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“Hm, my treasure senses are tingling. Stop by that island, lads.”

Despite the island with the ‘Favor of the Sky’ thingy -a key item for the main quest- that was right in front of his eyes, Viers instructed the crew to make a stop at a nearby island.

“What kind of treasures have you picked up, Lord Viers?” Farley asked. This happened frequently enough during their ship travel.

“I don't know. Even using Euryale Sight I cannot unravel it,” Viers confessed.

“There have been a lot of those things lately,” Paina said.

Alan’s illusion, Izabella’s cat form, the mysterious people that tried to steal Aletro’s book, and many more instances inside the Book World.

“Viers hasn’t mastered Euryale Sight. At full mastery, it is said that nothing less than godly influence is able to escape the sight,” Clarissa defended the greatness of her people’s secret art.

“This is already the most used Arte in my life. HOW do you master it, Rissa?” Viers also didn't like the limitation.

“In the old days, there were methods for it but I wasn’t privy to it. I don't qualified to use that Arte, remember?”

“So what's left is to use it a lot. I have done so already,” Viers sighed. “Let’s go girls, we’re investigating that ridge. The mana is very strange over there. Keep your guard up. The last time we were a little bit careless we got chased by a hundred Reitzes Hornets.”

“That was mostly you, Viers,” Clarissa retorted.

“Hey, it was a team effort!”

Things with power or profundity beyond his grasp would appear like a haze in Viers’ sight. Thankfully, Stage 2 of the Book World was full of natural treasures so what he found were mostly valuable things. If this was in the real world, Viers would not investigate the unknown so readily.

If it’s a natural treasure, usually there is a guardian already munching on its benefits, probably strong monsters too. Also, not all natural treasures are beneficial. There are those with negative effects, such as venomous plants with a wide range of inflictions or cursed objects.

“Can you afford to waste time in a place like this?” Paina asked. “What if other people get the Favor of the Sky while we’re here? We already got stuck inside a cave for one week.”

“Paina, you didn't hear it cause you were sleeping but Crazy Pete said the place can only be entered at a certain time each week. The next opening is tomorrow. We still got time,” Farley said.

“That’s how it is. Let’s keep going,” Viers went while carrying the tenants inside his head. He wanted to keep the illusion that the girls were part of the ghost ship. For an ambush when necessary.

The island had different variations of vegetation like a lush rainforest. Viers climbed a high tree to ‘synchronize a viewpoint’ and observe the surroundings.

“Oh? There’s a ship over there. Looks like we’re not the only people here.”

Viers continued his trek to the ridge through the woods, weeds, and bushes. Collecting minor valuables and fending off small fry monsters.

“Medallion's humming, place of power… gotta be,” Viers said solemnly when he was close.

“Eh? You don't have a medallion. What are you talking about?” Paina asked.

“It is… tradition,” Viers sneered while remembering Gerald of Rivia.

Viers heard it before he could see it. It was a beautiful waterfall in a little hidden paradise.

“Waow… Nice pla-”

Viers dodged and defended against a flurry of water attacks.

This attack… This one is not a nobody.

Just when Viers was about to counterattack, the assailant revealed himself from behind the trees.

“Wait! I mean you no harm.”

The elf?

“You attacked first!”

“Yes, and I truly apologize for that. The spirits were agitated. I thought you were an undead monster,” the tall and thin elf seemed sincere. “Overwhelmed by their emotion, I attacked. I cannot control them very well yet. Forgive me, Tanael.”


The male elf before him had the appearance of by-the-book classic elven. Long blonde hair, pointy ears, fair skin, green eyes, and a beautiful face. Viers picked up that he bore no fear of him.

The majority of the players reeked of it when seeing him but this elf did not. That meant he had the confidence to match him. Viers expected as much from the elf.

Rank 7 white spark holder, Fithel.

Perhaps he got that spirit power recently in Stage 2. Just like I got my reward for being in the top 10.

Fithel gave him a piece of his spark. “Please accept this as a token of apology.”

Viers received 250 shards.

“...Fine. No harm done,” Veirs did not pursue the matter.

