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In a closed, magically secured tent, four people were sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed. Rhythmic breathing, in a peculiar state of mind. In the center of the circle, a white clam was emitting the sound of a waterfall as if it was a bizarre music box.

The magical sound of the waterfall was soothing and calming, making Viers, Izabella, and Jaime smoothly progress in their cultivation meditation.

The fourth member was Kaari. Cultivation was useless to her so she didn't meditate but cast healing Arte on the injured Jaime instead. As an NPC, she didn't seem to be running out of Victa so Viers dumped a lot of Victa usage in daily life to her since Boram was not at his side.

Thanks to the extensive healing Jaime received, his condition was a lot better than before. His hair was still white though. Lifespan lost was not easily replenished. But it looked cool to Viers and Jaime didn't seem to mind.

“Why are you doing this?”

Jaime suddenly asked. Of course, not about the meditation session but about why Viers helped him.

“I’m selfish,” Viers hid nothing. “Killing Aravin is risky, even for me. That is why I’ll help you kill him.”

Aravin was different from Sigma. In his genre-savviness, Viers deemed both of them had MC Factor but unlike the stupid gun boy, Aravin already ‘grew’. His Fable had already progressed for quite some time. Who knew what kind of cheat the guy had inside his body. Since there was already a blade that wanted to stab Aravin, Viers sharpened that instead.

Naturally, Viers wasn't blind that he also had MC Factor.

“Aravin dies, you get your revenge, I fulfilled my objective. Everybody wins.”

Izabella kept meditating as if she’d heard nothing.

“Raising me as an undead after killing me would save you a lot of hassle.”

Viers broke into a smile. That little, confident smile with a touch of daredevilry.

“I am a calm and reasonable person. Don’t I seem like a calm and reasonable person?”

Jaime was surprised that he thought the answer was yes but he didn't answer. Just like he didn't when Viers invited him to the Dark Side that day.

But Jaime didn't refuse either, so Viers took him in.

Well, it’s fine. I’ll take care of the B-O-Y. Everybody that watched Mandalorian knows that armed bounty hunters make excellent nannies.

Viers was an adventurer, a profession not much different from bounty hunting.


“What the heck are you doing here? I said I don't want to see you again!”

Viper Lady was irritated looking at Tanael’s handsome face that was smiling brightly.

Viers wanted to be sure that the counterpart of Jaime’s Arrogant Young Master was indeed a ‘Main Character’. Therefore, he sent fresh meat to bait a reaction from the guy.

“Hahaha, nice to meet you too, Lady.”

Viers told her about Daystar, he who was in the middle of an evil quest of gathering a harem of a hundred girls. The guy had an unceasing appetite for devouring girls' bodies, from petite lolis to mature vixens. From teen virgins to a thousand-year-old elf spinster.

“The guy’s settlement is pretty close to here. Since you’re an all-female settlement, I kindly warn you about him. Luckily for you, Daystar is pretty much cooped up all the time inside his settlement nowadays, making the flag on the top of this tent sway even though there was no wind together with his two beautiful companions: a silver wolf beastfolk and an Estellian Priestess. Who knows who the next victim of his poisonous fang otherwise? Since you’re all nice ladies, I give you a heads-up warning.” Viers paused after a long talk.

“To be able to charm a priestess for polygamy… Quite the guy, don't you think?”

“...Why are you telling me this?” The Lady tightened the grip on her sword.

“Nothing much. Just telling a friend to watch her back.”

“We are not friends. Get. Out.” Viper Lady hissed.

Viers bid them goodbye and returned to the road but he’d achieved his purpose.

I hope Viper Lady interacts with Aravin sometime after this. Looking at their relation I can make sure whether Aravin is a harem MC protagonist or not.

A regular MC is already intolerable but a Harem MC? Viers would have to triple his resolution to kill Aravin.

“Viers, you seem to be picking a fight against someone dangerous to prove this bizzare conviction of yours, wasting a lot of time and effort just to kill a guy who you barely know. What do you even gain from this?” Paina wondered.

“Ah, that’s where you’re wrong, Paina. Every MC is a walking treasure trove. Take Sigma for example. I got the Grid and the gun-creation system, super helpful, and they are only incomplete spoils of war. Who knows what manner of advantages I can gain from Aravin’s cold, dead corpse?”

“What makes you think Jaime will let you gain anything from his kill, Lord Viers?” Farley asked.

“What makes you think Jaime will survive against Aravin, Farley?” Viers asked back.


Blam. Blam.

“Hyah! Hyah!”

Boram was swinging his hammer on a great metal ore thrice his size. Sweat-drenched, tired-faced. More than that, he seemed vexed.

A white horse looked at the little kid with worry but its neck snapped to attention immediately.

“Too far from the settlement, Boram. There were four surveillance methods on you. This place is dangerous.”

A familiar voice entered Boram’s ears.


“Looking good, champ,” Viers greeted back. He was wearing his iron helmet and the rest of Avel’s gear. Wreathed in mist for further obstruction. He caught Boram who was hugging his stomach.

“Master… I’ve disappointed you,” he said sullenly.

Boram experienced many defeats during the Stage 1 until 3. As the Stages went further, the enemies were getting stronger. He only got this far thanks to others, especially Squire. He was bitter about his inadequacy.

