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“Hey look. There’s another ‘marked’ ruin over there. Must be housing other good things like the one we’ve just entered. Not going to go in, Viers?” Paina pointed out.

“My marks from the two temples are gone. I won't be able to go in.” Viers said.

“Use your space-jumping whale form then,” she suggested. “What use are walls before the power of teleportation?”

“Actually, there are plenty of ways to prevent teleportation. Enchanted walls, space disruptors, anti-teleport magic circles, and so on. Not easy to make or cheap, but it’s there,” Farley said.

“Aletro can prevent Viers teleporting in with a thought if he so wished,” Clarissa chipped in.

“And my transformation isn't free. It cost Victa. The stronger the monster, the greater the price. Then I must turn back to human form, which cost Victa yet again. So no,” Viers put in another hit.

Paina, after the three-hit combo, slunked. “So serious... I wasn't thinking when I said that. Where are you going?”

“You’ll see.”

“Not seeking treasures? We’ve passed by quite a lot while you’re running. This isn't like you, passing opportunities,” Clarissa said.

“If I've still got time left then sure, but this takes precedence.”

“Is it so important… This ‘skinny dipping’ of yours? You aren't actually skinny though…”

Before Viers could answer Paina’s question, Farley cut in.

“Lord Viers, let me out to forage. I’ll bring those treasures to you.”

“No,” Viers’ tone brooked no argument. “This is the place where an evil god is sealed. Who knows what kind of hidden danger lurks here. I won't risk any of you even for ten thousand shards.”

“You really think the Deep Dweller God is real?” Clarissa asked.

“That’s what I want to ask you. This Deep Dweller God, ever heard of him?”

Clarissa shook her head.

“So it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

“Hmn…” Clarissa hummed noncommittally. “This direction… You-”

“Catch on, did you?” Viers smiled. “Here’s the thing. I refuse to leave without any gain from the divine trident!”

Viers stood before the rainbow lake in the middle of the city of Pearl, the very place where he fought Pyke. Under the lake, the stone-turned kraken slumbered.

“You just said it is better to be safe than sorry but now you wanted to take a dip with the evil god? Are you insane?!” Paina jabbed.

“With the Trident. Just look, the lake has become rainbow-colored. Sacred feeling oozing from it. The octopus is definitely suppressed. I’ll leave if there’s a slightest bit of abnormality. Anyway, since I cannot gain the Trident, I’ll absorb its divinity.”

“How do you intend to do that, Lord Viers? Do you have a method to absorb divine essence from something?”

“Not quite, Farley. Mmm, rather than absorb, it might be more accurate to let it rub on me.” Viers disrobed and turned into a red carp.

Rank 0 Tomalica Carp, the first monster form that he absorbed. It was one of the weakest monsters in the world. He used this form when escaping from Freya.

“Angels, be a dear and keep an eye out will you?”

“Sigh, just be careful,” Paina said.

Viers sent his tenants out to keep watch and injected some soul energy into them. Not materialized, but out of the container that was his own body. The girls were very ghost-like, imperceptible without special means. Good scouts.

Without Viers’ Victa and the necessary soul sustenance, they would have fallen into sleep. Normal ghosts were different; they didn't need such things but they gradually lost themselves, becoming malevolent entities. Viers was a major reason the girls maintained their humanity -or lamianity, in Clarissa’s case-.

After laying down some security, Viers concentrated on the matter at hand. Carp-Viers flopped his way into the lake, entering it with a splosh.

Viers had read enough stories where monsters evolved into something great just because they lived in the vicinity of a great treasure so he put that knowledge into use.

A Tomalica Carp swam in the rainbow-colored water of holiness. Viers suffused and basked in the divine energy of the Crystal Trident.

Viers felt like he was being baptized by a saint. He felt the cells of his fish body taking in all the sacredness around him.

HOLY COW…  Is this what god-blessed recreational drugs feel like!?

It must be mentioned that Viers never tried drugs before.

Viers spent the next hours just chilling, enjoying bliss. He felt as if he was drinking pure, distilled happiness.

Two hours after Carp-Viers had started to bathe in the sanctified water.


Viers suddenly shouted in the manner only the girls could hear.

“Hikhh?” Farley flinched.

“Waaah!? Don't startle us like that!” Clarissa was puffing.

“Apologies, I just feel so GREAT!” Viers wiggled his fish body gleefully.

“But are there any side-effects? Are you okay? No corruption from the Deep Dweller God?” Voice of worry came from Paina.

“Thanks for the concern but I'm taking every safety measure available. I can take in the holiness at a much faster rate than this but I’m taking things slow,” Viers said.

“I hope you know what you’re doing,” Paina went back to scouting.

Ten hours after Carp-Viers had started to bathe in the sanctified water.

Oh? I can feel the divine energy absorption starting to slow down.

Eighteen hours after Carp-Viers had started to bathe in the sanctified water.