“...Truly? I didn't expect such an answer from a man of your… reputation,” Fithel tried to pick any falsehood from Viers. His guard was still up.

“You don't seem to be an easy opponent that I can crush with impunity.”

The elf looked confused. “You treated me differently based on my strength? Would you do the same to your fellow humans?”

“Why not?”

“The elders were right… Humans are a barbaric bunch.”

“Hahahaha!” Viers laughed loudly, amused. “It’s called diplomacy. And your elders are right. We humans are a brutish race. We multiply like pests, fight our own neighbors for selfish gain, suck dry nature's resources without a care, then move to someplace else to repeat the cycle.”

“...You hold such a low-esteem for your own race?” Fithel looked like he was seeing an alien from space.

“Mehhh,” the youth shrugged. “There are decent folks among my kind. Feel free to seek them out. Not to brag or anything but I’m a villain. I represent the bad side of humanity. It would be wise for you to judge the whole human race using me as the standard.”

“...The way of human society confuses me,” the elf said after a long pause.

“Hell, I'm 100% human born and bred but human society still confuses me. I don't think too much about it,” Viers put the matter to an end and changed the topic, looking at the waterfall. “I take it you’re here for this too? What is it?”

“I followed the spirits’ whispers and they led me here. The mystical waterfall gives you… insight. The more secrets you comprehend, the more benefits you’ll gain. I’ve been here for two days.”

“Hmmm… I think I’ll stay,” Viers squinted his eyes at the waterfall. “Do you have objections?”

“Feel free to partake in nature's blessing. It is not my place to object,” Fithel replied with the serenity befitting of an elf.

“Truce then.”

“Truce,” Fithel gave a nod.

Viers and Fithel gave ample space to each other before sitting down and unraveling the waterfall’s uniqueness.

The place Viers chose was a moss-covered rock in the middle of the pond. He was close enough to the waterfall that tiny droplets touched his body now and then.

“Girls, keep an eye on Fithel.”

Viers sharpened his mind and peered on the screen of moving water. He saw shapes and shadows too abstract to make out. It wasn't unclear but his mind had a hard time determining the appearance.


Viers was reminded of the small stream that raised his water mastery that he found before. This waterfall had some resemblance to it.

Arte - Euryale Sight!

The shapes were clearer and started to coalesce. Viers felt like he was on the right track and concentrated harder. It was strange; his mind was unusually calm and sharp.

Moments later, Viers finally pierced the obscuring fog and witnessed the elusive shape’s true form.

It was a pair of snake eyes; green with rainbow hues just like his own. What Viers gazed upon was big, as if there was a giant snake truly looking at him beyond the waterfall’s veil.

I understand!

Everything clicked and Viers woke up from his trance.

“Welcome back,” Clarissa greeted him.

“How long was I out?”

“A bit more than three hours, Lord Viers.”

“That long? It felt like an instant to me. Any changes on our elf?”

“He didn't try anything. Just watching the waterfall, same as you,” Paina answered.

“Good. Clarissa, I think my Euryale Sight-”

“Has evolved, yes. We three felt it.”

“It was… hard to explain,” Viers said. “I think the waterfall gives different results depending on the person. Did you three try?”

“We did but it has no effect on us,” Farley said with a touch of regret.

“Hm, give this… Waterfall of Clear Insight another go.”

The girls were now materialized outside of Viers’ body. They were still ghost-like but they could experience the world more completely compared to watching from the V-Stream.

After fifteen minutes, they informed Viers that it was no good.

“I see. That’s a shame. Alright, Farley and Clarissa, you two explore the island and take valuable treasures you find to me. Me and Paina will stay here.”

“Got it~”

“Count on us.”

Clarissa and Farley went away to do their chore.

“Don’t be reckless. Run away at the first sign of trouble,” Viers warned them. “Now then,” Viers faced the last of the three tenants.

“You keep me by your side because I’m the least trustworthy of the three?”

Paina didn't speak with the venom of hate in her voice, more of resignation and a sense of hurt.

“Don't be ridiculous. I need your expertise. Among us four, you’re the most accomplished in the matters of sound. This waterfall’s sound, does it feel mystical to you?”

