit.

It still packed quite a punch though. Sakuya was unconscious for two days and another three were needed until the headaches stopped.

“Welcome. You both already heard about her. She’s the last member of the team, Night Bloom Sakuya. Sakuya, introduce yourself,” Viers said.

After the short introductions, Viers went on to formalize the group. He made a magical contract similar to what the Blood Church did to him. The agreement was similarly loose, simply about cooperation and acceptable behavior towards each other.

Since Viers could break it, it would be wrong to think others could not but having an extra lining was always nice. Besides, Viers already knew what they wanted so the cohesion was different from his previous group.

And two of the three had been thoroughly soul-searched. Viers was confident he understood them enough.

Viers shared some magical fruits that he got in Stage 2. Jaime complained about the lack of alcohol and took out two bottles of wine. Izabella and Sakuya also took out an assortment of snacks from their inventory.

Ha, all four of us have inventory items, Viers was pleased.

The oldest was Izabella, followed by Jaime then Viers. Sakuya was the youngest of the four. Izabella had just turned 21 while Sakuya was close to her 17th birthday.

I was 17… but how long till we got out? Tallying one’s age after spending some time in a place with a time-dilation effect would be a pain...

Jaime was trying to mend things by talking to Izabella and she seemed to be quite tolerant of Jaime’s style so that was good. Whilst Sakuya moved closer to Viers and whispered something.

“Tanael-sama, may I offer an apology to O-hebi-kami-sama, the serpent goddess for offending her Chosen?” Sakuya pleaded softly.

Viers’ expression turned blank for a moment to process what she said.

“Hear that Clarissa? It seems she thought you’re a goddess and I got your divine grace or something,” Viers said telepathically with an amused tone.

“Yep, seems about right to me,” Clarissa chuckled. “I do give you my divine bestowal to you now and then.”

“Sakuya hit the nail on the head,” Farley also let out a giggle.

“Your verdict, O serpent goddess?” Viers teased and Clarissa played along.

“...She forgives your sin. You were forced to do it against your will. But beware… There shall not be another,” Viers whispered back. “And keep this matter a secret, okay?”

“My thanks for the benevolence, kami-sama… and Tanael-sama too,” Sakuya smiled cheerfully.

After their reconciliation, Sakuya called Tanael with ‘sama’ as a sign of respect.

“Alright!” Viers stood up. “The four of us will support each other’s backs so we can all be winners in this Trial of Fire. From now on, our group’s name will be Gloomsiders!”

“Gloomsiders…?” Izabella repeated.

“Yeah, because Darksiders and Undersiders are already taken,” Viers said with a regretful face. Anyway, where I come from, there was a legend about four horsemen that will appear heralding the apocalypse. Friends, I will give you the most fitting epithet.”

Viers turned to Izabella first.

“The first horseman, rider of the white horse, you shall be known as Conquest.”

“Wait a minute, I can't even ride a horse. I use carriages,” Izabella protested but Viers paid her no mind and continued on.

“You want to ‘conquer’, to rise far in an organization for the sake of your sister. This title is most fitting to you. Incidentally, in some versions, Conquest is known as Pestilence,” Viers pointed at her staff.

“You have both,” Viers grinned. “Next is you.”

Jaime was next.

“The second horsemen, rider of the red horse, you shall be known as War.”

Jaime looked pleased and intrigued.

“You have waged ‘war’ against Aravin. Make no mistake, that guy is powerful. But do not sell yourself short,” Viers approached Jaime until their faces were inches away. “You will bring RUIN to Aravin.”

Jaime felt his chest burn with fire. The name really resonated with him.

“The third horsemen, rider of the black horse,” Viers faced Sakuya. She also had that glint anticipation in her eyes, the same as Jaime. “You shall be known as Famine.”

In the prolonged silence, only the sounds of insects and the crackling of burning firewood could be heard.

“...Wait, wait, wait! I don't think that suits me at all. I couldn't start a famine or anything close,” Sakuya panicked. “And Famine? It's scary! Somehow it sounds really unpleasant!”

“I have to agree with her,” Jaime said. “She doesn't have anything linking her with famine.”

“I second it,” Izabella raised her hand.

“Me three,” Viers said. “What? I’m not blind but it’s the only seat that is open,” he shrugged. “Sorry girl. Deal with it.”

“It can't be...” Sakuya looked very dejected. Izabella gave her a shoulder hug to cajole her.

It really can't be helped, Viers also didn't want to make it ‘unfit’ but he already had three out of four.

He had to do this. There might not be another chance.

“Lastly, me. The fourth horsemen, rider of the pale horse, I shall be known as Death… For I carry death with me and that is what I shall give to my enemies.”

In the shadows behind him, the other three saw souls. Men and beasts, hundreds of them. Viers let them take a peek at his Soul Prison, of a swirling space filled with the souls of the dead. At this moment, Viers was emitting a dense aura that put pressure on their souls. This also served as a reminder for them.

He was the head of this group.

Not long after Viers’ display of power, a gigantic fire shadow of a being manifested in the sky. The being was very eye-catching at nighttime despite appearing far away.

Viers’ eyes went wide. His face was one of unfiltered shock.

“Was that a fucking–”

A majestic screech resounded throughout Stage 3.


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