Yep, the tank is full. Nothing more to be gained here. Damn shame. There’s still so much left but my cup can't hold any more.

Even after Viers successfully munched off some holiness from the sacred object, the Trident’s divinity didn't seem to diminish in the slightest.

Well, my Tomalica Carp is just a Rank 0 monster. How much can I take, really? Still, I’m certain there’s an effect. When my Magicarp evolves to Gyarados, it will be a sea god-blessed divine water dragon! It’s gonna be glorious as hell! Mwuahahahaha!

Viers didn't evolve the Rank 0 carp yet because he wanted to turn it into a dragon and he didn't yet have a draconic monster flesh for it. The strict eating regulation was necessary for the carp’s evolution into a dragon.

“Lord Viers, it seems you have concluded your business. Just in time. You have a guest,” Farley informed.

When Fithel saw Viers, he was in the middle of putting on his clothes with his back on the visitor. Viers already put on the Impersonator mask and became the handsome Tanael instead of the disfigured Viers.

“...Did you just bathe in a lake where a god-like being sleeps?” Fithel squinted his eyes.

“It’s a free city,” Viers simply answered. “Need something?”

“The trial will end in less than an hour. With the short time remaining, I want to invite you and Night Bloom to my table.”

“...’Your table’?”

“A modest gathering to talk. We’ve defeated a formidable enemy side by side. It would be regrettable if we simply separated as strangers.”

“A celebration?” Viers raised his brow. “We might yet fight each other, you know?”

“Perhaps. I’m extending an invitation nonetheless. It would honor me, should you choose to join,” the tall elf said serenely.

“...Do you have meat?”


“Apologies, a human body cannot have that many green extracts in their bodies. It is harmful,” Viers said with a somewhat blue face.

“Intriguing. I’ll dishonor myself and offer you plain water instead.”

Viers just had the most disgusting vegetable juice in his life. It was like the essence of a hundred kilos of spinach was packed into that wooden cup.

Viers almost threw up after two sips.

He took Fithel’s water and gulped it to wash the bad taste in his mouth.

“Ufufu, he’s just joking Fithel-san. Tanael-san, good kids eat their vegetable desuyo~”

Viers looked at Sakuya as if he was slapped. “You are a traitor to the whole human race, unforgivable!”

“Ufufu, then this criminal shall absolve herself with this sashimi. Ice cold thanks to our wonderful host, Fithel-san.”

“Mmmm,” Viers licked his chops after taking a slice. “You are forgiven.”

“Fascinating… Why do humans eat their fish raw? Is there some religious or biological reason for it?” The fifty-year-old elf’s eyes were not joking.

The late-night celebration was more fun than expected.

Viers could spend the remaining time to treasure hunt but how many could he get in that small amount of time? Viers estimated about one to two thousand if he was lucky.

If he attended the party, he might learn more info about Fithel and Sakuya which might be of use should they clash in the future.

A few non-alcoholic drinks later, the talk drifted towards dreams. They were pretty open about it. Fithel wanted to join the Emerald Circle, elven warrior elites, and Sakuya sought a medicine ingredient for her dad. Aletro told her the ingredient definitely exists in the trial but she had to find it.

“That’s what I was about to tell you before we got interrupted with Pyke on the first day of Stage 2. If you stumble upon Asteyule Herb, please trade it with me. I’ll compensate you handsomely.”

Sakuya depicted the appearance and characteristics of the herb to Viers and Fithel. They both promised to keep an eye out.

Among the conversions, Viers’ mind was drifting to the elf friendship token that he got from a certain unfortunate man. He wondered if every elf would become buddy-buddy if Viers showed them that.

Meh, forging relationships is not Tanael’s role. Better leave it to Avel. Besides, I might still have to kill Fithel later. Although, I wish I don't have to. He seems to be a good bloke.

All good things must come to an end, only minutes remained until lights out.

Since I’m a guest, I should show my appreciation.

In the ruin of a breathtaking sunken city, in this soothing moment, Viers wanted to give it a touch of his color.

Of all the money that e'er I had
I spent it in good company

Viers conjured a phantom of a singing woman. Red-haired, clear voice. Fithel and Sakuya set their eyes on her.

And all the harm I've ever done
Alas it was to none but me

Viers shared the song from his past. The other two relaxed and enjoyed the moment.

And all I've done for want of wit
To mem'ry now I can't recall

The song was slow, tender, and gentle. Involuntarily drawing the listener in. Viers approached them, a finger on his mouth. He filled their cups.

So fill to me the parting glass
Good night and joy be to you all

Silently, Viers raised his wooden cup and offered a toast. From the next verse, Paina added the sound of her flute, while Fithel took up a harp. The musicians played matching tunes on the song they’ve never heard before.

As Anne Bonny’s phantom sang the Parting Glass, the three were smiling. Music crossed the barrier of language, race, and world.

The song accompanied them until they were enveloped with light. Their current adventure had ended but the next part of their journey now began.

Chapter 162 - Parting Glass


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