“...I, uh… Yeah. W-Waterfall, sound, right...”

The unexpected answer made her awkward. Viers then screenshotted the stupefied-plus-relieved face of Paina to share with her roommates later.

Meanwhile, Viers used his new Euryale Sight to glean more things from the waterfall. It took some time but Paina confirmed Viers’ suspicion; the sound was mystical too. It had a mind-calming effect, perfect for supplementing a meditation session.

“Can you replicate it?” Viers the greedy asked. If he could bring the waterfall with him, he would. “I want to use this as a lullaby.”

“How in the Heavens can I do that?”

“I don't know. Use your flute or something.”

“My flute is better used for smacking you in the head. Don’t ask the impossible!”

“Just try. There’s nothing else to do until they come back.”

A few hours later, the other two girls returned bearing gifts for their landlord.

“Whatcha two up to?” Clarissa felt she missed something fun.

“Sound, huh? No offense to her but I don't think it’s possible for Paina, Lord Viers. This is totally sound affinity Pathseeker territory and she isn't one,” Farley eyed her friend. “Or are you actually dual affinity too?”


“Well, I wouldn't call it impossible. There are rare cases where someone awakened to a new affinity from practice or happening. Usually to the thing they like. Paina is a great musician so there’s hope there,” Clarissa explained.

“Let’s be real. Chances are I’m not gonna be able to do it in one day. Didn't we have somewhere to be tomorrow? Something about sky favor?” Paina said.

“Ehem,” Farley coughed. “Paina can't replicate it but what if we bring the sound with us? Didn't we find a Sound Recording Clam a few days ago?”

Viers’ face turned to stone.

“Viers… did you… turn it to shards? Pfft,” Clarissa couldn't help but feel a bit of schadenfreude.

“It seemed worthless at the time...” Viers sounded defeated, a rare occurrence for him.

“Haah,” Farley lightly sighed. “Good thing I found another just now. Lady luck has blessed you, Lord Viers. Although, I don't know if the sound recording will retain-”

Farley was caught unaware by the big hug and a kiss on the forehead.

“That’s my girl! Whoohoo!”

While Viers was preparing the clam to steal the waterfall’s sound, the girls huddled together for a little gossip.

“How is it? The kiss of a boy? Was it your first? You can tell your best friend, or as Viers calls it, BFF. There’s no secret between us, right?” Paina shot first.

“Farley~ Why is your face red? Have you gained a body because of a kiss? Is this the power of love in the stories?” Clarissa loosed a second arrow.

“Cough, cough… It’s the weather.”


Fithel had met a peculiar human.

The nature spirits were very afraid of the human. They warned him that the human carried death with him. It was like the instinct of shooting a frenzied tiger coming straight at you. Thankfully, Fithel regained control before the fight had gotten worse. He might not be afraid of this Tanael but he certainly wasn't looking forward to fighting him either.

And indeed the human was drenched in the smell of death. But this one could be reasoned with so they stayed out of each other’s way.

Tanael’s talent might be above Fithel’s own. It only took him a few hours to reap the waterfall’s benefits. Fithel needed twice as long.

When he saw Tanael summoned the three dead spirits, Fithel wondered if he was actually a lich.

However, Fithel sensed something very odd in the human. A presence similar to the Sacred Tree back home. It was faint but he was sure of it.

The world is wide. I would never have known if I never left the Grove.


Fithel opened his eyes from the call. Tanael was standing nearby and tossed him an apple.

“I’m leaving first. Your objective is the Favor of the Sky too, isn't it? Don't forget it’s tomorrow. Long-lived races like yours often forget appointments by months, sometimes, years.”

“Your reminder is appreciated but I’ve only passed fifty springs, still young. I’m not yet like the elders that trivialized the passage of time,” Fithel said.

“Hah! There are fifty-year-old humans with grandkids you know. But I also know a fifty-year-old green baby. Hehehe, he got you beat, ‘youngster’. See ya around.”

After Tanael left, Fithel observed the apple five times to make sure he didn't miss anything before he took a bite.

“...A bit sweet.”


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