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Before Aletro explained about Stage 3, someone wasn't having a good time.

“Hells and Damnations!”

Green Scorpion, whose real name was Fajrin, threw his drinking glass to the ground, shattering it.

“Fucking Tanael… Now everyone knows I’m a mind user. Gathering information has become significantly harder!” Fajrin was fuming in front of the other four of their little group, the Garden of Perfection.

It didn't take a genius to suspect Tanael spread the rumor to make things hard for him. Fajrin’s mind affinity was only 3, compared to his earth 5 affinity it was way weaker. Now that everyone’s guard was up, gone was his plan to subtly pile advantages without anyone knowing.

Thanks to that, his gains in the earth world weren't as high as he expected and far more troublesome.

Fajrin admitted he’d underestimated Tanael. He made a bad call of trying to probe Tanael without preparation and it had far-reaching consequences.

Despite the setbacks, Fajrin still sat in the top 10. It was proof of his ability.

“Shall we dispatch this thorn in our side during the next stage, Boss Fajrin? Let’s teach this cocky cock a lesson. You are more than a match for him, let alone with us involved,” one underling spoke.

“Oh yes… but there’s no need to get our hands dirty. I already have someone in mind for the job,” Fajrin sneered.

“I suppose Tanael had gathered enough animosity for others to take a swing at him. Most people already want him gone.”

“I was thinking of sending an assassin after him,” Fajrin said.

“Who? Not many can contend with Tanael, let alone kill him.”

“You’ve all seen her. She is the foreigner wearing an exotic garment called a kimono and asked us about Asteyule Herb.”

“Night Bloom?”

“What’s special about her? There’s plenty of other strong people. Besides, why would she listen to our request?”

“Hehehe,” Fajrin wore the devil’s smile while taking out the Asteyule Herb from his storage item. “Since she searched desperately for this medicinal ingredient, it must mean there’s someone she cares about close to death. Besides, you all don't know her origin. I have one more string to pull if she refuses.”


“When you step into the portal, Stage 3 has begun. You’ll be transported randomly around the land. 10 km from your settlement. May fortune be with you.”

People went into the portal of light at their own pace, wearing various expressions.

Viers saw Boram take a deep breath before jumping in. As Boram’s master, he was worried about the kid. Izabella gave a very subtle glance at Viers before going in. He caught Sakuya looking at him before she abruptly ended eye contact, face twisted with agony. As if escaping, Sakuya ran into the portal.

She looks strange. Yare-yare… looks like there will be a troublesome character development with her soon. Oh well. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

“Girls, prepare for battle,” Viers instructed

“Expecting trouble so soon?” Clarissa asked.

“That too. But mainly, if there are other players close to our location, I’ll eat them immediately. They are food for my growth.”

“Spoken like a true powerhouse, Lord Viers,” Farley said.

Viers scoffed. “Call it as it is. A tyrant.”

Wearing a smile, Viers put a foot on the portal of light before bright light blinded him. After so many times, Viers had gotten used to the sensation of spatial transference. A degree of discomfort and disorientation was expected.

What he did not expect was experiencing a 30m drop from the air.

Viers’ reason took control after the initial shock and started to conjure a bed of water 3m thick on his landing area. It was only half done when Viers hit the ground so Viers curled up and strengthened his body using magic before the impact.

The water softened his landing a bit but he was feeling quite sore after the fall. It felt like the motorcycle accident he had a long time ago.

Owww… quite the welcome.

The sky seemed to be spinning and the ground shaking.

...Wait, the ground really is shaking!

The hill not far from his location quaked; he felt a sudden rise in temperature, the puddles of water created after the water landing pad broke were boiling.

This is…!?

Viers ran in the opposite direction two seconds before the hill erupted magma with a deafening roar and loads of smoke.

Viers didn't stint on using his Victa for speed, avoiding volcanic projectiles along the way, from marble-sized pebbles to car-sized boulders.

He ran quite far before feeling he was in the clear. While slightly panting, Viers watched the mini-volcano.

Volcanic eruption from a hill? The surrounding area is flat grassland too… I’m not a geology professor but is this possible?

With the leeway window, Viers scanned his surroundings with Euryale Sight. He saw many weird happenings in the distance. Other than the volcanic eruption, he saw hail, two tornados, two burning forests, a misty valley, and a meteorite falling.

What is this place? A disaster simulator? But first things first.

By climbing to a vantage point and using his eyes that could zoom in like a telescope, Viers saw a human congregation about 10km away.

Just a run-down village by the looks of it. A very run-down village, but at least there are some standing walls and roofs.