“Nonsense. You have done well against these people despite your lack of experience. Very well done. You’re still alive and have grown splendidly. That is more important than your defeats.”

The horse neighed threateningly at the stranger.

“Calm down, horsie. I’ll not harm my own disciple.” Viers put a satchel on the ground. “This is for your master. Please relay my thanks for looking after Boram. And this… is for you, kiddo.”

Viers gave Boram a big bag for Boram, filled with ores, metals, and other precious gems. He also imparted a dozen suitable Artes for the kid that had done his best.

Lastly, Viers gave him an enchanted hammer.

“Skull Basher. The you right now should be able to wield this.”

Taking the hammer, Boram was at a loss for words by the sudden gifts.

“The materials are for your Earthborn Amalgam’s Profound Practice. Learn some of the Artes to complement your fighting style after. To cover what you lack and complement your strengths. Skull Basher is not a super-tier weapon but it is on the same level as my katana, Guren Muramasa. A decent enchanted weapon. Remember, no matter the tools, your own abilities are more important than external equipment. Do not go outside the settlement until Stage 3 is over. You are too much at risk. The things I gave you should keep you busy enough.”

“Yes, Master.” Boram missed the surety given by his master.

“Now this is the most important. If you want to proceed to Stage 4 then you make the decision yourself but no matter what, you cannot die in this trial. I expressly forbid it. If you must give up, give up. If you must lose a hand then lose a hand. Using whatever means necessary, you will not die. Don't care about your pride, don't care about me. Do you understand this?”

“I do, Master.”

“I’ll be watching you. Hidden among the remaining people. But I will not save you if you are in danger. Remember my words, disciple. Avoid the strong and survive at all costs. There’s no training like the real thing. How much stronger are you compared to what you were before the trial?” Viers gave Boram a pat on the head. “Good luck.”

Viers left his disciple yet again. Unnatural mists obscured his form as he walked back.

Alone with the horse, Boram tightly gripped the handle of his new hammer.

Master is really the best. He blew away my worries so easily.

“Come on Baster. Let’s get out of here!” Boram smiled.


Viers -already returned to Tanael’s disguise- was thinking about a certain girl. Among the Artes that he just gave Boram, some were Jarret’s. The brother of Sigma’s ‘heroine’. The recent event made him think of that time long gone.

What happened to the girl and Jarret himself? Jarret died or not? Did Freya get to them? Should I kill the girl because it might turn into a revenge story? But she’s so far away now…

Ideally, Viers would have killed everyone that might possess a grudge against him but it was not always easily done in reality.


On his way back to the Blood Church’s settlement, Viers saw a group of four people. Three NPCs and one player. The player was a girl centaur.

Hohoho, a random encounter. En garde!

Viers pounced upon the centaur, stealthily, intending to assassinate from the shadow but as expected of the participant that survived until this time, the girl somehow found Viers. After the color of her face changed when she saw Tanael, she ran like the wind. Directing the three Level 2 NPCs to obstruct the assailant.

Wise move. But do you think you can get away?

Viers defeated the NPCs and gave chase. The girl was spark shards, his prey. The centaur was fast, only a little bit slower than his ‘normal’ top-speed. It took some time to chase her down.

“Kyaaaa!” The young centauress screamed at the possibility of her death.

“Got you!” Viers said in the tone of Gondar, Dota’s Bounty Hunter as he unleashed his soul Arte.


A heroic youth saved the girl by hitting Viers’ ranged attack with his fist.

“Noble Tiger,” Viers muttered.

“Tanael. You will not harm a single beastfolk under my protection,” Khalmar was furious, fighting intent radiating from his body.

“Khalmar, thank you. I-”

“Windhooves, keep running. This guy… is strong.”

The centaur looked conflicted for a split second before leaving the two men locked in a staring contest.

There were no words, no signal. The two moved at the same time. Their bodies became a blur. Fist against fist!

The leaves rustled as the shockwave went past them after the clash of strength.

“Your barbarity will not harm my people, Tanael!”

“Do you have enough power to protect them from me, princeling?”

“Beastly Blow!”

“Vengeful Spirit!”

The second exchange also created an equal explosion. Then the third, the fourth, until the tenth exchange.

“It’s a draw. Nice meeting you, princeling. We’ll meet again in a grander stage.”

Viers backed away gracefully. Now was not the time to have a full-blown deathmatch with Khalmar, not when he was about to fight another with just as strong as the tiger beastfolk.

Khalmar did not pursue. His senses told him the reinforcement from his settlement were closing in. Khalmar lightly sighed in relief.

Tanael… a troublesome opponent. The rumors about his strength are real. People were right to fear him.


Viers made a circular motion with his shoulder. His skin was blue around that part. Viers and Khalmar suffered minor injuries in the skirmish.

Ouch. He’s strong. What a tough body.

“Tanael! Where were you?”

When Viers got in range of Izaella’s telepathy, he got an urgent call.

“Already nearby. What’s up?”

“The Gardeners are moving earlier than expected. We’re attacking now!”

Viers smiled a wolf’s grin.

“No problem. I’m ready to fight.”

“Good. All of the Blood are mobilizing in one minute,” Izabella informed.

“Time to exterminate a scorpion,” Viers sent back his thoughts.


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