The settlement was located beside a red lake. Viers wondered if it was blood.

After finding out the direction where he needed to go, Viers searched for prey.

He’d found one such unfortunate soul.

She was quite ways off and busy running away from a stormcloud. The lightning bolts strangely seemed to be aiming for her head. Viers did not recognize the girl so chances were she was nothing special, a prey.

He ran there like a cheetah in the savannah. Crossing large distances at a speed that put Olympics’ runners to shame thanks to his physical and magical means. After he was close, he invoked an Arte.

Arte - Fade in Shadow.

With the weather in tumult, there were many shadows. Viers’ version of the Arte gave him a moving speed boost besides the invisibility when he was in the dark. Viers gradually closed his distance to the exhausted girl like an invisible grim reaper.

The proverbial reaper’s scythe struck at the young girl’s neck from behind without a sound. The girl felt no pain, let out no scream, and didn't know she was dead when Viers collected her soul.

The girl was pretty, full of youthful vigor, and looked like a kind girl. She must have her own hopes and dreams on her shoulders. Perhaps a loving family was waiting for her return.

Viers robbed the future from a young girl not yet seventeen and had even done so with maximum efficiency. He didn't let sentiment make his hands unsteady.

I have no grudge against you. I kill you because of selfish reasons. A painless death is the least I can do. I won't ask for forgiveness. May you have a better life in your next life.

After a short prayer, Viers took everything the girl had of value, erased proof of his presence as much as possible, and left the scene of the crime like a ghost.

Viers would not kill without reason, that was his aesthetic.

But in other words, if he had cause for the deed or great incentive to, if the gain outweighs the risk, he would murder his fellow man with no hesitation.

His way of walking to the Path of Power’s top was a pragmatic one.

From this vile act, Viers gained about 2500 spark shards and other benefits.

Viers made way to his settlement. He didn't regret what he had done but he didn't make any conversation or joke along the way. He was just silently traversing the terrain while being alert of his surroundings.

Similarly, the girls inside his head were as silent as the grave.


Along the way, Viers encountered an area of sudden sinking sand and a locally fallen acid rain.

He made a water rope and coiled it around a tree to pull himself out from the sinking sand. As for the acid rain, Viers manipulated the sizzling raindrops to form an umbrella. Water and acid were both liquids. Using the Ixi Arte principle, Viers made it through the acidic plains in a straight line. He reached his settlement by late morning.

“Look!” Someone on the lookout pointed at Viers. “The Chief has returned.”


“We’ll be alright now!”

The villagers happily welcomed him. Viers saw the villagers’ age ranged from children to elderly. Their garments were simple and thin. Some villagers were busy raising wooden homes and a few others were in the middle of fishing in the red lake. A couple of children tugged the hem of his clothes playfully before their parents took them away after apologizing. Before long, a person who seemed to be in charge showed up.

“I'm glad for your return, Chief. Come, we have much to discuss.”

Viers raised his brow quizzically.


“Yes, what is it?” She returned the puzzled look.

Kaari was Viers’ personal maid in Stage 1. She was no longer wearing a maid uniform, changing it into something more practical. Her curly blonde hair remained the same though.

“What are you doing here?” Viers asked. “Did the resort go out of business?”

“Resort? I’m afraid I do not understand. I simply followed your order of settling the migrants while you were scouting, sir,” Kaari explained.

“...Situation report.”

Viers had no idea what  Kaari was talking about but he acted as if he was in control.

“Certainly, please follow me to your office. I’ll brief you on the way.” The two went through the swamping villagers.

“As per your instructions, I’ve led the people of our faction on an exodus after the Last City fell to internal troubles. Anarchy ran rampant and there are still many brothers and sisters trapped inside the City. If our settlements grow, they will surely come. But that’s a problem for another day. Our immediate concern is to establish a permanent settlement.”

Kaari led Viers to the center of the village. A flagpole as tall as an adult man with a blue flag was planted there.

“The flag I received from you will help tremendously in our continued survival in this harsh frontier,” Kaari said. “The magical artifact creates a safe area in our immediate surroundings that shielded us against natural disasters. Although, its power isn't almighty nor without limits. If it comes to it, we can move the flag to establish a different settlement in another place. It is a very important artifact. If it is lost or broken, we no longer have a safe zone.”

“The provision of food our people brought will last for only two more days. I’ve raised the settlement in the most ideal location I could find, which is the current location. There are places nearby where we can gather resources for building and food. However, you can choose to move the settlement whenever you wish.”

“I suggest erecting some defensive structures to protect our home before sending parties for resource gathering. That concludes my report. What are your next orders, Chief?” Kaari asked.


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